
Plants Vs. Zombies Review – The Koalition

The Koalition: Forget Zynga, PopCap are the true kings of casual games! Once known for shamelessly cloning existing titles (but making enough changes to keep their legal team happy) PopCap has managed to shave that reputation and are now a dominant force in the gaming industry. Their games may not be incredibly original but their forté is to take something that is already good and make it a million times better, so much so that the original version instantly becomes redundant. Plants vs Zombies is in keeping with this theme and since its inception on the PC in 2009 it has become the definitive tower defence game on the market.

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Top 10 Best Tower Defense Games, Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Everyone loves setting up killzones and laying waste to waves of enemies, so here are our picks for the best tower defense games ever."

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Gameplay Video For A Cancelled Plants vs Zombies Title Surface Online

Leaked footage from unreleased Project Hot Tub gets verified and we have them on the table. Plants vs Zombies franchise fans are onto it.


How a Plants vs. Zombies Game Died so a Star Wars Game Could Live (and Then Also Die)

From IGN: "In the second half of 2016, a small team of developers at PopCap Vancouver were gearing up for a presentation that would determine the future of their team, their project, and potentially an already-beloved franchise: Plants vs. Zombies.

For the past year, they had been working on a brand new Plants vs. Zombies adventure that would take the series in a very different direction. Though they had EA’s blessing for their work to that point, it wasn’t a guarantee the project would ultimately see the light of day, especially given how ambitious it was."