
Team Ninja: "Development teams that can’t adapt to change only wither and die away."

PlayStation Universe has a small interview with Team Ninja lead Yosuke Hayashi about Ninja Gaiden 3.

Yi-Long4465d ago

... while most Ninja Gaiden fans wished they would have stayed much closer to Ninja Gaiden Black, instead of the direction they have taken with Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma and 3!

Captain Qwark 94465d ago

i dont mind the direction their taking with the new one myself. i love ng, buy them every time a new one is released. still by far the best combat of any 3rd person action game imo. personally im liking how their adding some variety and an actual story to the game, should be fun and be a nice change for the series. and worst case scenario, if it doesnt work, go back to the old way. its that simple.

otherZinc4465d ago

If! Traditional Ninja Gaiden Play Is:

If not, I'm going to badger Team Ninja at every turn.

Ninja Gaiden is one of the most fluid games of "All Times"!

To ruin it with some dumb@ss QTE's is ridiculous & NOT Ninja Gaiden!

I must have a demo or try before I buy, to ensure I'm paying $60 for Ninja Gaiden, not some BS!

Anon19744465d ago (Edited 4465d ago )

I'd rather a QTE then sitting passive during a cutscene. QTE are excellent for telling story via cutscenes, or having a player participate in an event that just didn't fit inside the scope of the game's regular gameplay. To pull off some of these QTE events I've seen over the years in the game you'd have to program an entirely separate game just for specific sequences. Of course that's not practical for developers and I think QTE's are a nice trade off compared to simply sitting through cutscenes.
Of course they can be overused. There needs to be a balance depending on the type of game.

Hufandpuf4465d ago

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. And its funny, im a ninja gaiden fan but I think ng3 should've released two years ago.

Tanir4465d ago (Edited 4465d ago )

except that they would have had to been working on it 2 years earlier for that 2 happen lol. hard to make sense huh.

the latest trailer of the game restored my faith, there QTE's arent as bad as i thought they were gonna be. it looks really fun. Not a massive jump from NG2 but still looks fun as hell

and to the ones complaining about health regen. everyone complained when NG2 had regen announced and they complained yet it didnt ruin it at all. actually it was semi needed.

Hufandpuf4465d ago

I'm not complaining about the game at all, I just think that it hasn't advanced enough to warrant the "we are constantly improving speech". I do like the direction Dead or Alive is going though.

Dark114465d ago

NG 1&2 looks the same .. that is why i'm so happy that NG3 is taking a new direction.

Captain Qwark 94465d ago

well, i hope this is bullsh*t but if its not, but other than that it looks great

LX-General-Kaos4465d ago

Team Ninja is about to bless us with two amazing games in the near future (that I know of). NG3 and DOA5 will likely be great AAA titles that every gamer should give a chance.

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Team Ninja Doesn't Get Enough Credit For Its Stories

Saad from eXputer: "Team Ninja's stories may not appeal to everyone due to their barebones nature but they deserve credit for being fun."

mastershredder53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Exputer dude says Team Ninja needs more credit for their stories (what their known for) and credit for being fun (also known for challenging and fun gameplay). Team Ninja gets a LOT of credit. That's why they keep making games. You just can't expect everyone to award them the attention-level and regard that you think they deserve.

"I’m aware that some things are often not for everyone. Not because someone is actively gatekeeping but due to the product or premise failing to appeal to the masses" - Hmmm l dunno, sounds kinda like we are about to go for a cruise down gatekeeper blvd to me.

Takeaway, Exputer as a pimple gaming journal site that should not be concerned about the recognition standards of a studio they have zero involvement in. You perspective is outsider and totally disconnected from reality as far as how the industry sees them.

Takeaway 2, Exputer is only in about a generation deep into Team Ninja. Posers. Take your gate keepy BS and shove it. We know what makes team ninja great and they are doing just fine doing what THEY do.

Knightofelemia53d ago

Every branch under Koei Tecmo is talented I am a big fan of theirs no matter what the game is or who makes it.

GoodGuy0953d ago (Edited 53d ago )

I thought Nioh 1+2's stories were fine, nothing amazing but they kept me interested. William and the Protag in 2 were pretty cool. Wo Long was ok I guess but it just felt like another retelling of the three kingdoms again which we've seen told so much in video games and especially dynasty warriors.

ROCKY2853d ago

Where is a new DEAD OR ALIVE !!!!
That is the only game we care about from Team Ninja 😂


Team Ninja say Rise of the Ronin will have multiple difficulty options

Rise of the Ronin's difficulty options include Narrative, Intermediate and Hard. As the name suggests, Narrative mode is for players who just want to experience the story without any serious combat. Intermediate is your standard medium difficulty that will provide some challenge while Hard is in line with Team Ninja's previous games like Nioh and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.


I’m Here For Everything Rise Of The Ronin Is Serving

The Nioh team’s next samurai tale launches on March 22 as a PS5 exclusive

sushimama156d ago

Gosh gosh I need this so much

RhinoGamer88156d ago

Ghost of Tsushima... your move!

goldwyncq156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

The visuals seem somewhat unpolished and looks like from a last gen game. I wouldn’t mind a delay.

Andrew336155d ago

A game doesn't need bleeding edge visuals to be good.

goldwyncq155d ago

Ghost of Tsushima did not have the best graphics quality compared to other PS exclusives but the beautiful art style made it stand out. This game just looks generic in comparison.

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