
A Public Relations Insight into the Bioware-Mass Effect Endings Debacle

User atghunter provides great insight into the back-and-forth PR-mess that are the Mass Effect 3 endings.

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ArchangelMike4440d ago

What am I missing. I loved the end of ME3, it meant so much to (my) Shepherd, and was one of the most emotional experiences I have had in any video game.

Yeah, there were not 16 different endings to choose from, but it did not matter. Yeah we don't know what going on in the rest of the galaxy, but again it doesn't matter.

What matters is the EPIC Journey Shepherd had, and I was very happy to be a part of that story.

Thanks Bioware.

justpassinggas4439d ago

Correction: it does not matter TO YOU. Big difference. To many of us, we fell in love with the Mass Effect universe. We fell in love with our squad mates. We identified with Shepard as an extension of ourselves.

lsujester4439d ago

I certainly did, and then was a little angry at what seems to be a set up of Mass Effect 4 or at least a DLC end of the story. I saw the last citadel part as a indoctrination attempt, and him waking up in that London street where he was hit by the Harbinger beam.

Seems that kid is the same one you've been seeing the whole time, so is in Shepherd's head only. Which makes the last part entirely in Shepherd's head.

If it's not, that means the relays blew, obliterating everything. And that makes him being alive even more of a plot hole, and three games worth of sacrifice totally irrelevant.

I see why people are so mad.

bigrob9044439d ago

I'm thinking maybe you didn't really follow the story to well. i could be the fact that you didn't notice how none of the choices you made even mattered. for instance the star child claims that synthetics and organics can't live in piece, they will destroy each other. this could have been disputed that claim if you would have had a dialogue wheel. they strip you of that when you could have told the star child about how the geth are now peaceful and the fact that EDI is dating a human. also the fact that his explanation makes no sense. so in order to stop the synthetic we create from destroying us, he uses the reapers, which are synthetics, to wipe out all intelligent life leaving only very primitive forms just to do it all over again. tell me how much sense that makes. then you get the endings which are basically identical, just through slightly different means. such as a different color blast, or you destroying, controlling, or becoming part synthetic yourself. but the point is, it's all the same. the end makes all of the choices you have made throughout the game pointless.

004439d ago

That epic journey is completely ruined because of the ending and it's nonsense.(and I can't get me 700 hours back)

ArchangelMike4439d ago

The thing is, the indoctrination theory is a nice little bridge with which Bioware can tag a "proper ending". But let me ask all you rabid fanboys a question. What happens when their new ending doesn't meet your personal expectations. Then what?

You can only go so far with someone elses artistic licence. Don't forget - Bioware owes you nothing!

lsujester4438d ago

I don't mind it not meeting expectations, I would just like an ending, period. Happy,sad, I don't care.. I just want to know what is going on in that universe.

Just give me a general sense of what happened, and I'll be okay with it.

PooEgg4439d ago

The reason I did not like the ending is that it didn't wrap anything up properly. You are left wondering what actually happened to all the people you have enjoyed this journey with. Perhaps this was intentional, and BioWare plans to tell the story with DLC, but if that is the case and they intentionally left it as a cliff hanger for that reason it is BS, since we have been told all along that ME3 is the ending of Shephard's story.

Aside from my feelings on the ending, I still think ME3 was excellent. I am replaying it, which shows that I don't hate the game, but I have to say that each time a character makes a comment like.... "when this is all over, let's have a drink" I just shake my head and wonder if that character lived, died, or what, and that makes me a bit annoyed.

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susanto12284439d ago

Archangelmike selfish much??? So I guess we can just ignore the outcry from all the disgruntled Fans of the series over the ending, the hundreds of POSTS from disgruntled fans in the Bioware Social Forums, the submittal to the BBB from fans on the ending of Mass Effect 3, the horrible reviews on Metacritic and Amazon of Mass Effect just because YOU LIKED THE ENDING....wow...

ArchangelMike4439d ago (Edited 4439d ago )

susanto... it was my experience, I can't comment on your, or any other persons experience... so yeah maybe I'm selfish. But it was my money, and my time that I spent, so I guess I'm entitled.

All I'm trying to say is that the sum of ME3's parts is greater than it's ending. The ending is not perfect by any means, but I don't think it deserves this rabid outcry from the fanboys.

PooEgg4439d ago (Edited 4439d ago )

@Archangelmike - I don't think it makes you selfish at all.

The sad side of this controversy is that fans on both sides are attacking each other. Fans who liked the ending (or at least didn't hate it) are calling the fans who are complaining whiners. And fans who hated the ending are attacking anyone who defends it. Both reactions are unfair in my opinion. But it just goes to show you how emotional people can get over a game like Mass Effect.

joab7774439d ago

I wish the evil corporations would all disappear and the srtists could just make the games. Then they could make all the decisions. Oh wait, they'd spend 99% of their time begging for money, pushing production into decades as a time cycle etc. It may b a faux olive branch, but it's still done to appease the fans.

And, maybe i did actually miss it, but did bioware promise us that we would have a choice in how it all ended? Or did they say that there would be multiple endings based on our choices?

Personally, i think it's philosophically brilliant to say that we have many choices that determine our own personal journey but that, ultimately, we have no say in how it ends, like many different paths will always lead to the same conclusion. It reminds me of the matrix, which i loved. The cycle continued over and over until someone sacrificed themselves. It's a reflection of the millions of journeys that occurred in previous cycles that always ended up the same. It actually gets quite deep.

Anyway, have we become so damned entitled that we are now pissed off at the company that gave us the game that allowed us to make choices that carried over? I know that there are theories that it isn't the original ending, but a quick hack job because of a leak. What if someone actually wanted it this way, wanted his game to end on his terms? What if this actually was an art winning over corporate for once? Well, we will fix that. We will guarantee by forcing a new ending that art never wins again, that corporate always gets the final word. U must assume that if corporate made the decision regarding the ending that it would have offered all endings pleasing as many people as possible. But, this isn't what happened. An obvious risk was taken. So let's slay them.

004439d ago

In reality there was one ending with three colors and if the DLC rumor is true I just paid for an incomplete game.

joab7774438d ago

I do agree that if they purposely made a terrible ending in order to make a better one for money, that would be terrible. Do u really think that's what happened? Is their no possible way it could be the way it is for a reason?

I can't get over the fact that even if it is the worst ending ever, that people are calling for a new ending. It only proves how great it is that so many people care so damn much. Steady with this game i feel as though i got more than my moneys worth. Many games are not worth $60 & no one is calling for thirty heads.

I think it has alot to do with previous actions by EA that foster these ideas that there must be a conspiracy. Everyone has an opinion and while i agree that rpgs are not what they used to be, i don't agree that they are not good. Read the article about rpgs before and after 1995. Remember, corporations are businesses. They put alot of people to work, people who make a good living. Unfortunately, companies are not looking to make niche games that sell 100000 copies. There are drawbacks, but there are real life benefits too. And, indie companies and smaller companies are still makimg great games too. It is an entitlement mindset and one that is a testamnet to how great this franchise is.

I do agree that dragon age 2 missed the mark. It was still better than many games and I'll bet 3 gets back to what made it great. It won't matter, though, because bioware is doomed in the public arena.

justpassinggas4439d ago

Bioware did say the following (in fact, some of these promises can still be seen on their Mass Effect website as taglines and slogans):
1. Multiple different endings
2. Choices matter and affect the game so the endings are tailored to your specific character
3. A sense of closure to the trilogy

Sorry, but it is not entitlement. What was promised was drastically different from what was delivered. And this is not the first time it has happened. Bioware churned out another turd which was Dragon Age 2. It is most likely EA's doing, which is forcing Bioware to stick to specific schedules. The last decent RPG Bioware made was Dragon Age and it was a good one because its development schedule was made by Bioware, not EA.

CyrusLemont4439d ago

I returned my copy of Mass Effect 3 with so much anger, the game itself actually missed the sense of being lost in a galaxy. There was no real immersion and the cheesy dialogue did not add to it.

The ending really grinded my gears but at the same time I actually saw it coming when I found out that EA and Bioware had partnered and I know that people will say that they had a different relationship with EA and Bioware had a LOT of creative control but when you get partnered with a company like that, it's only natural that your thought process changes and you think for the "masses" rather than delivering an awesome sci-fi game with deeper gameplay mechanics and a more complex world. Hence the inclusion of multiplayer and a more streamlined action RPG gameplay style.

The game felt really backwards in terms of lore as well, there was only one main hub world and you would just go and do missions on planets, that really made a hole in their game, one of the things I loved about ME was the mako and how you could drive around a planet (despite the slap on textures), just the ability to do so and get out of the vehicle and just stare at the stars, that was true immersion.

And now the ending, after countless hours of playing through the first two, they missed the home run in this definitely. Could they not have made a tonne of different endings, they had the money and resources, they could of chucked the last 3-4 hours on a third disc so that everyone's ending could be different and based on the choices they made throughout the previous installments. I guess I'm just saying what's already been said.

I can't really complain, I finished and got my money back but it still saddens me to see what was one of my favorite game companies lose themselves to a greedy corporation like EA.

isa_scout4439d ago

Great article.Great read. I completely and utterly hated all the endings, but I do not hate Bioware or EA. Everyone's human and everyone makes mistakes. In fact everyone hating on EA needs to think of all the great games they've published this generation like battlefield,Dead Space,and yes even Mass Effect 3. It was only the last 10 minutes that was horrible. Of course EA is only in it for the money their a publisher who makes money off videogames its quite simple, you have a company you make money off that company or there is no point in owning said company. I truly believe it was Bioware that dropped the ball this time,but as long as their willing to do the right thing by their consumers I will continue to buy their games in the future. HOLD THE LINE

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Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai1d 5h ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga20h ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

ravens521d ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_19h ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

KwietStorm_BLM19h ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

mudakoshaka3h ago

Nerds think they are Gods when they are making video games.

NotoriousWhiz1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_19h ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

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EA to Spend Billions Boosting Share Prices After Mass Layoffs

EA has announced it will engage in a shareholder-pleasing share buyback program just a couple of months after mass layoffs at the studio.

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Yi-Long4d ago

Well, anything to make those shareholders happy, I guess. They're all that matters in this industry nowadays.

badboyz094d ago (Edited 4d ago )

EA stocks haven't been profitable in over 5yrs. They better hope Take-two don't get the FIFA license lol.


BioWare Could be Working on More than Just Dragon Age Dreadwolf and Mass Effect 4

Earlier this year, BioWare was hit with layoffs as part of a downsizing of parent company Electronic Arts, but fans have been reassured that the next Mass Effect game hasn’t been impacted. Likewise, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s development is still churning along, with BioWare putting it at the forefront of its focus and rumors suggesting that it could launch sometime later this year. Fans might be getting another look at the long-in-development Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at the Summer Game Fest in June.

If the recently posted job offering for a temporary development manager is any indication, BioWare could have yet another surprise up its sleeve for when Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are nearing completion. This mystery BioWare video game could truly be anything, from another spin-off of its two major properties to something entirely new. All there is to go on at the moment is a vague mention in the job posting, and it might still be some time before BioWare is ready to confirm any new games in its pipeline.

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just_looken41d ago

So a studio that spent years on anthem then this dragon age thing is now also working on another ip along with mass effect,

You think they would be worried that there brand has been on 3 major screw ups

Dragon age 3 launched broken with the frostbite engine yes its a good game but you can see in the late game how rough it was


Mass effect 4 well that dev team was fired so yeah.....

They should make sure this new dragon age is a goat instead of putting more work on the table

bababooiy41d ago

Bioware today is like 150 poeple i dont see how they are seemingly working on all these projects at the same time.

Michiel198940d ago

Inquisition wasn't broken, it just had some flaws and on the contrary it also had some strengths. If you call inquisition a major screw up then idk what to say.

That said with what happened to the study since then and now, I'm not really confident that their next game will be any good.

just_looken40d ago

If you played it fully to get plat like me back in its novemeber launch window you had that castle with empty area's endgame missions not there or working and a mp that was made around loot box grind like the mass effect mp.

Its hard to explain to those that played it years later after they tossed out the dlc/patch's

Michiel198940d ago

entitled much? I played it at launch too. Why you even platted it if it was a "major screw up"?
It was good enough for you to sink 100 hours in but also a complete fuckup at the same time, make up your mind.
So either you like shitty games or you're just talking out of your ass.

RaidenBlack40d ago

Well just wanna say, Archetype Entertainment is the new BioWare, composed of mainly ex-BioWare vets.
And they're developing Exodus (starring Matthew McConaughey), a new sci-fi RPG (spiritual successor to Mass Effect, dare I say?)

CantThinkOfAUsername41d ago

I hope it's a single player game with Anthem's gameplay mechanics.

Becuzisaid41d ago

They're owned by EA. What makes you think that they wouldn't publish for PS5? Shoot, if your fridge could connect to your bank account EA would try to release it for that if they could!

Double_O_Revan41d ago

How about they focus on those games and not over extend themselves? We don't need another Anthem.

Becuzisaid41d ago

Bioware died after Inquisition (some would even argue after ME3). They are no longer the same company.

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