
Q&A: EA's Bernstein On Building SimCity Societies

The latest title in the Sims dynasty, SimCity Societies, recently saw its worldwide PC release, and Gamasutra spoke to the game's producer, Electronic Arts' Rachel Bernstein, about the creative process that continues to evolve the direction of a familiar series, and considerations for future incarnations.

"When we approached this game, we wanted to do something innovative, and actually be willing to take a departure from the previous SimCities," Bernstein explains. "There were two big differences that we wanted to carve out. One was that we really wanted to work hard on making the game accessible and easy to start playing right away - and, of course, to not lose the depth, and to keep the challenge there so that you still have a deep and replayable game on your hands."

"The second thing is that -- and this is the heart of the design challenge -- we were focused on variety," she continues. "We asked ourselves the question, 'What makes Paris feel different from New York? Why does one city feel different from another?' It's not just the height of the building, or what they're made of, or their style. There's a sort of vibe or soul to a city."

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Looking Back at SimCity Societies

From Strategyinformer.com: "With EA ramping up marketing for Maxis’ reboot of the SimCity franchise, now is a good time to look back at the series’ often overlooked entry, SimCity Societies. Many see it as the disfigured runt of the litter; an abomination that had good intentions, but failed to capitalise on its drastic propositions".

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SimCity Societies is an insidious spam machine.

How SimCity Societies tricks you into spamming your friends on Facebook

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Six Great Moments in Fox News Getting Video Games Completely Wrong

Where would modern comedy be without Fox News? This is a serious question, by the way. However you may feel about their coverage of political events, the one-two punch of catering to an older audience (the average age of a Fox News viewer is 65) and being utterly out of touch with every single trend on the planet has led to comedy gold. Now, instead of the old man screaming hilariously about those damn kids on his lawn, we have 24 hours of it, on cable, every day, easily uploaded to YouTube.

And nowhere is it funnier than when they start yelling about video games.

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ARTISAN4590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

i hate fox news just saying'
also anyone notice in the mw2 one it says ppl? lmao

Grip4589d ago

Sexbox? lolz got love Fox News

Iroquois_Pliskin4589d ago

Fox news is a joke, how do they get away with spreading misinformation?

ATi_Elite4589d ago

Nice billboard!

I hate Fox Propaganda.

MeatAbstract4590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

I also remember when GTA was released some news presenter reported you could have sex with a prostitute and cut her in half with a chainsaw. Half right, eh?

It bothers me that people that discuss gaming on the news still refer to 'points'. In GTA you apprently get points for running people over, or in MW2 you got points for gunning down innocent people. Wrong and wrong. I just wish someone that knows their stuff would go on the news when a story like this pops up and verbally bitch slap some of the ignorant news presenters.

5119ent4590d ago

Fox news is how rich people tell dumb people to stop progress

coolbeans4589d ago (Edited 4589d ago )

That just makes all other news channels rich people who tell dumb people what "progress" is.

Edit: From what I've seen

5119ent4589d ago

smart guy. "try" the govt as a whole is a shame

coolbeans4589d ago (Edited 4589d ago )

^I can agree with that as well. My first reply wasn't meant as a defense of Fox News, it was a defense of half-truths. Sure Fox is really just a microphone for the Republican party 90% of the time (when talking politics); however, why do bs commercials from MSNBC rarely get smudged?


You have a 15-30 second monologue of Rachel Maddow in front of the Hoover Dam saying "These projects can't be done without gov't", when in actuality ALL man-made projects were done through human ingenuity; not necessarily all were made by some gov't. My point being: if a news channel mistakes the term "government" for "human ingenuity", who's to say their definition of "progress" isn't skewed either?

creatchee4590d ago

I can't wait until Saints Row: The Third gets on their radar LOL

SeraphimBlade4590d ago

If this happens, everyone here has to call in, tell them that you weren't going to buy the game, but after seeing the clips they showed, decided you should. Or, if you're feeling brave, that you'll buy it for your ten-year-old son.

D3mons0ul4589d ago

Aha ha ha ha...I hate Fox News. If anyone is going to send us back to barbaric times, it's them.

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