
Epic Mickey 2 to Extend the Original in a Cooperative and Musical Direction

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is again set in an alternate world of forgotten Disney characters and theme park attractions. However, unlike the first Epic Mickey both Mickey and Oswald are partnering together. Mickey’s magical paint brush combines with Oswald’s electricity to offer new puzzles and interactions. This suggests some sort of co-operative play modes that the first game lacked.


Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two - Wonderful Co-Op Hamstrung by Aging Tech

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is one of the greatest co-op platformers ever made, and can still be played on modern consoles & PCs.


10 Best Disney Games Ever Made, Ranked

Despite Walt Disney's mixed history with video games, these games embody the magic of Disney the best.

When you think of Disney and video games, the first image that comes to your head could be a variety of things. Perhaps it's Kingdom Hearts, which remains one of the best Square Enix games due in little part to Disney’s influence.

Otherwise, it could be a classic game, since Disney has been mostly absent from the gaming world lately, save for some mobile ventures. Whether it be a nostalgic adventure with classic characters or a movie tie-in that makes an impression, let’s dust off Disney’s videogame legacy and find those quality standouts.

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gold_drake422d ago

listen .. Donald Duck in Maui Mallard
and World of illusion are the best disney games.


9 Classic Disney Games That Deserve the Aladdin & Lion King Treatment

With the news of Aladdin and Lion King re-releasing, we got to think about nine other games we'd love to see get the same treatment.

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-Foxtrot1722d ago

They just need a huge Disney collection to be honest

PhoenixUp1722d ago

Why are you making an article that amounts to the Disney Afternoon Collection? More classic Disney games should be handled like Mickey Castle of Illusion or Ducktales

Inzo1721d ago

Darkwing Duck & Chip and Dale absolutely.

Relientk771721d ago

Quackshot and Gargoyles

They need to bring back the Gargoyles cartoon or do something with that amazing IP

AnubisG1721d ago

The Lion King and Aladdin treatment? No, that id not a trestment. That is a lazy cashgrab. They should have remade those two like DuckTales was remade.