
Your Move Can Do Voice Recognition: So Why is it Not in the PS3 Version of Mass Effect 3?

Any mic can be used for voice recognition but how effective it is depends on the quality of the microphone. The PlayStation Eye, launched in 2007, employs a similar system to the Kinect which uses an array of mics that cuts out background noise and cancels out echoes. The result of this system is that you can be 10 feet away from the mic in a noisy room and it still sounds like you're using a headset in a quiet room.

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dedicatedtogamers4466d ago

Because...Microsoft would rather pay $$$ for timed-exclusive DLC and a few exclusive features in multiplatform games while they blow billions on Kinect instead of, y'know, making games.

This issue was explained over a month ago. The only reason why voice commands are exclusive to 360 is because Microsoft paid for them. Cha-ching!

hazardman4466d ago

Thats BS, maybe because the voice recognition system is better on the Kinect!

BattleAxe4466d ago

Voice recognition is just a gimmick. Hardcore gamers don't want that crap. Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm and all of the Socom games on the PS2 had voice recognition, but personally I preferred to use the drop down menus instead of talking to my TV and feeling like a complete moron.

mcstorm4466d ago

This is not quite true. It is because the 360 holds the software to the kinect voice recognition and all anyone has to do is add it to there game. Where with the pseye they have to wright the software for the eye to pickup the voices. Plus kinect has more microphones inside of it to help pickup your voice where the pseye only has one.

To me i think it adds more to the me3 games in terms of giving team orders as you can say them quicker than holding a button and picking the tactic you want as you have to stop what you are doing in the game to do this. Yes it is not for everyone but you are not forced to use it just offers another way to play the game.

hazardman4466d ago

I really don't care about voice recognition either just like I don't care about 3D and the motion crap! I just hate the fact that we got PS3 fanboy hating on the tech hard, yet say they don't care. Now im not saying you guys are fanbots, just saying in general! I can tell you that Kinect 2 will be awesome as it will have its own on board processor. Right now out of all the motion tech on console the Kinect is the only one catching on with other non gaming ventures such as medical and other uses.

AtomicGerbil4466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )


Sony has already done the hard work.


PSeye has four microphones.

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Nitrowolf24466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )

Move can't do voice recognition, the PS eye can.

And the reason why PC or PS3 aren't getting is because Kinect is doing all the work with it's hardware.
For the PS eye I think that's all software base on the PS3 side.

Put it in simpler terms.

Kinect is doing it, no new software is written,which makes it easy for Bioware to do it. If Bioware were to do it with PC and PS3 then we would have to expect ME3 to release later considering that they would need to write the software themselves. Kinect comes pre-loaded with that already.

Voice Recognition = Kinect Feature
PS Eye Does have it but limited.Binary Domain supported it because the devs took their time to write the software up.
If bioware did it for PS3 I would imagine it would take some time considering the length and size of the game.

Perhaps Bioware is just lazy not to do it or perhaps it is money.

SWORDF1SH4466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )

Binary Domain has voice recognition and it's not obvious it's there until you dig about in the settings. I don't think they would spend much time on it unless it was a huge feature of the game. Seems to me it's pretty simple to implement despite what bioware say.

They wouldn't come out and admit they were paid to keep it from another system. there would be a backlash

EDit: i guess we'll never know. I don't think they would of spent loads of time on it in binary domain to not even use it as a main feature. Lets not forget the guys at bioware are hugely talented and would probably take little to ipmlement.

OC_MurphysLaw4466d ago

"Seems to me pretty simple to implement despite what Bioware says..." ahhh...because cleary you know better than Bioware. /s

SWORDF1SH4466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )

I'm not implying that I know more than them. I'm saying it's a lame excuse. I think ms have either paid them to make them use kinect in some way or paid them to keep it off rival systems. Lets not forget that ms have a history of doing stuff like this. It's buisness at the end of the day.

@MCstorm. pseye has multi microphones inside.

yesmynameissumo4466d ago

My confusion is I thought Bioware had to implement the voice commands (i.e. code them) while they simply used Kinect's speech recognition to piggy back from. It's true Bioware would have to again code the voice commands in the PS3 version, but they would also need to write a speech recog engine as well.

Personally, I don't see anything "wow" about the Kinect integration. Is it neat? Sure, but not that neat. I don't think I'd want it in the PS3 version either, so I'm happy.

Nitrowolf24466d ago

Yea this feature doesn't seem very big at all. I mean there's nothing that the button can't do and I don't see how saying the line of text or something could make it any bbetter.

Either way Kinect comes pre-loaded with some sort of software that PS Eye doesn't have, making it easier to implement into the game

AtomicGerbil4466d ago


Sony has already coded a voice recognition library that supports 20 languages, so there'd be no less coding on the PS3 than the 360.

See the link in my previous post.

GraveLord4466d ago

Actually Xbox 360 is doing the work....

"Although the sensor unit was originally planned to contain a microprocessor that would perform operations such as the system's skeletal mapping, it was revealed in January 2010 that the sensor would no longer feature a dedicated processor. Instead, processing would be handled by one of the processor cores of the Xbox 360's Xenon CPU.[63] According to Alex Kipman, the Kinect system consumes about 10-15% of the Xbox 360's computing resources.[64] However, in November, Alex Kipman made a statement that "the new motion control tech now only uses a single-digit percentage of the Xbox 360's processing power, down from the previously stated 10 to 15 percent."

Fkabbz4466d ago

Pc has Kinect. Microsoft simply paid Bioware to produce it for Xbox 360 exclusively

strickers4466d ago

Voice control is in the ps3 SDK.It was developed and used in Singstar and it works.Most people just prefer a pad,and I'm one of them.
The stuff you people believe from MS continues to amaze me.

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Megaton4466d ago

Microsoft pays good money to keep such pointless features exclusive to the 360 version of the game, and EA is more than happy to take that money.

metsgaming4466d ago

You dont need the kinect or even the eye to do voice control. Its been done before but lets pretend like this is the first time and kinect invented it. Kind of like kinect is the first camera to do motion. Microsoft is going the apple route, pretending they invented someone and no one noticing and people actually think they did. Only apple can get away with that but now it seems microsoft is doing that aswell.

Larry L4466d ago (Edited 4466d ago )

Exactly. I've already played a handfull of games with voice control, and the most recent was like 3 or 4 years ago in EndWar. But most of the games with voice controls I've played are from last generation on PS2.

I used voice controls to control my squad in one or two RainbowSix games on PS2. And also in the NASCAR games EA did last gen, your crew chief would give you info through your headset like lap times, gas and tires, and you could tell him what you want done durring pit stops.

And there were other games that also had voice control that I didn't play, so if anyone's acting like voice controls are new, or that kinect started it, they're F'd in the head.

OC_MurphysLaw4466d ago

Its not that its new,its that MS w/ Kinect give a dev everything they need for the voice integration so its much easier than writing custom code. On top of that their voice recognition stuff is better than anything else on a whole and its including multiple languages.

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