
Phantasy Star Online 2 Makes the Vita's 3G Worth It

Phantasy Star Online 2 has been announced for Vita and just recently some info broke about this version. Sega announced that players will be able to play the game via Wi-Fi and 3G, although they mention that 3G will connect a bit differently.

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NukaCola4465d ago

3G connects differently?

I assume you would still play online but your stats only would be transferring in real time and not actually playing together do to the cap of data. (BTW it's not Sony who mandates the cap it was collectively on the provider...and 3G is not fast to transfer data that can play online like this)

Either which way PSO was awesome and I am excited to see how this version plays out.

FriedGoat4464d ago (Edited 4464d ago )

I don't understand everyone saying 3g is not fast enough, Its PLENTY fast enough. I used to play quakeworld on a 33.6k Modem and 3g is much faster.
i used to play quake 2 on a 56k modem, and then I finally got ISDN which was about 64k but you could use dual phonelines to get 128k. 64k gave me about an 80 ping in quake 3 before broadband came through. 3G is fast enough to play games online.


The Best MMORPGS That Aren’t World of Warcraft

Some WoW-like MMORPGs are better than others. Here's a curated list that offers a wide variety of games that let you play with other people but have something unique to offer.

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Jiub873d ago

WoW is a mess and it will continue to be a mess. Still, the less-developed MMOs are going to have trouble gaining a fan base because they lack content right now. Even if people do flock to FF14 or BDO, they'll go back to WoW if they fix enough features or give players a shred of hope.


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SeTTriP1028d ago

Didn't know people still played this game

Jiub1028d ago

Fewer people for certain but still a lot of people.

gleepot1028d ago

Nah, I'll keep playing the game with the millions of other people. The writing on the wall says "game is not dead" even though people have claimed it is for 15 years.

Jiub1028d ago

I'd guess that people are going to filter out but then come back for the next expac when the turmoil is over. I do worry about content delays, though.


Does Phantasy Star Online 2 Have Cross-Platform Play?

With the release of a global server, this MMORPG is available on PC and Xbox. However, does Phantasy Star Online 2 have cross-platform play?

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Daeloki1077d ago

Here, let me save you the click: "Yes, Phantasy Star Online 2 does support cross-platform play between Xbox One and PC"