
Free2Play Together

One of my friends lives very far away. We keep in touch by playing Free2Play games together. Do you and a few friends want to play something different but the plethora of sub par options out there tends to squash the temptation to stray from your CoDs and WoWs?
Here are a few suggested titles you may want to try.

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ATi_Elite4445d ago

Black Prophecy is pretty fun! Sorta like Eve Online but No grinding No steep learning curve, no super hard strategy, More action!

ryandebraal4444d ago

by saying "No grinding" your telling me that you haven't progressed past the tutorial missions (which is like 10 hrs of gameplay long)


DCUO Development Update - August 2023

If you do not read this whole update, here's what you need to know:

* Episode 46 is Justice League Dark Cursed
* PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X launch this holiday season

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MMOs In 2021 Retrospective: Console Edition

WTMG's Thomas Medina: "As far as I’m concerned, console MMOs have always been in a weird place. PC is where the main game is most popular. MMOs were born there, work best there, and have the vast majority of titles. Mobile is then next in line, with touchscreens and portability that adds something new while functioning well. Console gaming, on the other hand, is not portable (for the most part). Plus, it uses a controller, which is not the best instrument when your control scheme requires a thousand buttons and a cursor. That being said, there is an audience, and where there’s money to be made, publishers find a way. So here we are with some of the biggest console MMO games and how I feel they handled 2021. "

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Best Superhero Video Games Available Right Now

From Xfire: "A lot of video games are designed to make players feel like a superhero. However, very few actually feature superheroes or have players take on the role of a superhero. What makes this even worse is that there are even fewer superhero video games that can be considered good."