
Hard Reset: Sexism In The Fighting Scene

Jack Butler from hardreset.co.uk talks about the recent controversy over the incident on Cross Assault involving Aris “Aris” Bakhtanians.

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MrChow6664444d ago

this people lives in another dimension, certainly not in the real world

DeleteThisxx4444d ago

Finally, someone who acknowledges that the actions of Aris do not reflect the mentality of the entire FGC. I can't believe some people were actually attempting to condone his actions on the show and were instead blaming Miranda claiming she "asked for it." Their main fallback argument is that she handled the entire situation poorly, but lets be real... Miranda was there for the experience, I'm sure she didn't actually expect to win the entire thing, I know I didn't expect her to win. This show was one of the greatest things to happen within the FGC community. I'm so happy Miranda did what she did. She stood up for herself which is something not many women do today. Instead, they act like SherryJenix and say "it comes with the territory, you just gotta accept it."

ThichQuangDuck4444d ago

It is not only women in the fighting game community, it is women in gaming period. As soon as a girl is introduced to gaming, some people feel they need a million confirmations that they play games. Look at Felicia Day, Jessica Chobot,Jade Raymond of course some times girls are just used as something for the eye and know nothing about gaming , but girls in gaming is a issue that needs to be seriously addressed.

DeleteThisxx4444d ago

That really has nothing to do with what this article was talking about nor does it relate to the incident that happened at Cross Assault. This isn't about whether or not they truly play games, I couldn't care less if they are "real gamers." It's about how people seem to think this kind of behavior is acceptable based solely on the fact that its "expected to happen."

I'm sure Aris is a great guy who made a mistake BUT he should have kept his mouth shut regarding the entire situation because it didn't give him a good look and it most certainly didn't give the community a good look. Now there are articles that are portraying us as misogynistic/sexist people when the authors of these article have no idea what the FGC is truly about.

Also, I don't understand what you mean when you say "girls in gaming are an issue."

ThichQuangDuck4444d ago

@ ProjectSik

I am saying this is not a isolated Fighting game community issue. Gamers overall have a issue with girls in gaming. They react differently to them, they have that same weird awkward misogynstic attitude towards them. For example the Jade Raymond comic that come out with assassins creed 1 came out, gamers are just weird when it comes to girls in the gaming community. Hard to explain

Tameel14442d ago

I wouldn't say Felicia Day and Jade Raymond don't know anything about games. They are better examples of gaming celebrities than people like Chobot or Olivia Munn.

jetlian4444d ago

end? lets be real if aris said it to a guy these articles would not be on here! Tired of this equal this and that.. if your equal stop getting extra treatment.

Im also tired of gamers trying to prove something to people who DONT game!! Why do you care what outsiders think of the FGC? why does it matter if gaming is art?

Pozzle4442d ago

I don't think anybody's saying that girl gamers deserve or want better treatment than male gamers. But they DO deserve equal treatment. This girl didn't get equal treatment though. She was singled out and harassed by a supposedly-professional coach/commentator just for being a girl. Nobody deserves to be treated like that regardless of their gender.

jetlian4442d ago (Edited 4442d ago )

yea like hearing any of that was not unheard of by guys. Lives with momma, man boobs, fat ass, raped, owned etc!!!

trash talking has always been in fighting game scene

so if they "DO" deserve equal treatment she got what is normally given

Pozzle4442d ago

Except she didn't. There's a difference between trash talking another player in the spirit of competitiveness, and a professional commentator (who was HIRED and PAID by a gaming company to film and coach the competitors) sexually harassing a player for two days straight by constantly zooming in on her ass and boobs, and making comments about her body every time she was competing.

She was forced to quit because of it. That isn't fair for any competitor, and it certainly isn't "normal" trash talk. No player should feel like they need to quit after being harassed, and nobody should defend that behavior with comments like "oh well. That's just gaming!" Because it isn't gaming. And as a gamer, I think it's depressing that people are so willing to defend the creeps, the harassment, and the slurs that happen at many gaming tournaments. Because that sort of behavior reflects badly on the entire gaming community. Why the hell would anyone want to defend that?

jetlian4440d ago

justion wong has been called fat plenty of times, ricky ortiz is harassed for being gay. Both dont quit because of it!

like I said this isnt just gaming it happens everywhere. Think they never show a womans assets in tennis? please spare me

Pozzle4440d ago

Blah blah blah. If you're so willing to defend the dicks who harass gamers, then you're probably just a dick yourself. Personally I don't know why anybody would want to defend dickish and harassing behavior, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that someone is going to.

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Street Fighter X Tekken May Be Purchasable On Steam Soon

Or it's about to leave the storefront like another Capcom title.

Darkegg108d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


Street Fighter X Tekken - A Look Back at the Franchise's Biggest Misfire

With Street Fighter 6 now upon us, it's time to look back at some classic Street Fighter titles, beginning with Street Fighter X Tekken.

boing1330d ago

It was a cool gamble imo. In reality, everyone were waiting for Namco version, Tekken X Street Fighter.

Ryuha1234h330d ago

I don’t know. I enjoyed this game. I thought it was a great crossover.

TricksterArrow330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

Yep, played very little of it, but from what I played, it was serviceable enough. Could've been better? Yes, but then again, you can say that about pretty much anything.

maniacmayhem330d ago

What killed this game was their planned reliance on GaaS with the whole gem system. It made little sense and made the game extremely unbalanced. Not to mention the unbalance of most of the characters, especially on the Tekken side

Sgt_Slaughter330d ago

Ahhh the game that Capcom had DLC on the disc on release yet you had to pay to unlock it


Street Fighter & Tekken - A Mash-Up Not Meant for Greatness

VGChartz's Daniel Parker: "Tekken and Street Fighter - two giants of the head-to-head fighting genre. A clashing of decades-old titans that was once thought to be a dream matchup that would never happen. It ignited a flame of excitement that quickly fizzled out and became a cautionary tale for game developers."

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bacrec11298d ago

The inclusion of gems ruined it from the start.