
Hands-On Preview With Crush 3D - Explosion.com

Some games just cry out for 3-D. While there have been quite a few 2-D classics ported to the Nintendo 3DS, many of them just use the 3-D effects for a bit of added visual flair, but others use this extra dimension as an integral part of the world. Crush 3-D which just released a demo for the 3DS online store is one such a game.

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Totally new titles to me but maybe that's because I don't follow 3DS that closely


Most Overlooked Nintendo 3DS Games - Part Two

SPC writes: "With hundreds of games released yearly and with the advent of digital games, there are now more games than ever, and it is so incredibly easy to have your game slip through the cracks and fade into obscurity. The latest edition of the popular Most Overlooked series of articles on SuperPhillip Central delves into five more underrated and overlooked gems on the Nintendo 3DS that failed to generate a high amount of attention, buzz, and/or sales... Will this list inspire you to check out a title you might not have been interested in? Let's find out!"

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CRUSH3D Review | GotGame

GotGame: Being crushed may also activate a few special abilities as well. These range from a higher jump to not being able to uncrush to trying to collect a trophy in each level.

Overall, the game features 40 levels that are identical to the PSP version. The main difference is visual, as things look a bit better in the 3DS version. As far as the levels go, they are the same as the previous version.


Crush 3D Review | FanBolt

FanBolt writes: "Looking for the next hidden gen for your Nintendo 3DS game collection? Crush 3D is just the game for you. This latest puzzle game from Sega will keep you occupied for hours upon end."