
Criterion defends Burnout demo

Criterion's Alex Ward has responded to feedback on the recent Burnout Paradise demo defending certain elements that have come under fire.

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killer_trap5971d ago

i'm not sure why is he defending it. i liked it and everyone i know liked it. i had more fun with the demo than a lot of fully released games. but then again i always had a soft spot for the Burnout series.

Korosuke5971d ago

I can understand the people who compain to lack of retry function. I feel the same. But I definitely buy this.

There are plenty challenges you haven't beaten yet, maybe it's okay. You failed the challenge then you could go near intersection and try another challenge instead of going back to the restart point of the challenge you failed. But you are the one who beat the challenges one by one steadily or when you almost complete the challenges and there are few challenges left in the game. You have to go back to the restart point taking a couple of minutes.
Burnout has no loadin of ten or so seconds it's sweet I think but you have to drive back taking a couple of minutes if you want to retry the event.
I guess many reviews will point this out as negative point.

Jeff Gerstmann's blog address thie.

Anyway, this topic is duplicated.

power of Green 5971d ago (Edited 5971d ago )

Hated it played it twice and I deleted the demo.

Don't know if its the game itself or the type of racing genre it is that seems silly to me now.

Love the three shades of Blue/Green and the driverless cars, NOT!.

The game is kinda UGlyAaaaa looking graphiclly.

nix5971d ago (Edited 5971d ago )

the driverless car was the first thing that shocked me.

sadly doesn't even look or feel like the usual Burnout. i hate chasing "events". i hated in NFS series too. did EA have a hand in it?

but the online was fun! no slowdown.

i played mine on PS3 so... i have no complains on graphics or online slowdowns. q:

and no "Retry" button...? that was a shocker too...

mesh15971d ago

agree the game is soooo bad it does not deserve the crazy hype its seems everything that involves the ps3 has so mad hype its like all ps3 owners that buy games which are few lerk the net ,just like HAZE the game is nothing special

nix5971d ago

i don't think you visited the site links i gave you last time. here they are again...

and WTF are you talking about...? POG has a problem with graphics... i have no issues with the graphics so i guess 360 version has some problem, eh?

and stop gurgling!

sketchy2k5971d ago

I downloaded the Paradise demo for both consoles and thought it was great on both. Ok, it's not what could be considered a serious racing sim but hell, it's an arcade racer. Does being able to see the driver add to the arcade experience? i think not! And as for issues with graphics i trust you downloaded the paradise demo and not the 'Burnout Revenge' demo; as, unless you are used to uber high end PC gaming you're not going to find a racing game of this nature with graphics as competantly put together. PS3 is indeed a little more polished but then they have developed it on that platform as the lead, hold on, perhaps this is why POG has slammed it so hard....a betrayer to MSFT?! I don't care, it's great on both systems and it is what it is, a fun arcade-style (albeit with better, not totally real, physics. Good on you Criterion, i'm looking forward to it.

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name5971d ago

I preordered burnout as well as Haze. Unless I pick up a PS2 game for my PS3, Burnout should be my first purchase of 08. I haven't checked the PC/psp lineup though so that might change. I needed burnout though. I've been playing motorstorm all through 07 and I forgot what it feels like to drive on actual pavement.

killer_trap5971d ago

i liked motor storm until i got to those level 4 challenges, specially the final ones. i can't believe how cheap the AI gets at those levels. it's like their main objective is not winning the race, it's not making you win the race. cheap ba$terds.

hazbaz5971d ago

When they try doing the same old thing, poeple complain.
When they try doing something different, poeple complain.
It's like damned if you do, damned if you don't.
People need to stop whining like b_ches and accept change. Change is good, especially this one. Looking forward for the full release.

IamTheStorm815971d ago

I'm a long-time Burnout fan and I'm looking forward to Paradise, but I must admit I don't really care for this defensive stance from the Burnout team regarding the reception the demo got.

I understand they wanted to make the game a certain way, their way, but they have to understand that they did away with a few things lots of people want and they are very "pssh, deal with it" about it, which is going to turn off a lot of people.

After all, the people who they are dismissing are the ones that are going to buy Burnout Paradise (the consumers in general) so the Paradise team needs to stop being so dismissive towards people, listen to the responses, and address them accordingly.

Obviously we don't have the full game yet, but a demo is meant to give you a taste of the game, it just so happens that some people weren't happy with certain aspects. Instead of acting so defensive, why not talk to the community in a little more professional, productive manner?

I can't wait for Paradise, but I can't help but think that response was a little...harsh, for lack of a better word.

Great demo of what is sure to be a great game, but still, don't be so dismissive.

perseus5971d ago (Edited 5971d ago )

you can stop being so sensitive. It's their game, and if you don't like it, you can buy a different game.

If another game doesn't exist which has the features you are looking for, learn how to code and design your own.

That's how this thing called the "free market" works. They have no obligation whatsoever to you as a previous purchaser of Burnout. They are making the game they want to make, and hope that you will like it too. That's it.

Edit: And I don't understand what you thought was "harsh".

IamTheStorm815971d ago (Edited 5971d ago )

Perhaps you should stop playing games and take the time to learn how to read. In doing so, you would see that I said I liked the demo and I'm going to buy the game. What I said was that they were so quick to dismiss the concerns of demos users with "that's how we wanted to make it".

Again, I said nothing bad about the game and I never once said I wasn't going to buy it. Please, take my advice and learn how to read. It will help you out in life and perhaps prevent you from acting like a jerk when it's not warranted. I said nothing that warranted you jumping down my throat so back off with your comments.

perseus5971d ago

Sheesh. Take an internet-break, dude. You're even being too sensitive to me. I say that you're too sensitive, and therefore I am too stupid to read? Obviously you didn't read past my first sentence.

I said that you were too sensitive, I never suggested that you didn't like the game.

You said, "I must admit I don't really care for this defensive stance from the Burnout team regarding the reception the demo got."

And I suggested that if you think that their stance was defensive, that you're too sensitive. There was nothing defensive about it. They basically said, "Like or leave it. And it's awsesome."

You said, "I can't help but think that response was a little...harsh, for lack of a better word."

Great, so you agree that "harsh" is probably too strong, but you used it anyway.

What was harsh about them saying the truth?

"Look, we have a new game, and we know that some old fans aren't going to like it. We think that it's f*cking awesome, and if you don't like it, sorry, but you're wrong."

Nothing harsh there.

IamTheStorm815971d ago

Take an internet break? Hmm, you said:

"Stop being so sensitive. It's their game, and if you don't like it, you can buy a different game"?

How about:

"If another game doesn't exist which has the features you are looking for, learn how to code and design your own".

Are you still unable to see how that comes off as rude?

The words you wrote don't match your explanation of them. Your words were rude, plain and simple.

Saying I'm too sensitive is pretty lame, seeing as all I was saying is that the Burnout team was basically saying "take it or leave it", which I found to be too dismissive of their customer's thoughts on the game. They could have talked about things in a more civilized manner, instead they basically said, "tough sh!t". I'm not being too sensitive in thinking there's a better way for them to handle their paying customer's comments. The consumer, after all, is the one buying the game so the consumer's thoughts shouldn't be met with "take it or leave it" responses, but rather with an open mind. Good developers constantly monitor what the community says about the game and adjusts accordingly via patches. The Burnout team basically said, "tough sh!t". I just don't find that to be a good way to handle the comments of your paying customers.

And, yes, the Burnout team does have an obligation to it's fan base. It's fan base is the one who supported them and their game over the years and it's their fan base that they need to take care of. The Burnout team is free to make whatever they want, hell, I encourage it because they make great games, but they still should listen to their fans, especially their long-time Burnout fans. That doesn't mean they shouldn't take chances, change things up, or do 'this' or 'that', but they still need to take their fan base and their comments into consideration when making a game and most certainly when communicating with us.

I never even said that I agreed with the comments about this demo being poor, quite the contrary. I thought the demo was great but if you re-read your initial comments to me you can see why it would piss me off. Your comments were rude, even if you didn't mean them to be. I will admit that sometimes things get lost in text VS verbal words, obviously, because text is more blunt and to the point, and my apologies if I took them out of context, but you must admit that in reading your comments they were definitely a bit strong.

Before this goes on and on, clogging up the site, lets just stop and agree to disagree, hence putting this little tiff to rest.

Good day to you.

perseus5971d ago

You're right, let's each stop arguing about what the other has said, and start arguing about the developers. I still don't understand.

>>"If another game doesn't exist which has the features you are looking for, >>learn how to code and design your own".

>Are you still unable to see how that comes off as rude?

Seriously, I don't see why. That's not rude to me, it's just honest. "We think you're all stupid, ugly, and you smell like beans" is rude.

"The consumer, after all, is the one buying the game so the consumer's thoughts shouldn't be met with "take it or leave it" responses, but rather with an open mind."

I disagree. People are pretty stupid, especially the ones judging the game without having played it.

"Good developers constantly monitor what the community says about the game and adjusts accordingly via patches. The Burnout team basically said, "tough sh!t"."

Yes. After the game has been released. The Burnout team said, "Wait until you've played it before you make judgement on it."

Which, to me, is just common sense.

"And, yes, the Burnout team does have an obligation to it's fan base. It's fan base is the one who supported them and their game over the years and it's their fan base that they need to take care of."

No, I'm sorry, but they don't. They have a job to make good games. There's nothing peronal about it. There is no obligation to anyone except their employers. If they make a bad game, they will be fired.

"They still need to take their fan base and their comments into consideration when making a game and most certainly when communicating with us."

No they don't. It is polite to listen to other people, but they don't have to take anything into consideration. It's their game, not yours (plural you).

"Your comments were rude, even if you didn't mean them to be."

Here is why our argument can't ever finish. I don't think that what I said ( or what the Burnout guys said) was rude, it was just direct.

Ureval5971d ago

Wow Perseus.

Youre a moron.

perseus5971d ago (Edited 5971d ago )

"Youre a moron"?

Hmmmm. Ironically, you are helping my argument here.

Disagree as much as you like. I know that people will think I'm wrong on this, because it's a sensitive issue to gamers.

I think that most gamers are spoiled, greedy, semi-illiterate and eternally pubescent, so I understand why they think that the world should revolve around them and their opinions, but I think they're wrong.

(See the "Nintendo has betrayed real gamers!!!" idiocy for further proof of what I'm saying.)

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How Burnout Paradise bucked the trend and made open-world racing irresistible

Met with derision from existing Burnout-series fans at the time, Burnout Paradise remains arguably the greatest open-world racing game of all time. Here's why.

SullysCigar366d ago

I don't know why - and I know I'm probably on my own here - but I liked Takedown more. I think it was just 'different' enough to feel fresh. I also loved the destruction.

On that note, a new Motorstorm would be nice! All that mud, dust and car pieces flying everywhere blew my mind on PS3 - imagine what they could do now.

NJShadow366d ago

I loved Burnout Paradise, but Burnout 3: Takedown will always be the best game in the series, for me. Burnout 3 is arguably the most fun game ever made, with the greatest licensed soundtrack ever.

EazyC366d ago

I played through the remaster quite recently. It's not as good as I remember, but I think a lot of that is because the "open world" thing was still pretty fresh back then.

I do think there's a gap in the market for a game like Burnout. With the new gen they could really make car damage a huge selling point again.

BrainSyphoned366d ago

Paradise gave me open world burnout before I knew it was a thing.


Burnout paradise remastered and original are my favorite, i got the platinum trophy for both games the nighthawk is my favorite car

Einhander1971366d ago

Personally don't give a shit for open world racers. Give me a new Motorstorm, Split second, Outrun.

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Ranking The Burnout Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: The Burnout series has plenty of great games to play, but which one is definitively the best? We're here to rank them all.

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waverider1016d ago

I think the crash mode should comeback. Tryng to make the most damage was very cool.

camel_toad1016d ago

That mode was so damn fun. Couldn't believe it when they ditched it.

Flewid6381015d ago (Edited 1015d ago )


Flewid6381015d ago (Edited 1015d ago )

Yeah that made for a good time.

Rebel_Scum1016d ago

Burnout 2 should be above 3 imo. The aftertouch takedown mechanic slowed down the gameplay too much in 3.

Flewid6381015d ago

That's the mechanic that made me enjoy Burnout 3 over the others. It wasn't until they introduced it that I considered the series any good.

Chocoburger1016d ago

I love Takedown, Revenge, and Paradise. Dominator was okay, but it clearly felt like a B-tier game.

After playing those awesome games, I went back to try out part 1 and it was rough. I didn't like the controls (whereas the others felt perfect to me), the elevator music was generic and not enjoyable to listen to.

Finally the game's difficulty was extremely high. I could beat all single player races in Takedown, Revenge, Paradise, Dominator, but could not get first place in the very first race for the first Burnout game. It demands perfection and one slight mistake is all it takes to lose. I have yet to play part 2, but I'm hoping it's more like part 3 than part 1.

ChasterMies1016d ago

Burnout Takedown is my favorite racing game of all time. My wife was addicted to crash mode.

Xenial1015d ago

As soon as I saw Burnout 3: Takedown at #1, I knew the list was legit. lol


EA, It's Time To Bring Back The Burnout Series

No more Need For Speed, it's time to bring back Burnout.

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1145d ago Replies(6)
Marcello1145d ago

Its long long overdue but the problem is its just not a big money spinner. Thats why EA ditched it. Alex Ward has gone his own way with Three Fields Entertainment & made Dangerous Driving but its very low budget.

LucasRuinedChildhood1144d ago

Each game gets closer and closer to being good. It's kind of painful how close they are. haha. I hope Dangerous Driving 2 being open world isn't too ambitious for them and it's a polished, fun 7.5-8/10.

roadkillers1144d ago

Maybe not, but if a quality title in the reigns released now days...People do pay more attention to reviews comparitively

BrainSyphoned1144d ago

Burnout with real life car mechanic costs sounds about right if you want EA to go for it.

isarai1144d ago

Here's the thing, EA is sitting on so many great IPs i would like to return, but at the same thing i feel like modern EA would find a way to ruin it. Besides Respawn, EA hasn't dropped anything good for almost 2 generations IMO.

LucasRuinedChildhood1144d ago

"almost 2 generations" What? Are you talking about the PS3 and the 360?

I agree with the general sentiment that their catalogue of games since the PS4/XB1 has been comparatively terrible to what they used to do though.

andy851144d ago

Absolutely loved these games back in the day. Paradise was good too but didn't quite have the feel of the old games

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