
MLB 12: The Show Includes Online Pass For First Time

TThis may not discern many fans from picking up the title but we were surprised to find out that MLB 12: The Show will in fact include a Playstation Network online pass for the first time in franchise history.

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ShadyDevil4472d ago

That is kinda crazy, seriously I think everything will have an online Pass now from Sony. If Capcom does it, the world is going to end.

Dante1124472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

EA does it with all their sport games. *shrug* Capcom just rips you off with DLC that's already on the disc.

Edit: @ Nug

True. If you're buying the game new, the pass shouldn't be a problem (you get everything) . If you buy it used, you'll probably end up paying the same amount as a new game with having to buy the pass.

Jobesy4472d ago

Why, you were planning on buying it used?

TheColbertinator4472d ago

Now I am since Sony went this route.Its not like the online of The Show was ever impressive.

Neo Nugget4472d ago

So... you're buying this game used because the game has an online pass that costs $10.

...but if you bought new, you'd be set on all fronts with absolutely no problem at all.


jut4204472d ago


MLB 10 The Show is the best online baseball game I've ever played. Idk what else you expect in online baseball games but it was my favorite mode in the entire game. Played almost 200 games and I'm not even a big baseball fan, which is why I never bought 2011.

MLB 10 online is still better than 2K12, which I've played a few online games with my buddy on his xbox

Neo Nugget4472d ago

Not surprising at all, and honestly not a problem. These Sony Online passes work system wide (as ALL passes should), so if you have a sibling that wants to play online they should have no problem.

Unlike some games like Battlefield 3 :/

Hicken4472d ago

As much as I love Sony and their amazing first party lineup, I still don't agree with adding online passes into games.

I might understand if a big publisher did this for their small developers, and most of money from bought passes went to said developers. But that's rarely, if ever, the case.


Top 5 Best Baseball Games for PC,PS3,XBOX

Baseball is one of the most played sports of United states of America.It is also a Bat an ball type game like Cricket.Unlike cricket,in this game one run is counted only when a particular person complete’s running 4 bases around the fielders.Also unlike Cricket there are only 9 players in a Baseball team while a cricket team has 11 players.This Baseball game is mostly prominent in USA and Canada.Here,you can find the list of best Baseball games that are released for PC,PS3 and even XBOX.After considering nearly 20 Baseball games that are released for these platforms,i have finally concluded this list of best baseball games for PC.I hope you all like this list.Have a look at the list of top 5 best baseball games for PC below.

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3572d ago Replies(3)
Macdaddy713572d ago

I have to disagree... Not everyone like the show, I bought the show for ps4 n like 2k on 360 better, I'm not saying the show not good, I myself think 2k offer more!! If Sony n EA would take a couple pages from 2k n put into there sport games, and OMG!!! We would have kickass sport games...

harrisk9543572d ago

This list doesn't include The Show???.. Total and utter FAIL.

JimmyDM903572d ago

On closer inspection the article title is very misleading. He says it's a list of top 5 baseball games also available on PC. Since The Show is playstation exclusive I'm guessing that's why it is absent.

Redlogic3572d ago

Yea, no MLB the show on this list but MLB 2K is on their twice from the last 3 yrs?!? List is bogus

Brazz3571d ago

The list i a total fail! MLB: the show is the best baseball game, and you can't see it in the list! This thing is bullshit! Only a person that never played "The show", or a butthurt xbox fanboy, can say that MLB 2k series is better than MLB: theshow...

All_Consoles3571d ago

"I hope you all like this list.Have a look at the list of top 5 best baseball games for PC below"

List is for pc games

Spotie3571d ago

"Top 5 Best Baseball Games for PC,PS3,XBOX"

Article claims it's for consoles, then ignores the best franchise on console. Hell the best franchise, period.

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The best PS3 import games you’ve never played

Strap yourselves in for an internation tour of PlayStation exotica. Here we list the best PS3 games only available in the UK by import, from MLB: The Show to NCAA Football, by way of Singstar Latino and more.

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insomnium24086d ago

LOL these games are crazy. Some of them atleast. Anyway this got me curious about MLB the show. I think I should pick one up. Any recommendations?

FAT MAN GO BOOM4086d ago

I can't stand when sites do game lists and than make it one game per page...

it is the lamest and I refuse to click on your stupid site...
20 times... to read what is supposed to be one article


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