
TekNmotion Airhead 1000 headset review - Nerd Reactor

Nerd Reactor writes, "Any PC gamer will tell you that having a decent pair of headphones is pretty much a must if you want to get the full experience. Whether it’s trudging along a three or four hour raid in WoW with guild mates, or shooting bitches on Battlefield, being able to communicate with other people, while having the ability to hear everything in your surroundings, is pretty important.

So, with the Teknmotion Airhead 1000 headset, the objective is fairly simple: provide a pair of comfortable headphones that gives good quality and can allow your teammates to hear you questioning their gaming abilities or sexual orientation. But how do you make such a product stand out from the rest?

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Icrontic review: Teknmotion Intruder mobile gaming headset

The Teknmotion Intruder headset is not going to win any awards, but that doesn't mean it might not be the right headset for you.

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TekNmotion Intruder gaming headset review | Examiner.com

The TekNmotion Intruder headset is a flexible, travel-friendly companion best suited to mobile gaming, music, and movie applications, but it can make a reasonable stand-in as a desktop gaming solution as well

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Game Guys review: TekNMotion's PulseWave 2 gaming headset

Computer headsets seem to come a dime-a-dozen at stores like RadioShack, Fry's and online retailer Amazon.com -- okay, maybe more like ten-to-twenty bucks for a small one. But gamers tend to want more than what a simple RadioShack-esque computer headset can handle, hence the competitive market of high-quality gaming headsets.