
Over 70 New Sorcery Screens

Sony announce Sorcery for a May 22/23 release and provide over 70 new screens.

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IM_KINECTED4469d ago

I think I'm going to go and pre-order this. I should have done it yesterday when I was picking up Mass Effect 3. I was already pre-ordering a few games at that time. I got drawn in by the flashy metal collectors tin for Assassins Creed 3 and I also pre-ordered the Collectors Edition of The Witcher 2.

Some solid games are coming out.

LOGICWINS4469d ago

So is Sorcery still six hours long?

Drekken4469d ago

Why don't you try using your logic and realize the game isn't even finished yet. It got a complete overhaul... so wherever you got your info from is sketchy.

LOGICWINS4469d ago

Why don't you try using your logic and realize the game isn't even finished yet. It got a complete overhaul..."

Hence why I'm asking if the game is STILL six hours. I realize that an overhaul occurred since the IGN preview:


Therefore, I'd like to know if the game is longer now.

Why are you getting defensive? It's just a game.

monkey nuts4469d ago

No, its not. I've heard rumours they up'd the length to 360 minutes.

4469d ago
Veni Vidi Vici4469d ago

Hmm...a little concerned at the lack of many enemies or NPC's. Looks like an empty world with a few enemies here and there.

Hopefully there's more. We'll just have to wait.


The legendary narrative adventure game series “Sorcery!” is coming to the Nintendo Switch in Q3 2021

"The Poland-based video game publisher No Gravity Games and the UK-based indie games developer inkle, are today very excited and happy to announce that they have just joined forces to release the legendary narrative adventure game series "Sorcery!" (part 1 to 4) to the Nintendo Switch in Q3 this year (2021)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


Gaming Steve Podcast Episode 75 - Overwatch

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Sorcery Review At Skewed And Reviewed

Wesley at Skewed and Reviewed took a look at the new version of Steve Jackson's beloved classic and found it to be a fun although at times lacking game. He did love enough of it to say that it is worth checking out for fans of the series.