
Street Fighter X Tekken Vita characters will cost £16 on consoles

Controversial on-disc content priced at 1600 MSP, $20

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Old McGroin4430d ago

Wow. Each to his own but the phrase "A fool and his money are soon parted" springs to mind.

waltyftm4430d ago

There has to be a Law against this, if they are already on the disc and you bought the disc, they should be yours too, as you have paid for them already.

Old McGroin4430d ago

100% agreed. I thought the COD map packs were bad at 1200 MSPoints; 1600 MSPoints for a few characters in a fighting game that are already physically on the disc you have paid for is ridiculous, shameful and disrespectful to gamers everywhere.

And to people who will no doubt defend Capcom, wake up. Their pathetic excuse of wanting to save people's hard drive space by putting the "DLC" on the disc is a sham and this unbelievable price price proves it. $20? That's about 1/3 of the full price of the disc!

I'm a massive fan of Monster Hunter and Resident Evil but I'm seriously considering avoiding all future Capcom games now.

Rainstorm814430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

I want RE6 but I think ill wait for RE6:gold edition the following year.

With ¢ap¢om (yep cause they nickel and dime gamers) you must wait for the definitive version.

I might get SFxTK on vita as it seems to be the only full version of the game

Boody-Bandit4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

I dislike nearly any and all DLC. I am of the opinion that most of it should be free but this is the way of the industry now. Capcom's inclusion of DLC (to them it means disc locked content) happened before SFxT. They did this with previous versions of their games as well.

DLC appears to be here to stay.
As far as their pricing $20 for 12 characters? It's a lot cheaper than what Neatherealm studios charged for their DLC characters and Namco is now charging per character on SCV. <- Both wanting $5 per character unless you opted for the season pass with MK.

No one is better or worse than the other. The only thing Capcom did, I feel, is find a way to do it even more cost effective on their end by locking it on the disc. I would bet it's cheaper than fees that would ensue from MS and Sony to have it on XBl and PSN. So yeah they are most likely flat out BSin about hard drive space when in actuality it's probably saving them coin and hassles with PSN & XBL.

I just hope the media starts going after all the devs and publishers and not just focus on one or two of them. If we all started taking a stance maybe these greedy companies...... Ah who am I kidding? They will never change. It's only going to get worse.

From horse armor to now colors for existing costumes. Pretty soon they will start selling us sections of single player campaigns.

Perjoss4430d ago

What ever happened to the good old days where you buy a fighting game with a nice big roster of characters and that was it. Companies scream about piracy but at the same time they are shafting everyone with incomplete games that can be 'completed' by buying all the DLC.

Think about how much respect Capcom would gain if they announced their next big fighter would come with all characters and there would be no DLC.

If they really want to milk us why not focus on creating some really cool statues, art books or maybe a cool line of clothing and then market the hell out of those so they sell well.

pyramidxboy4430d ago

Maybe u need to file a claim with the FTC.

Titanz4430d ago

Some companies use DLC as a way to ensure that if their product doesn't sell, it won't affect their capitals.

I'm not agreeing with them, just stating the reason behind it.

Omnislash4430d ago

Capcom were caught red handed, the characters are complete and 100% usable, its not like were even going to download these characters. See I can understand planned DLC for characters they could not add in time for launch day, but not these characters. These characters are completed and ON THE DISC! What Capcom is doing is being greedy, there is no reason for them to hold back 12 characters and make us pay for them later that is just absurd. Not to mention that 5 of those characters are copy/paste from Street fighter 4, Capcom just wants easy money and unfortunately they probably will get it since it looks like there is nothing we can do to combat this.

The only upside of all this, is that maybe there will be real DLC characters in the future, characters Capcom will actually work on and sell to us. these characters however, should be free, we paid 60-70 dollars for a full game and everything in it.

ChrisGTR14430d ago

its capcom we all knew they were going to do some shady shit judging from their greedy past. so what can we do? speak with our money, i didnt buy MvC3 or this i wont even buy RE6 till the ultimate edition is out

peeps4429d ago


why would there be a law against it... these characters are indeed on the disc but when your paying your £40 or whatever on the game, it in no way advertises that you are getting these characters....

people will disagree with me here but it's just common sense. Just because something is on a disc does not mean you own it unless they advertise it as such

LastDance4429d ago

Paying for DLC only makes sense if the devs worked POST release of the game.

Obviously if you have devs working after the release, you need to pay them.

This is not the case. They are simply locking content away.

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Simon_Brezhnev4430d ago

Yeah your right i didnt buy this game yet and dont plan 2. The last Capcom game i buy will be Dragon's Dogma and i will not buy any DLC for it.

Optical_Matrix4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

I've already got 36 hours out of this game, lord knows how many I'll get out of it over the next few months, especially when I get more time. Paying £50 for the Limited Edition, plus the money I'll pay for the characters doesn't personally phase me...and I'm no fool, I can assure you.

For me, certain fighting games are worth the price of DLC. I got over 1000 hours out of Super Street Fighter IV. And I paid £25 + £12 for the Arcade Edition Patch. Thats worthit in my eyes. I always look at value when it comes to games.

I'm sure a lot of the people badmouthing Capcoms practises didn't intend to buy the game in the first place, nor planned to put in as many hours. So, each to their own. While I don't condone Capcoms practices, I have the money, so I'll do what I want with it.

Also it's not a 'few characters' in a 'fighting game'. Thats when I know you don't play fighting games nor care about this game for that matter.

Rainstorm814430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

Wrong is wrong no matter how you twist it.....On Disc DLC is essentially making gamers buy content twice.

No matter the genre or the hours spent playing the game this practice is WRONG... and when gamers support it, it only makes it worse

and yes im a big fan of Capcom fighting games and plug hours into their games (I beat SF2 turbo on SNES on 8 stars just to see the secret artwork) but i can not and will not support these types of shenanigans

DeleteThisxx4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

Precisely. These people complaining are the ones who don't really take this game seriously, they don't understand the core mechanics, they just play it casually. I'm like you, I will most definitely get value out of spending the extra cash. Sure, I don't approve of Capcom doing this but I know damn well I'm going to get value out of that 20 dollars spent.

Stay free whiners ;)



Simon_Brezhnev4430d ago

Dont give me that crap about we're not a fan of fighting games so we wouldnt know. I know a lot about fighting game mechanics and Blazblue has more than SF series. Either way DLC on disc is wrong no matter how you try to spin it.

Capcom probably have the most delusional fans. I bet your the same people that buy every costume and brag about it.

TheBlackSmoke4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

You need guys need to get a job or something.

If he's still playing the game by the time autumn comes along then he's already got hundreds if not thousands of hours out of this so called incomplete game and £16 is nothing to expand his game and make it last longer.

And what does it matter if the DLC is on the disk or sitting on capcoms server? Your complaining about a game you dont own in the first place.



Your acting like like Capcom are the first company to do on disk DLC. The fact is, it is irrelevant if the DLC is on the disk or stored elsewhere, it still cost money to make under a separate DLC budget, so why shouldn't they make money from it?.

If the characters were announced and then taken away then you would all have a point but the fact is they were never advertised to be a part of the game, you just decided that your entitled to them because you know about their existance.

The game as it is has plenty of content and is indeed a full game in its own right that nobody would argue if the dlc never existed. You guys are simply calling others sheep and belittling them because you have no interest yourself in the game.

For people like me and Optical_matrix we are getting our value for money from this game and I know by the end of the year I would have put more hours in to this than all the games I played this year combined. In the end £16 to freshen it all up is nothing when you put in to context the amount of money gamers spend on every full price 6 hour campaign game each month.

Why should I not buy something I want just because people who dont give a shit about it have a problem with it?

Kyosuke_Sanada4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

@ Blacksmoke

The problem is that when people feed money to Capcom for going crap like this then all companies are going to start doing the same thing. Check out how fast the online pass tactic spread amongst the other publishers after it's invention.......

True gamers are warning other uninformed consumers how much they are being raped if they encourage this while the diehards says it's okay because EA/Capcom are wearing rubbers....

eferreira4430d ago

Im picking up the dlc. It's priced right and the game is complete with a huge roster already. People seem to think that their entitled to everything.

Perjoss4430d ago

So with your logic, if I take a game seriously it is perfectly ok to fleece me for stuff that not only fits on the disc, but is already on it. Is that what you're saying?

dredgewalker4430d ago

I will never pay for content THAT IS ALREADY ON THE DISC. This type of move must never ever be supported if you have any self respect as a consumer.

nik666uk4429d ago

U sure sound like a fool

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4430d ago
farhad2k84430d ago

Why do people hate on CoD DLC when there's shit like this going on?

Hozi4429d ago

The only real DLC I will gladly support is stuff like a full flegded expansion pack ie: Morrowind's Bloodmoon and Tribunal comes to mind and Oblivion's Shivering Isles. I will not pay so much money for crap like that.

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Snookies124430d ago

Ahhh Capcom... Little rascals, want every dollar they can get from people. I like to imagine Capcom as two people who work together, one goes out and robs a person, while the other comes in to rescue that very same person for reward money. That way they get double the profit! Lol!

Old McGroin4430d ago

When you think about it Capcom have been pulling this sort of thing since back in the Megadrive/SNES days with Streetfighter. First they brought out Streetfighter 2 World Warriors which had 8 characters to pick from and four boss characters "already on the disc" but not selectable. Then they released Streetfighter 2 Turbo which was the exact same game except you could pick the four bosses. Then they released Super Streetfighter 2 which, again was the exact same game with another 4 characters added to the roster. So by that stage anyone who was keeping up with Streetfighter had paid the price of an extra 2 full games for 8 extra characters! Think there was a Super Streetfighter 2 Turbo then.
So by that standard Capcom aren't half as money grabbing as they used to be with Streetfighter, we just didn't notice back then because we were just kids. Now that Capcom's fans have grown up and realised the value of money and more specifically the importance of value for money there is a growing resentment towards their money grabbing ways.

Megaman_nerd4430d ago

Back in the day it was only SF but now they are doing these shenanigan stuff with all their games.

Blaze7184430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

i can agree with you and we also have to remember the technology back then, releasing multi. street fighters was necessary for genesis/snes due to the limited space of cartridges at the time. As for now they have all the space they need to have a complete game, what confuses us is, its already a complete game but we have to pay extra to unlock the full complete game? that just don't sit well on us

killerhog4430d ago

Back in the day, there werent patches we could download to our console. They has no choice to release iterations back then. But maybe capcom was doing it on purpose back then too, who knows.

Skateboard4430d ago

I'm not buying this game or its DLC.

LackTrue4K4430d ago

Mortal Kombat is better anyways....

Rolento4430d ago

How is it better? MK charged you $20 to get only 4 DLC characters ($15 if you bought the discount/season pass; this discount was delayed on PS3 until all characters were released). Not only that but the people who bought the characters early on couldn't even use them online if other people didn't download the optional patch for them.

Meanwhile, SFxTK gives you 12 characters for $20 and since they're on the disc you don't have to rely on someone else downloading a patch for you to use the characters you bought against them.

You buy the game based off of the content that the developers show. You don't choose to buy the game based off of the DLC that it may have in the future. Anyone who buys the game would be buying it for what was advertised by the devs when it was first coming out, not what was hidden from them. You own the game, not the data.

LackTrue4K4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

What the hell you babbling about??? charging this and that for DLC?!? I got MK for 45 at gamestop used. they gave me an online code.(never intended to play it online) And only bot Freddy Kugar in the online store. I liked MK more better game play,(for me!) what was hard to under stand about that?! P.S. i have SFvTK......its ok. Love using Tekken's Yoshimitsu.

"don't tell me that Tampon fans have became so blind that you look at the DLC, before you decide on getting a game???"

Ravenor4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )


Defensive statements like "I liked MK more better game play,(for me!)" when you opened with "Mortal Kombat is better anyways..." Make no sense and not even talking about your spelling and sentence structure just make you look like an idiot. Your opening comment offered no context or reason for existing other then to let us know what your irrelevant opinion is. In a discussion about DLC is Rolento really going to assume you're discussing the gameplay?

Day by day, this place gets worse.

LackTrue4K4430d ago

lol....all you had to do is call me an idiot. no need to make alot of hot air. :)

Show all comments (92)

Street Fighter X Tekken May Be Purchasable On Steam Soon

Or it's about to leave the storefront like another Capcom title.

Darkegg109d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


Street Fighter X Tekken - A Look Back at the Franchise's Biggest Misfire

With Street Fighter 6 now upon us, it's time to look back at some classic Street Fighter titles, beginning with Street Fighter X Tekken.

boing1331d ago

It was a cool gamble imo. In reality, everyone were waiting for Namco version, Tekken X Street Fighter.

Ryuha1234h331d ago

I don’t know. I enjoyed this game. I thought it was a great crossover.

TricksterArrow331d ago (Edited 331d ago )

Yep, played very little of it, but from what I played, it was serviceable enough. Could've been better? Yes, but then again, you can say that about pretty much anything.

maniacmayhem331d ago

What killed this game was their planned reliance on GaaS with the whole gem system. It made little sense and made the game extremely unbalanced. Not to mention the unbalance of most of the characters, especially on the Tekken side

Sgt_Slaughter331d ago

Ahhh the game that Capcom had DLC on the disc on release yet you had to pay to unlock it


Street Fighter & Tekken - A Mash-Up Not Meant for Greatness

VGChartz's Daniel Parker: "Tekken and Street Fighter - two giants of the head-to-head fighting genre. A clashing of decades-old titans that was once thought to be a dream matchup that would never happen. It ignited a flame of excitement that quickly fizzled out and became a cautionary tale for game developers."

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bacrec11298d ago

The inclusion of gems ruined it from the start.