
Should Kingdom Hearts Be Rebooted?

Kingdom Hearts has always been one of the weirdest series in gaming. Who would have thought that a game about Disney and Final Fantasy characters could grab such a large and devoted audience? Nine games later the story seems to have gotten out of hand and convoluted. The editors of VGutopia ask the question, Should Kingdom Hearts be Rebooted?

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Knightofelemia4426d ago

Yes do an HD remake of both games and work on KH3 and actual sequel to the game.

iamtehpwn4426d ago

Yeah, KH3. we should finish the triology before we talk about things like "Reboots" haha.

iChii4425d ago

Exactly. How can people think about HD remakes before they actually make a third one? Sure I'd love KH 1 & 2 for PS3 with Trophies and stuff, but FINISH THE TRILOGY ALREADY.

4425d ago
parasit34425d ago

I agree dude. That would be a rad one, especially when they had made a gay MMO called Toontoon. And there was this cool MMO that people loved called Virtual Magical Kingdom (VMK) by Disney- later to be shutdown and discontinued. Anyway, a Kingdom Hearts MMO would be a cool concept just like how the Final Fantasy XIV MMO is.

Rainstorm814425d ago

Exactly Bring on the HD remakes of ! & 2 then give us a full console KH3 the fans have waited long enough.....LEAVE THE HANDHELDS ALONE!.....for now at least

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4425d ago
Snookies124426d ago

Agreed, no way in hell should the story be rebooted. It's intriguing and captivating, and I definitely need to know how the Xehanort saga ends at least. Besides, it's going to be something else entirely after 3 ends as stated by Nomura. In terms of storyline at least haha.

-Mika-4426d ago

Disagree. The kh story is just everywhere. It really confusing and it just needs a fresh start.

Snookies124426d ago

It's confusing, yes... But to those who DO understand it, and have taken time out to really delve in and research what's going on. It does in fact make sense, and things are really tightly woven. You just have to do some leg work to really figure out what's going on, as it's not really spelled out in the games (yet).

PshycoNinja4426d ago


I'm sorry but I disagree completely with every opinion you have ever had on this site. It seems like you just like going against every popular opinion on here.

Kingdom Hearts story is one of the best if you actually play the freaking games. I want them to actually finish the saga before they try anything.

Really nobody should care about the opinion of the person who thinks that XIII and XIII-2 are the best games made by Square this gen. Cut the crap dude. You're a troll and know it.

Kingdom Hearts should not be rebooted. This saga is almost over. It would be a total misstep by Nomura and Square the reboot their second most profitable game franchise.

DA_SHREDDER4425d ago

whoooaaahh whoaaaah, hold on here, you guys actually get into the story? Hahahahaha! Yeah the game was good, until they released the game on handhelds( which to me just didn't feel like a real KH game), even despite having a E for everyone story, the combat, and some of the characters fit well. I hope KH3 comes out and at least lives up to the first two.

rezzah4425d ago

Yea we do shredder,

because unlike you, there are people who can handle not being spoon fed everything in life.

Yes the story is confusing, but that made it attractive, not annoying.

We sought after the story online in parts that did not make sense, and we found what we were looking for.

Was it satisfying and made us enjoy the series even further than before? Yes.

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Shivan4426d ago

this has to be the stupidest article

Shivan4426d ago

because rebooting any rpg series if the story is already well developed is silly

this isnt some action game

VanillaBear4426d ago (Edited 4426d ago )

They should of stuck to one platform for the spin offs

I think they should of waited for the PSP to come out when they did Chain of Memories and then continued them onto the PSV

Although my biggest problem with the franchise is that the spin offs are scattered around platforms....from DS to mobile to the PSP and then the 3DS it's silly. I mean Dream Drop Distances ending continues onto KH3, a PS3 game, meaning you HAVE to play it to understand KH3 story.

When Chain of Memories came out people were confused with KH2 story, I had to watch the cutscenes on line and read about it which then made me enjoy KH2 much more and that was just one spin off.....since KH2 we've had a ton of spin offs and it's going to be hard to understand KH3 story when it does come out. I hope they do HD versions of all the spin off games after KH2 for a special HD collection just before KH3 comes out

-Mika-4426d ago

I agree. The fanboys going to disagree but it started on the PS platform. It should finish on it. So all the side titles and main titles should be on the PS platform.

jmobley4426d ago

I also think it should just stick to the PS platform. i'd like a vita centric spin off series with a whole new character and maybe just a few references to the older games.

Young_ART4426d ago

I don't feel that it should be rebooted, but I think they need to get with the times, and create a massive multiplayer online game of Kingdom Hearts.

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Kingdom Hearts Is Too Hard To Get Into

Trying to break into Kingdom Hearts is a nightmare.

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wwinterj121d ago

Play the first game. That is a simple enough story to get into the series.

Crows90121d ago

Was going to say the same. It's really not hard to get into.

Hofstaderman121d ago

My advice; play the games in release order. Alot of people say story chronological order but that can be really confusing. Trust me.

Inverno121d ago

Read the manga, story makes more sense there.

-Gespenst-121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

I think a problem that SE is going to run into (or already has run into) with this series is that a lot of the people still following it were kids / teens when they played the first one, and are now much older. I know I'm finding it increasingly hard to tolerate the childishness of some of the stuff in these games, and I'm sure there are plenty of original players who have since just stopped following the series for this reason. I can't count the number of times I was playing KH3 and just feeling like, "What the f*** am I doing?"

SE can keep the series PG-13, and try to get a new audience of kids, but how do they intend to get kids into a series with a story that has been expanding since 2002, and over the course of like a dozen games? Especially when there are already loads of newer franchises out there that have already pretty much cornered the kids / teens market.

Honestly, I think they should either end the series once and for all, or take it in a more mature direction, and ditch the Disney stuff (I know, unpopular opinion, probably). It is a series that hasn't really grown with its audience, I feel. Alternatively, they could try to steer it in a more all-ages Studio Ghibli direction, sort of like Final Fantasy.

banger88121d ago

I felt this way with KH3 as well, ended up dropping it around half way through. I won't even bother with KH4.

CS7120d ago

Same here. Kingdom Hearts 3’s dialog was way to childish for me and I only played just to finish the story and wrap up the near 15 year wait.

I doubt I would be buying any other games unless they go in a more mature (all-ages) direction as OP said.

jambola120d ago

It doesn't help with Sora's loud stretched out constant yelling either

smashman98121d ago

you gotta remember Disney has to sign off on everything they do with KH. Disney is super protective of their IP,

Either way I don't disagree with you on a lot of this stuff becoming more and more of an issue. But it's okay that fans grow out of things like this. But if they do decide to keep it more for the young audience then they will have to solve the problem that the article mentions.

-Gespenst-120d ago

Yeah, I just don't know what they could do to get all the kids invested in it at this stage. The only thing I can think of is a total reboot, but that would be an enormous project, and they clearly have no intention of doing it. I mean, the series has just embarked upon another "saga", which, if it's anything like the last "saga", will take another 2 decades to complete, will consist of 6+ games, and will convolute the overall narrative even further (if that's even possible). It seems to me that, if this is SE's plan, and if they want people to still care about the series in 5-6 years time, then their only real option is to try to appeal more to a non-adolescent audience. Otherwise, the kids won't care because they won't have a clue what's going on, and the adults won't care because the series is too childish.

Having said all that, the Yozora stuff, and the footage we've seen from KH4, does seem to MAYBE indicate that the series is going in the direction I'm talking about, but it's too early to say for sure. KH4 might look completely different the next time we see it, knowing SE.

Crows90121d ago

Kingdom hearts 3 is horrible ..that's why you felt that way. It's the worst in the series by far.

FinalFantasyFanatic121d ago

My issue is with the decline of the writing which has been an issue for Square-Enix games across the board. KH3 should have gone out with a bang and felt very satisfying, but instead it was like a wet tissue and left feeling like I missed a lot of content. Having said that, KH3 was probably the last KH game I'll purchase.

Rainbowcookie120d ago

Im playing 3 as my first one and I got that same feeling. Enjoying the variety and combat but im not into the story...too confusing.

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GoodGuy09121d ago

Indeed. If you wanna give it a try, just go with 1-3. The other games are unfortunately needed to know but you can just youtube all the cutscenes by order of release of each game.

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8 Best Games Set In A Multiverse

One of the biggest TV and movie tropes in the last decade has been the multiverse, the idea of exploring multiple dimensions to uncover alternate versions of existing ideas. From both a business and creative perspective, it makes sense why established franchises are shaking things up in this way.

However, there aren't many video games latching on to this trend, as rendering multiple worlds in real-time is a difficult feat and the medium is relatively young in comparison to its contemporaries, making crossover opportunities more difficult. Still, there are a few great titles that manage enough to overcome these challenges, and here are some of the best examples.

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Christopher300d ago

While I love someone mentioning Planescape, not really multiverse. Planes and dimensions, yes. But, they are typically their own locations and are very rarely tied to another 'verse' let alone another plane. The only things that are directly tied are the ethereal and material planes. Otherwise, they are dimensions created of their own design and goals by the creator/owner and not comprised of 'their own version of another dimension'.


Final Fantasy XVI Combat Owes A Lot To Kingdom Hearts Staff

NP: “When I played through Final Fantasy XVI, I occasionally found what I believed to be evident Kingdom Hearts gameplay inspirations that I’d rather not detail here due to spoilers. Still, with it having been previously confirmed that Kingdom Hearts staff was working on this title, the notion wasn’t all that surprising.

However, I didn’t realize how truly instrumental Kingdom Hearts team members were in developing Final Fantasy XVI. After digging through the title’s credits, I found crucial Kingdom Hearts development staff who played significant roles in ensuring the combat design excelled.”

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304d ago