
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition Review (Gamerlive.tv)

How does Namco's long-running franchise fare in the third dimension? Not bad, actually.

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Video: Under appreciated 3DS Games

The 3DS has an extensive library of games, but due to the consoles low sales initially, a lot of great games flew under the radar of most gamers. Fear not though, as Shawn Long of Nintendo Enthusiast takes a look at some under appreciated 3DS releases from the earlier years of it’s life that you should be sure to check out. Whether you enjoy a good platformer, fighting game, or 3D adventure, there should be something for every 3DS owner to consider in this video.

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ModernSamuraiJay3616d ago

Good choices. I didn't know the 3DS version of Sonic Gen had different levels than the console versions.


StreetPass London – Round up

HelenBaby writes : "Last Sunday saw the premier get-together of StreetPass Uk’s latest meetup group, 3DSBlessed’s very own StreetPass London! Taking place at the Royal Festival Hall, this event was attended by no less than 24 attendees willing to come on down and get their 3DS on for the day.

StreetPass London co-founders Max Maslen and Tareq Ashry hosted a popular Mario Kart tournament, where top prizes were a Pikachu and Birdo plush, with runners up nabbing Moshi Monsters 3DS kits and Monster Hunter badges. In the end the Pikachu plushie went to a young attendee called Kieran, and Birdo to Suz (an old friend of the 3DSBlessed crew). Congratulations to all our winners!"

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Nintendo 3DS: Most Disappointing Video Games

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Over the past several months, we've played some real gems for Nintendo's 3DS, from the recently released New Super Mario Bros. 2 to Kid Icarus: Uprising. Other games, unfortunately, fell short of personal expectations. On that note, we listed the most disappointing 3DS titles.

Venoxn4g4308d ago

I disagree with:

Heroes of ruin (yea patch is needed,but it is not dissapointing game)
Sonic generations (sure console versions are better,but game is still good)
Dream trigger (graphics may be bad, but when you get into it, it's sooo addicting game with achievements, should be bought for a price it is now)

timothylittle4308d ago

Totally agree with Steel Diver and Madden. Both were way overrated.