
Motorstorm: RC Review

SYDHiT writes - The PSVita launched with around 30 games on day one, and with games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Wipeout 2048 and Ridge Racer, it was a pretty big line-up of Playstation-centric titles. So with that in mind, how is it that a $10 downloadable game was the best of the bunch? Not only is Motorstorm RC the best Vita launch title, but it is easily the best game in the Motorstorm series to date.

AusRogo4488d ago

Wouldnt say the best in the series, but definatly an awesome game. Well worth the 10 bucks. Plus you can use it on ps3 aswell? Cant complain there!

grailly4488d ago

I don't consider it being part of the series, still a great game though.

ZILLA4488d ago

Ive been waiting for a game like this for a long time.I really busy now working and the kids so cant take my REVO 3.3 out as much as id like to so this game should be sweeeeet on the PS3.I would love for Sony to make a real Rc controller for it!!!

4488d ago
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Five Digital PlayStation Games You Need to Play Before they Are Gone

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Before Sony shuts down these stores, we wanted to give you a chance to grab the gems that will be lost forever. Here are five PlayStation games you need to play before they are gone forever."

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Father__Merrin1156d ago

Some of these digi titles need to be converted to run on ps5 games like the last guy will be gone now

PitbullMonster1156d ago

You can still play The last guy on PSNow.

PitbullMonster1156d ago

Btw. Same goes to Echochrome.

Mulando1156d ago

In bad 720p streaming quality + we don't know how long Sony will allow PS3 titles on PSNow.
After all (and as far as it is known) they still use PS3 hardware for PS3 games. I really hope they use an emulator nowadays, but I don't think so.

Teflon021156d ago

Mulando don't know if you've used Now but games like that run fantastic lol. Playing Locoroco remastered looks damn near exactly the same as downloading. I know because I've played on my PC streamed plenty of times and you don't get a single artifact or feel delay. It really just depends on the title. Those ones are fine

cammers19951156d ago

This is really sad that the store is closing. Fuck Jim Ryan.

LiViNgLeGaCY1156d ago

Seriously. He needs to go ASAP.

Viking_mo1156d ago

The sheer audacity for him to say no one plays old games. What an idiot

Mr Logic1156d ago

Or...he's correct. They have telemetry, they can see how often people play old games. You people need to understand that if you go on N4G, reddit, FB groups, etc. to talk about games or keep up with games, then you are the hardcore of the hardcore and you makeup a tiny, TINY portion of the gaming public.

None of that is to say that I agree with taking down the stores or support Sony not doing BC for PS1-3.

343_Guilty_Spark1156d ago (Edited 1156d ago )

But N4G PS gamers says people don't...only new exclusives matter

senorfartcushion1156d ago

Jim Ryan and Herman Hulst sounds like The Death Twins.

Snookies121156d ago

I really wish we got a Tokyo Jungle sequel with a bit more budget to it. That game was so unique.

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What Happened To PlayStation Exclusive MotorStorm?

Where did Sony’s racing franchise go?

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isarai1729d ago

Studio wanted try a more "racing sim" with Driveclub, didn't go too well and Sony shut the studio down. The team reformed at Codemasters and made Onrush, which is unsure if it did well. Now I guess they just work for codemasters

madpuppy1729d ago

onrush is trash, I bought it and It is no Motorstorm. It is like a bad developers version of a copycat game based loosely on Motorstorm.

I deleted it from my PS4 within hours of installing it. The game is just terrible.

isarai1729d ago

I love it, though I wish there were more tracks

darthv721729d ago

It isnt supposed to be motorstorm so if you went in thinking it was then... that's on you. I'm sorry you didnt get the hang of it but it is a fun game. you are right, it is no motorstorm but what it is, is its own thing.

CurbStompin1728d ago

Well they closed the studio after onrush, so you aren’t alone in your feelings. Game just felt boring tbh.

umair_s511728d ago

They should remaster Motorstorm trilogy for PS4

IamTylerDurden11728d ago (Edited 1728d ago )

OnRush was solid. The gameplay loop was enjoyable once you actually get good. It wasn't Motorstorm, it had some similarities, but very different in terms of gameplay. Onrush was a well built game. It wasn't as AAA or perhaps as good as Motorstorm, but enjoyable nonetheless. Once you get good at pulling off kills and tricks for boost it becomes exciting. Photo mode is excellent and the visuals are decent. It features a full sp campaign, co op, and mp. I got the game on PS+ and thoroughly enjoyed the platinum. It also has a plethora of unlockable cosmetics.

isarai1728d ago


No they didn't, the team is still part of codemasters, though the creative director of Onrush left shortly after it released.

madpuppy1728d ago (Edited 1728d ago )

It's not that I didn't "get the hang of it" the game is boring and freaking ugly, and you couldn't just play the game, The game forced you in between racing to look at these poorly drawn and animated "characters" dancing around like morons next to their cars, the music...oh how I hated the music, It was like someone on the dev team thought it would be a good idea to find the worst, most eclectic garbage and put it in the game.
Like I said, Trash ALL AROUND, I wold have rather bought Anthem and Fallout 76 than this pile of beige gruel.

Father__Merrin1728d ago

I u installed after 1 lap it was horrid

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1728d ago
rainslacker1728d ago

Shame Sony closed down the studio, but glad they regrouped into a new studio, and apparently got funding to make another game. Motorstorm could still be made if Sony chose to. DriveClub was an ambitious attempt at a new racing IP, and probably why GT6 didn't release as cross gen. But Driveclub itself was pretty good, and Bikes was awesome, and DriveClub VR is probably the best VR racing game. If it weren't for the launch issues, which really didn't affect the game that much despite what people were making out, then it probably would have been more successful, and maybe they wouldn't have been shut down. But who's to say, as Sony was going through a lot of financial transitions and streamlining at the time.

IRetrouk1728d ago (Edited 1728d ago )

thats the only reason i didnt get 6, i assumed an upgraded version was coming for the ps4, and as it released after the ps4 i thought it was a sure thing.
In the end it never happened, i kept meaning to grab a copy but just never did.

2pacalypsenow1729d ago

I think the last few MotorStorm games didn't sell very well.

Still remember playing the first one and being in awe of the mud effects.

SmielmaN1729d ago

First Motorstorm blew my mind! Lol

darthv721729d ago

Pacific rift is my favorite. Hell, even the RC game is fun. Arctic edge and apocalypse were okay but the first two were excellent.

Knushwood Butt1729d ago

Played the RC one a ton on Vita. Funny how nobody ever mentions that game in those 'Vita had no first party support' threads.

Dirtnapstor1729d ago

And playing in 3D was pretty rad too! Picked up Apocalypse for a few bucks awhile back. Good game.

UnholyLight1729d ago

I think back to the days of the demo stations when i was young, and the first Motorstorm was like a graphical achievement back then, it blew my mind

specialguest1729d ago

The first one was fun and I do remember the cool mud effect. Made me feel like wow, we are truly in the next gen

IamTylerDurden11728d ago

The original Motorstorm was a technically jaw dropping game. Visuals were incredible, the tracks were well designed, and the mud effects were brilliant.

SonyStyled1728d ago

There was also a release delay in Japan/Asia due to the 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and 3 fission reactor meltdowns. Being titled Apocalypse is an unfortunate title for the timing. Great game though

dumahim1728d ago

I refuse to call Motorstorm a racing game. The AI cars sole purpose was to prevent you from winning like rubberbanding their way ahead of you and brake checking you. This isn't how racing works.

The cheating/rubberbanding was just horrendous. IIRC, the semi was supposed to be the worst in the mud and I had the vehicle best for it and I was in the lead and boosting through it and the damn semi caught up and passed me.
Another time I was in a truck running along some cliff and a dirt bike came up beside me and the rock wall. I decide to ram the bike in to the wall and I wind up blowing up and the bike drives off just fine.

2pacalypsenow1728d ago

"I decide to ram the bike in to the wall and I wind up blowing up and the bike drives off just fine."


FreeFallFrenzy1728d ago

I definitely remember the rubberbanding in the high-ranked challenges. It was the reason I never finished all of them. You had to be absolutely perfect some races! It was crazy. With that said, it is easily one of the best racing games I've ever played and competing online was a joy to behold due to the pure chaos of it all. Huge adrenaline rush!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1728d ago
Sgt_Slaughter1729d ago

Motorstorm VR would be crazy, as well as Motorstorm in (close to) 4K

Absonite1729d ago

Forget MotorStorm, what the hell happened to JetMoto???

ibrake4naps1729d ago

Motorstorm working on my 3d tv was a big deal for me years ago

BenRC011729d ago

That and arkham city was the pinnacle of 3d for me. Oh and killzone 3 in 3d with the moves and big gun thingy.

Knushwood Butt1729d ago

Yep, Killzone 3 in multiplayer in 3D plus Move controls was great.

Dirtnapstor1729d ago

Did you ever try Uncharted (I don't remember which one).

Knushwood Butt1728d ago


Uncharted 3. Yes, I wasn't impressed with the 3D implementation in that, apart from the drug sequence, which was way better in 3D.

IamTylerDurden11729d ago (Edited 1729d ago )

Apocalypse in 3D was immaculate. I don't understand why people bashed Sony's foray into 3D? Apocalypse was the perfect game to bundle in 3D. On its own it was a fun popcorn game, but 3D actually elevated the experience.

Killzone 3 was also impressive in 3D. Killzone and Motorstorm had incredibly deep and dynamic 3D. KZ3 may have had some ghosting or artifacting, but the 3D popped off the screen. Awesome experience in a visually stunning and highly underrated PS3 game.

darthv721729d ago

I will say that on their own 3d tv those games rocked. When i played them on other brands, it seemed like the 3d quality just wasnt the same.

yeahokwhatever1728d ago

I got to enjoy all of these titles on my 100 inch 3d projector setup with surround sound. KZ3 with the move controller in 3D was basically a holodeck. It was amazing.

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A Look at All of the Racing Games Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "The racing genre has always felt like a perfect fit on handhelds, thanks to offering bite-sized sessions and being able to hide technical flaws behind blistering speeds and enclosed environments. It provides a large amount of variety too, from immersive sims to light-hearted kart racers (and my personal favourite, drift-heavy arcade racers!), meaning there’s usually something for everyone to enjoy.

Anticipation was high that the Vita would follow in the PSP’s footsteps as a handheld offering an unrivalled selection of racers, from muddy WRC titles to the clean racing lines of Gran Turismo. Beyond the initial months things didn’t quite pan out like this, but there’s still a nice spread of games available to cater to anyone’s tastes – and thanks to the addition of backwards-compatibility with PSP and PS1, the Vita ends up with possibly the largest selection of any console in the last 10 years, even if it's not all running natively on the hardware."

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