
Is This Concept Art From EA’s Jack The Ripper Game?

After finishing Dead Space, Visceral Games started work on The Ripper. This title starred Jack the Ripper as a vampire hunter and was targeted for HD consoles. The project was never formally announced, but multiple rumors mention the game and Electronic Arts filed trademarks for the potential title.

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Jamzluminati4452d ago

My god. Can I please get a charles manson game too???

LarVanian4452d ago (Edited 4452d ago )

A game where you play as one of the most notorious serial killers ever? No thanks Visceral, just give us Dead Space 3 instead. I'd rather not have a game that would try to glorify Jack the ripper as some sort of heroic vampire slayer.

LarVanian4452d ago (Edited 4452d ago )

Lol judging by the disagrees, it seems that people would be more than happy to play as the man who loved to butcher women into bloody pieces.


The Ripper: The disturbing Visceral Games project that never was

About 10 years ago, Electronic Arts developed and then canceled a game about Jack the Ripper. This is its story.

Fist4achin2076d ago

Would have been interesting. I can see multiple games to come out from the ideas they posed for the ripper game. It's EA though, so they probably won't act on them at all.

Skull5212076d ago

I only knew about his murders, I didn't realize he was actually a vampire hunter.

Fist4achin2076d ago

Pioneer of the times. Diversified portfolio!

strayanalog2076d ago

Great read, and a cool idea. Sucks that we lost an interesting opportunity. Thanks EA. Keep on retaining that "Worst Company" title. I understand you don't win at much, so that may be your reason for the things you do.

Yui_Suzumiya2076d ago

I remember when this was announced. Too bad it never happened.

thatguyhayat2076d ago

Aaah would have loved this game


Visceral's Jack the Ripper title is downloadable, says Pachter

VG247: Remember those trademark filings for a Jack the Ripper game from EA and Visceral last year? Michael Pachter reckons it's a downloadable title for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live.


Rumor: First details on Visceral Games' The Ripper


As you heard this morning, EA's Visceral Studios is working on a game based on the famous 19th century serial killer, Jack the Ripper. Our sources dropped hints about the title to us back in May, and now is a good as time as any to tell you what we've heard about The Ripper.

When you think of Jack the Ripper, you think of a psychopathic serial killer right? Well, what if everything we knew about Jack was wrong? What if Jack the Ripper was actually a good person, killing to save other people's lives?

That's the Jack our sources tell us you're going to experience in The Ripper. He's a supernatural slayer protecting people from demons, vampires and other evil monsters. And seeing as how this is Visceral Studios, don't expect your typical, played-out demons. Instead, imagine a cross between the monsters from Dead Space and Dante's Inferno. Jack will have an assortment of over-the-top weapons to take on these demons, and we're told gameplay involves a special ability that lets him slow down time, too.

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hatchimatchi5323d ago

if this is true it's kinda disappointing. Jack the ripper has always been fascinating to me, i've read many true crime novels on the cases and it's really interesting. I'd much rather play a game where you're a detective for scotland yard and you're trying to track him down. Either way, i'll most likely buy it if it is indeed true. The streets of london at night could be extremely creepy.

Roper3165322d ago

I would rather be reigning terror on a city as JTR and stalking people and then butchering them at just the right moment when they are alone and vulnerable. JTR is supposed to be a feared serial killer not a demon slaying savior. Not to sure about this game but I am sure it will have a great amazing atmosphere like Dead Space though.

Gorgon5322d ago

Fail. Visceral seems set into ruining every good idea for a game out there.

AliTheBrit5322d ago


they could have done such a good job with something like this, sounds terrible.