
Will Kara From Quantic Dream Open Up Possibilities In The Video Game Industry?

Ian Fisher writes: With Kara wowing quite a few folks and even the most jaded of gamers I began to wonder if we’re finally on the verge of seeing a renaissance in which game developers put the scope of action on the back burner in favor of getting all emotional, perhaps finally giving us more experiences in which a video game will make us cry.

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4447d ago Replies(1)
ArchangelMike4447d ago

Naa... the FPS will always reign as King. Emo games have come and gone, yet we gamers still always gravitate to the instant action of the FPS, and TPS games.

While David cage is very innovative, and is making great strides in moving the industry forward; he would have a bigger impact if he used the tech within an estabilsed genre.

CGI-Quality4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

That's exactly why he DOESN'T apply his innovations to an established genre, and I'm thankful that he doesn't. He wants to create new experiences, we need more of that.

The question isn't whether or not Kara will rewrite the rules, but rather will something like Kara open up new possibilities in the industry. The answer is yes.

kaveti66164446d ago

I think if you're looking for new experiences you should do a little more research rather than assume that Quantic Dream is going to save the day. There are a multitude of games out there that you don't know about because your attention is held by marketing for major games.

QuodEratDemonstrandm4446d ago

The last FPS I played was Doom, unless you count Portal 2. The first TPS I played was Red Faction Guerilla.
I know I always gravitate to KILL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT.

Give me stealth or kill me.

wallis4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

No we do not gravitate towards anything. I enjoy story telling in my games as much if not more than the action element. If you keep acting like you're an idiot who only enjoys bang bang then the publishers will treat you like one. Companies will get shut down for not getting high enough metacritic scores (Obsidian), games will ship with day 1 DLC (mass effect), they'll start to reuse assets (CoD), make you pay for what you've been getting for free all along (map packs) and take perfectly good tactical games and ruin them by turning them into the same bang bang crap we're all too heavily laiden with as it is (syndicate).

In the same way transformers sells millions that doesn't mean movies like Black Swan, The Artist or The King's Speech aren't making progress. Yeah sure bang bang sells well but so did anti-semitism in 1938. What sells the most is rarely King of anything other than the whim of the public and that's a bit like being King of the stupidest part of the stupidest people in the stupidest way possible because, seriously, there is a LOT of stupidity in this world and look out because it's got disposable income.

ArchangelMike4446d ago

"...and look out because it's got disposable income."

Well you hit the hammer right on the nail there. At the end of the day publishers and dev's will invest more heavily on what sells. Shick horrow, consumers also spend their money on what sells. I know, mind blowing stuff.

If Heavy Rain was an RPG, with the same/similar game mechanics, I'm sure it would have sold more copies.

MysticStrummer4446d ago

It's too early to ask the question. Wait and see how the game turns out and how it's received, both critically and commercially. Then you'll know the answer.

"Emo games have come and gone, yet we gamers still always gravitate to the instant action of the FPS, and TPS games."

I agree that action games of all kinds will continue to dominate the sales charts, but there will always be emo games and people like Cage that want to make a different kind of experience for gamers to enjoy.

mantisimo4446d ago

I agree Mystic most of my favourite games are niche "Indie" games. That offer different experiences and tell a story well, (sometimes non verbally)

(please don't call them emo I may have to hide in my black bedroom and grow some raven coloured hair.)

The only mainstream games I like a lot are the Uncharted series, Batman and a few others definitely not Cod.

Godmars2904446d ago

Don't we actually need to see a game based on the ideals suggested?

And if such a game is being made so late in the PS3's life, one that opens new levels of development on the system, what does that say about this gen? That its taken 5-6 years for it to begin to realize its potential?

Nicaragua4446d ago

Jeez its just a tech demo, why everyone is making out like its something new and magical is beyond me.

mantisimo4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

Because it's beautiful and provocative and has piqued peoples interest with something more unusual than a Peow, peow.

That's without the graphical fidelity included.

Nicaragua4446d ago

i dont think its provocative at all, i think its pretty standard sci-fi fodder which has been done many times before in Blade Runner, I Robot, Ai and numerous others.

I also think the whole concept is a bit of a rip off from the music video for "All is full of Love" by Bjork.


So im happy that it gives you a big provocative bonk on but to me its just a tech demo and so i'll retain my semen until i see some actual gameplay.

mantisimo4446d ago


I'm pleased you are retaining your love juice for some gameplay.

I think you will end up with gonads the size of milk cartons.

That would be uncomfortable and a shame.

It is only a demo after all and we were highlighting how in the mundane day to day boredom of modern FPS gaming this could be the start of a stand out title.

Sadly no "bonk" on for me provocative or other wise but enjoy your time with your love juice and whatever shlt games float your individualistic sorry generic Jlzz boat.

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Quantic Dream to Present 'Hands-On' Opportunities at PAX East 2024

Quantic Dream are set to offering hands-on opportunities at PAX East 2024, but which game it will be has not yet been revealed.

CrimsonWing6990d ago

Hopefully, that Star Wars one they were working on…


Quantic Dream Announces New Publishing Label Spotlight

Quantic Dream has announced a new publishing label, Spotlight, following the reveal of debut title Under the Waves.

sadraiden342d ago

Interesting to see how this works out for them. QD have had a very lucrative partnership with Sony. David Cage is a household name among Playstation owners, and he might not have been if QD stuck with Atari as their publisher. Now they're launching Spotlight so they can circumvent Sony exclusivity? I imagine this isn't the last we'll hear from Spotlight.

Abnor_Mal342d ago (Edited 342d ago )

Weren’t QD bought buy Tencent, and if so then I’m sure there wouldn’t be anymore Sony exclusivity.

Ok it seems to have been NetEase that bought them back in 2022.

mjchitown342d ago

this is not a Sony exclusivity. you can clearly see Xbox One Xbox Series X ps4 ps5

Sonic1881342d ago (Edited 342d ago )

Funny you mention that because in a few Diablo 4 articles, Xbox was the only console that was tagged. It didn't tag playstation or PC and Diablo 4 is a multiplatform game

porkChop342d ago

Bro they had a 3-game contract with Sony. That ended with Detroit. They've haven't been working together since then, so they aren't circumventing anything. They have no obligation to Sony.

CrimsonWing69342d ago

Didn’t they show a Star Wars fake at a Sony event?

I might be wrong about that, but I feel like that’s where I saw if.

porkChop342d ago

I don't think so, Star Wars: Eclipse was announced at the Game Awards.

CrimsonWing69341d ago


The Game Awards, you’re right!

Kekewei342d ago (Edited 342d ago )

I don't think so. There some sources claiming Sony was not happy with their partnership at the end, they even canceled a project that was supposed to be the 4th ps exclusive from QD.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 341d ago
InUrFoxHole342d ago

QD is gold! They make excellent games

mastershredder342d ago

Can’t wait for all those quicktime events and bash-you-with-boredom storytelling.

Snookies12342d ago

There's nothing wrong with QTE's. Never understood the hate for them. You press a single button to attack in most games. You press a single button to jump in most games. Why does it then become an issue when you press a button during a cutscene to do something?

JackBNimble342d ago

It's a niche market and not everyone is into that type of game.

RedDevils342d ago

I like their games, it's different from all the trash we seeing every years.

GoodGuy09342d ago

God was Detroit a gem. Hope that their new games are at least on par.

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25 years of story-driven titles, the present and future of Quantic Dream - Interview with David Cage

Ruliweb interviewed Quantic Dream CEO David Cage at G-Star 2022.

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jznrpg545d ago (Edited 545d ago )

Heavy Rain was my favorite . Fahrenheit was great too

MadLad545d ago


Beyond Two Souls and Detroit were alright for the most part.
They're still making games, so something going decent for them.

Supermassive is definitely beating them in this genre though.