
EDGE: Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D looks better than the HD version

EDGE magazine claims that the HD version of MGS: Snake Eater (in the collection) doesn't look as good as the 3DS port.

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Optical_Matrix4456d ago

The polish is greater on the HD ports being at a higher resolution and with better aliasing. However they probably mean certain things in the 3DS version have been done better because, despite what some people say, MGS 3D is actually a remake, not a port. That said, I tried the demo and I still can't stand using the face buttons for the camera, so I'll wait for the HD Collection to his PS Vita.

RedDead4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

3D...better textures and graphics, HD is just higher res, it's personal preference here. Due you want smooth or looks
Honestly I'd prolly choose the HD version. Sticks etc

Yeah same baka, i'd prefer the smooth to the better ...other stuff, Jaggies can really ruin stuff, plus it's on a tiny screen. BUT...3d version also has MGS4's combat mechanics or something doesn't it? Although it doesn't have an extra stick..

Baka-akaB4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

in this case i prefer smooth , along other mgs titles and the better default controls .

The original was already great looking enough and "only" needing the hd treatment

Hisiru4456d ago

I don't know. I want the HD collection because it has trophies for Metal Gear Solid 2, 3 and probably peace walker (I am in love with the trophy system, I don't care about the HD graphics), but I also want the 3D experience and I already finished Metal Gear Solid 2 and Peace Walker, so it's a hard decision for me.

Diver4456d ago

record video from the HD versions then display it on a DS size screen and it looks mind blowing. now blow up the 3ds version on a 55 inch screen and you'll bite your own eyes out.

Hisiru4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

Why would you be stupid enough to do something like that? Why would I play the 3DS version (portable version) on a HDTV and play the console version on a portable?

Doesn't make any sense. The article is comparing both games as they are originaly played.

morganfell4456d ago

I believe you are missing Diver's point. Small screens can be deceptive as regards visual quality.

Darkfocus4456d ago

Having played the demo earlier today I'd have to say it actually looks worse than the ps2 version...it looks nothing like the videos they showed off a while ago and it has framerate problems too... the textures are horrible because it has no anistropic filtering at all they stay a blurry mess until their right at your feet...and jaggies jaggies everywhere...RE revelations is a much better graphical showcase for 3DS...

KwietStorm_BLM4456d ago

I want the version I can play on a big HD screen with a full controller. Worrying about a jagged edge here and there or possibly slightly smoother textures in a last generation game is nitpicking at best.

badz1494456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

but I play my MGS collection all in 3D too on my PS3 and 51" plasma! maybe not native, but still in 3D!

Kevin ButIer4456d ago

Who cares... as long as I can play this masterpiece in my hdtv or in the bus... who cares

hay4455d ago

I prefer both. MGS collection is 3D ready, and can be played on PS3. Win-win.

MaxXAttaxX4455d ago

Side by side the HD versions(in HD resolution) it would not look as good.

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Darkfocus4456d ago

you can use the circle pad pro for the camera if you've got one.

nikola9874456d ago

They should have added option to aim using gyroscope or with stylus like in DS era.

SilentNegotiator4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

Spend more money to make the system less portable and worry about a SECONDARY battery (supposed 480 hours or not (Probably only in tests conducted with a AAA battery crafted in gold by GOD), it's a second battery to worry about)? No thanks. They should have had a second circle pad just like the psp should have. Capping your system's potential (for STANDARDIZED good controls that don't compromise for those using the lesser controls) with a mistake that was made LAST generation? Not good.

And minor improvements to everything but the most important thing (control) and headache inducing 3D.....or THREE MGS games in HD, with trophies, and with better controls? Hmmm....that's a tough one. Not.

blumatt4456d ago

Yeah, Nintendo really should have learned from the mistake Sony made with the PSP not having a second analog stick. But, alas, they came out with an add-on that itself needs its own power source. Just bad foresight and not learning from the competitor's mistakes (Sony). Oh well though.

CarlitoBrigante4456d ago

I'll go for the PS3 version

5 games for the price of 1 3DS game, yeah great deal! Plus trophies too and the PlayStation controller everybody is used to.

Colwyn4456d ago

LOL.i love the hypocrisy among the people on this site.

i dont even have to see the 3ds version to know that the hd versions of mgs 3 are the superior versions.such blatantly sensational headline from edge wont get mass admonishment but if "the hip hop gamer " had said this, people would be preparing kerosene oil to burn his house down and stone him.

to each his own but edge is rubbish. theyll give high score ratings to rubbish games and mark down scores for high quality hd console releases almost as if its done purposely to insite a mob.

ohh yeah, colleen doesnt mind disagrees because most things spoken of are facts or based in facts but can conjure up anger in fanatics. 3ds is an unfinished system and is seen as a waste of time to me because the vita can do everything better.

Kingdom Come4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

I don't even read your comments anymore, you're the biggest Sony Fanboy on this site. I actually remember you naming the next generation "PS4ever". Regardless of whether EDGE are right or wrong, you're comments are innevitably going to be in denial of anything Playstation Negative. That's what I love about being a multiple console owner, I can agree to the negatives and positives of each console whilst admittedly having one I divide more of my gaming time towards, where as fanboys, as they haven't purchased the other console, they are in denial of it's positive attributes...

"edge is rubbish. theyll give high score ratings to rubbish games and mark down scores for high quality hd console releases almost as if its done purposely to insite a mob."

So, I guess you didn't agree with te 9/10 for Uncharted 3, and as for this months issue (I subscribe to Edge):

Star Wars: The Old Republic - 8
Uncharted: Golden Abyss - 7
The Darkness II - 7
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - 6
Never Dead - 7
Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater - 8
Haunt - 5

The majority of those reviews, to me, seem more than fair.

Baka-akaB4456d ago

don't bother ... his ilk shame all decent ps fans with his inanity .

He's the kind of fool that was trolling soulCalibur V "because he'd rather wait for god of War 4" .

You just can't win against that

Kingdom Come4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

@ Knushwood

Hence why I said, "The Majority", and not the entirety. Although, Never Dead's reviews have been extremely mixed, many consider the game to be horrendous, whilst others, despite it's flaws, praise the title for it's originality in certain aspects and it's intriguing concept. Also, the game wasn't subject to hype, or at least a vast amount, making the game less likely to be considered a disappointment or for it to fall short of expectations, like many have considered Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning to do despite many others finding the game to be a fantastic and brilliantlly executed experience... I mean are you really going to call them terrible reviewers for being harsh and for your disagreement with one score?

@ Baka
Precisely, "gamers" (and I use that term loosely for trolls such as them) like Colwyn give a bad name to the industry, they belittle other titles due to their desperation for their exclusives to be the superior title. And on occasions they aren't, they refuse to believe it and persist in their unnecessary and pointless defense of the title, despite them recieving no reward or respect for doing so...

Abriael4455d ago

@kingdom come:

Star Wars: The Old Republic - 8 - too low
Uncharted: Golden Abyss - 7 - WAY too low
The Darkness II - 7 - too low
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - 6 - WAY too low
Never Dead - 7 - too high
Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater - 8 - too high
Haunt - 5 - Didn't try it.

As usual Edge's scores are all over the place, as their editorial content and basically everything they write.

Being a subscriber of that trash isn't honestly something I'd boast about.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4455d ago
BlindGuardian4456d ago

absolutley wrong

the demo on the 3DS is vastly inferior looking to the PS3 HD port

StraightPath4456d ago

last comparison done yes the 3DS version was better..hd version just a port in higher res..

Knushwood Butt4456d ago

For all the people saying this is a remake, could someone point out all the changes please?

TheDivine4456d ago

Only thing i noticed in the demo is 3d, aiming like peace walker (4 dots like a crosshair), Crouch walking, some gyro stuff here and there, inventory mapped to touchscreen, seemed to have some new art and thats about it. I only played the demo but the game seemed to be pretty much the same except for a few new mechanics from peace walker. I was hoping for a real remake where it had some new areas, enemies, new online maps or some other cool additions for fans of the game. Its awesome but if you just played it maybe wait or pass it up. Il get it cause mgs3 in 3d on the go rocks but i might wait till its 15 or 20 bucks.

Abriael4455d ago

My what a failure Edge.

I had some hands on time at a Nintendo event a few days ago and the game looks good for a Nintendo 3DS game, but really, really bad overall. It was evidently created for a large screen, and it wasn't reworked enough for the small screen of the 3DS, and it really suffer from the low resolution.

Lemme tell you an interesting anecdote. During most of the event I pretty much igored MGS. There isn't much to preview in a remake, and I had The Last Story, Pandora's Tower and Kid Icarus to gets my hands on. Much more juicy titles.

Anyway, at the end I had some time left and I checked it out. I had noticed tat the journalists that tried it before me were making weird faces. I go check out both units that were running it, and they were both still in the very first map where you hate to find the backpack after parachuting. No one managed to find the damn backpack in three hours and a half.

I remembered about it, so I managed to find it, but it took me 15 minutes camming around to find that thing that was three pixels wide and green in between foliage.

I continued into the game and realized that playing it is a pain, because the models of basically everything of notice (enemies, drops and what not) were too small and lacked any kind of definition, so they blended into the jungle too much. in MGS 3D you'll not be the one sneaking. It'll be mostly the enemy sneaking on you, because you can't see them,

And let's not even get into the controls. The choice of controlling the camera with the ABXY buttons is the climax of a failure, probably the worst MGS game ever, control wise.

So no, Edge needs better glasses, and thick ones.

Colwyn4455d ago

thank you for what seems like your honesty sir. most fanatics dont think and are quick to apologize for bad games or bad decisions made by their favourite game company.

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extermin8or4456d ago

3DS version is a remake HD version is a remastered port so I'd expect 3DS version to look better.....

Kamikaze1354456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

Too bad it runs at a lower resolution, full of jaggies, has an inconsistent framerate, and doesn't control as smoothly on the 3DS. Btw, I'm very disappointed. I wanted to buy this game and have been looking forward to it ever since that awesome trailer shown when it was revealed. I'll probably get it anyway once the price goes down.

smashcrashbash4456d ago

Yeah, they conveniently left out those facts.

Venoxn4g4456d ago

there's a chance that final version will be smoother than demo.. I hope so :)

Kamikaze1354456d ago

There isn't. People have already gotten their copy early and mentioned that the demo reflects the final build, unfortunately.

ronin4life4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

I haven't heard anything of the sort, nor can I find such things being said.
The only place that I know that actually has a final build and is talking about it is edge. (And after checking MC, Nintendo Power, who gave it a 9.)
What do you mean by "smoother"? Frame rate or "jaggies"?

ozstar4456d ago

Edge gave it an 8.
Thats all i need to know.

Pozzle4456d ago

Wasn't the 3DS version a complete remake from the ground up? That probably explains why it looks a bit better, then.

DeleteThisxx4456d ago

And the HD collection PLAYS better

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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - Preparing for Snake Eater Remake

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection launched in 2011, and is still the best way to play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ahead of the remake.

contra157322d ago (Edited 322d ago )

Can’t wait to one day break that game out of the collection vault

aaronaton321d ago

Currently playing Snake Eater HD on CRT 16:9, via Scart RGB. Game looks great but not as clean as MGS2, but thats due to the setting. Can't wait for the remake + the next HD collection on PS5.


Metal Gear Solid games still missing from PlayStation and Xbox stores

Months after they were removed from sale, a number of Metal Gear Solid games have yet to return to the PlayStation and Xbox stores.

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Nyxus756d ago

It's Konami. Expect nothing.

Snookies12756d ago

Konami's too busy with their Pachinko machines to worry over silly little things like this.

756d ago
masterfox756d ago

glad I have my PS3 HD MGS collection.

Orchard756d ago

MGS is just missing in general. Thanks Konami.

756d ago Replies(2)
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Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 to be temporarily removed from digital storefronts starting November 8

Konami will temporarily remove Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 from digital storefronts starting November 8 as it works to renew the licenses for select historical archive footage used in each game, the company announced.

Orchard906d ago

To be honest, I’m surprised Konami are even considering re-listing this given how they’ve abandoned their franchises and fans.

Maybe temporarily will become permanently.

VersusDMC906d ago

They definitely won't relist the games on the pretty much dead platforms they were on. If they go through hassle of changing all the cutscenes it will be to release a PS/Xbox/Switch collection on current systems.

Eonjay906d ago (Edited 906d ago )

Out of curioisity, why isn't historical footage a part of the public domain?

VersusDMC906d ago

According to Google anything before 1924 and anything that wasn't copyrighted 5 years after being publised is fair game.

Maybe the historical footage used in the MGS games might have new copyright owners and they are knocking on the doors of whoever is using that footage for a paycheck.

Maybe that's what happened because of what happened with writers suing Movie studios for rights to old IP like terminator, Beetlejuice and Friday the 13th due to an old copyright law that grants authors rights to their work after 35 years. Maybe that's what happened to the copyright of the old footage as well?

Or they are just negotiating with the original copyright owners? Maybe this is a ploy to get it for cheaper? Bluff that they will just take the games down for a cheaper licence price?

Who knows...

jznrpg906d ago

If they didn’t have plans to rerelease them they would just say they aren’t coming back . They may not release them again if whoever owns the copyrights are greedy but it would seem they are putting some effort into it otherwise they would say buy it now or else that would make them more $ now . I could be wrong but that makes sense to me .

TheEnigma313906d ago

This is exactly why i love physical media

Orchard906d ago (Edited 906d ago )

Well, in this case, describing it as a digital vs physical problem may not be too accurate.

If you already purchased it digitally, you'll still be able to download it and play any time - and if I want to go buy it digitally, I still can today, whereas I probably can't find a physical copy of it in Walmart or wherever.

blackblades906d ago

True as long as you bought something before it get delisted you'll still be able to play them. All the physical vs digital is nonesense now and getting old. You get screwed from both at the end of the day if everything goes down. Physical will have all the bugs because they need the 1st day patches and then some. About most dlc needs downloading so you screwed outta complete edition. I still dont see Sony or MS going anywhere in the next 100 years.

MadLad906d ago

People on here find literally every excuse they can to state just how much better and future proof physical games are over digital.

Funny, being I can play every single one of my almost 1000 steam games with no issue. And, even when the store eventually shutters, they have systems in place I can still back up all my games.

What am I supposed to do when my console, and even the discs it runs, break down? I mean, I can rebuy them, but that just means I had to pay twice for a game, and probably now at collector prices. Doesn't sound very future proof to me.

blackblades906d ago

That already happened to me on ps2. My stuff got stolen, I had to rebuy some of the games with allowances. Some games were nich I couldnt find them again.



We don't even need to loose the games in anyway for physical media reliability to be put to test, disc rot is a thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 906d ago
IamFrasierCrane906d ago

This doesn’t affect anyone who has already purchased the game digitally.

GhostofHorizon906d ago (Edited 906d ago )

Just started MGS 3 over the weekend.
Wouldn't have affected me since I bought the collection a long time ago.

I'm more interested in the fact that they have to re-license historical footage constantly. At what point is it not worth it anymore? I can't imagine a lot of people are buying MGS Collection.

isarai906d ago

Dat all digital future 👌

Sephiroushin906d ago

What? You got it you can still play it just like if you got a physical copy of the game ...

FanboysKiller906d ago

How to get engaged with 2s story ? , can't get through the ship without quiting the game literally since forever.

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