
EDGE review scores – March 2012

The latest EDGE scores include Uncharted: Golden Abyss, other Vita launch games, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy XIII-2 and more.

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CaptainSheep4472d ago

Golden Abyss got a 7? Not bad but I was expecting more... oh well, still a day 1 buy for me! ^_^

PSVITAlitysensor4472d ago

I prefer Wipeout to Uncharted. Glad it got a better score; so I can look forward to it ;)

Solid_Snake374472d ago

I've always wondered if Edge scores games lower on purpose

bunfighterii4472d ago

I don't think they score lower, I think they just use the 1-10 scale more accurately than others.

nveenio4472d ago

Edge tends to scale down the big hype games, but I'm not sure it's them trying to get attention. I think they really believe what they're writing.

The Uncharted series is my favorite of all time, but I'm not at all interested in Golden Abyss. It feels too much like Uncharted 1, and I don't want the series to go backward...even on portable. Once I saw that you had to use the accelerometer to balance across tree trunk bridges, I knew that it was a step backward for the series. I'm not interested in a playing a game that is built to show off a device. I want to play a game that is built to show off awesome.

asbuwango4472d ago

I think EDGE score lower for attention... Because sometimes their score is just illogical

SuperM4472d ago

Edge scores are totally unrelaible. You could say they use the whole 1-10 scale but that doesnt explain why they often score mediocre games as high or higher then really good games.

Gaming1014471d ago

@ everyone ^
Of course Edge does it to get attention, and gamers are so predictable as soon as you give their favourite game a bad score, they click on a troll website like Edge and the website gets paid. Edge knows that its trolling will get it hits, why do you think N4G always has an article every month that gets hits and shoots its degree sky high? Does anyone really kid themselves into believing people on the internet are in business for anything other than making money? The people running Edge are successful because they know people who hate them will be clicking on their website and will love hating them every time they do it, all the while Edge rakes in cash. Look up Agency Theory if you're having a hard time understanding this concept.

gta28004471d ago

Give GTA V a 1 out of 10. Ima still look forward to it regardless of the score.

Spydiggity4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

YOu people are so predictable. Edge scores come out, you cry about them wanting attention. Even though this is an absurd reaction, if you believe it, stop clicking their articles.

I happen to love Kingdoms of Amalur and think it deserves better than a 6, but i'm not going to cry about someone else's opinion. and that's what reviews are...opinions.

assuming they're based in reality and experience. most of you are crying about uncharted's 7 and many of you haven't even played it yet.

rob60214471d ago

It's not big hype games they tend to score lower, it's PlayStation games. While they score more harshly than other sites/mags on all games, their distaste for PlayStation games is significantly worse. I think trying to figure out why Edge does what it does is something we can't really do. We can only prove the bias.


It actually kind of sickens me that people come on the Edge threads and try to defend the site from people that are trying to hold Edge accountable for past bias. I think people reading the scores should be more informed when reading game scores. Its not some made up Sony fanboy myth, Edge is certainly biased against PlayStation exclusive software.

MaxXAttaxX4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

Here are other reviews for comparison:
I see a lot of 9.0, 9.5 and 10s. 8.0 is the lowest.

EDGE is one of 3 or so sites that will give lower scores to highly hyped games, PS exclusives or otherwise(sometimes).

clrlite4471d ago

Wipeout is one of the most underrated games of all time.

da_2pacalypse4471d ago

only a 6 for KoaR? really? I mean, I know it was not as good as I expected it to be... but I think an 8 is a fair score.

badz1494471d ago

GA is a great game but I could already seen their trolling 7 from miles away just so they can stir hits to their site. Pathetic!

ginsunuva4471d ago

Yup, Edge uses the "5 is average" scale like movies. Not the childish school grading system other reviwers adopted.

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Cloudberry4472d ago

MGS3D & WipeOut 2048 accomplished that, but lucky number 7 is not bad.

The same score they gave with Yakuza 4 and I really love that game and series.

Knushwood Butt4471d ago

@ inveni0

Golden Abyss feels MUCH fresher than Uncharted 3 ever did.

As for the game itself, I've beaten it 3 times and got the Platinum, so have more than enough time with the game myself to give my opinion on it. I had a blast with it. Enjoyed it more than Uncharted 3. In fact, it does some things much better than U3: Better script, better characters, better voice acting, better treasure / collectible system, that also adds a lot of back story with it.

My only minor gripes (and these only sprang to mind during my first run - I forgot about them for later runs) are that the number of locations the story evolves in are quite few, so you spend a lot of time in only a few locations, and that some of the music is recycled from the earlier games.

Bottom line is that if you are getting a Vita then Golden Abyss is a must buy.

I'll happily go through it a 4th time at some point (need to play Gravity Daze now though).

SamPao4471d ago

Sounds like its more like the first Uncharted, and to be honest, I love the first Uncharted to this day!! I love numero 2 and 3 but Uncharted 1 also has a very special place in my heart!
Cant wait for Golden abyss!!

brodychet4471d ago

Didn't Edge give Assassin's Creed a 3? In all honestly, 3s are not given to games like Assassin's Creed. I feel 1s 2s and 3s are reserved for barely playable titles. Some that are horrendous in a very obvious way.

Edge just isn't a reviewer I rely on.

plmkoh4471d ago

At the same time they scored Halo ODST a 9, which has been unanimously agreed to by fans and non-fans alike to be one of the worst in the series and was completely unnecessary.In comparison as you said how on earth did Assassins Creed get a 3.


EVILDEAD3604471d ago

'At the same time they scored Halo ODST a 9, which has been unanimously agreed to by fans and non-fans alike to be one of the worst in the series and was completely unnecessary'

Complete lie..one of the best campaigns in the series period.

LOL @ playing make believe about what ACTUAL HALO fans 'unanimously' thought about ODST. Jus t stick to games that you ACTUALLY play before your nose grows anymore.


Mr-Zex4471d ago

I was honestly expecting Golden Abyss to get atleast an 8 or 9 after playing it, but I suppose critics will be critics.

Gamer19824471d ago

final fantasy scores a joke. Most sites been low balling whats probably been the best FF game for a long time. As a LONG time FF fan I absolutely love the latest instalment and it just shows how much gamings changed that reviewers dislike it for being what it is. The stuff that makes it great would have got it 10/10 5-6 years ago and i'm not talking graphics here. Unless its a shooter or stupidly hard nobody gives it a good score these days and its terrible.

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MegaSackman4472d ago

Neverdead 7, nothing to do here.

Acquiescence4472d ago

All I can hear in my head right now is Dr. Evil saying "riiiiiiiiiiiiight."

smashcrashbash4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

Yeah, I don't know why people jump to defend Edge with idiotic scores like this. How in heavens name can Neverdead which just about everyone thinks is a pile of crap be the same as UC:GA a game that has at least gotten an 8 and over from everyone else so far.

Do you know why? Because only idiots take Edge's scores seriously. I never depend on Edge to review anything. I will listen to IGN before I listen to them.And before anyone jumps to try and defend them by saying they have given PS3 games good scores before that is not the point. Their scoring is garbage.

It is amazing how handing out low scores these days are considered the 'truth'. Because CNET gave the VITA a 3/5 people leap to defend it. But almost never see the same people leaping to defend the higher scores that it has gotten. They sit in a corner waiting for the next bad score to mouth off or sit there trying to explain why the good scores don't count.

If you look at all the reviews that the VITA has gotten on N4G so far you see much less people on the articles with the high scores. But as soon as it got a lower score suddenly it is filled with naysayer, trolls and people shouting 'I told you so'. People just love chaos especially here.

Don't care if anyone disagrees. Edge's scores make no sense most of the time and are all over the place. How in the hell is Never Dead better then Amalur or the same as UC:GA? how does that make sense to anyone?

Moncole4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

They got the same score because two diffrent people reviewed each game and decided to give them a 7 from what they think of it. Do you actually think one person reviews each game for Edge?

insomnium24471d ago

"Because only idiots take Edge's scores seriously"

To top it off the world is just FULL of idiots too.

Dread4472d ago ShowReplies(1)
Droid Control4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

EDGE are the only people that score games correctly.

7 is not bad. 7 is not adverage, 7 is good. 8 is very good.

5 is adverage.

Everyone else only utilizes 7-10 7 bad, 8 ok, 9 good, 10 very good. What is the point of a 10 point system when everyone other than EDGE only scores out of essentially 5?

callahan094472d ago

They score games correctly? The ONLY people? Don't you find it a little odd that a game like inFamous 2, which got like an 85 average score from all the critics combined on Metacritic, is given a 6, and then NeverDead, which has like a 50 average from all the other critics on Metacritic, gets a better score, a 7, from Edge? Their scores are wildly off the charts, either on the high or low end, all the time.

HardcoreGamer4472d ago

i agreee, with you, they give games like FF13 at 9/10

they give god of war games 6- 8 out of ten and say stuff like this,

"The stuff of legend, then? Indeed. Although, perhaps fittingly, one with nothing new to say"

that comment is literally saying good but ripping the game in a figure of speech, but giving it an 8??? very dodgy people. i can guess their scores now but only between exclusives.

oh yeah, they gave crackdown
8/ 10

and said

"The cliché regarding this sort of game is that it changes the way you view your own world: I know for sure that I'll be seeing those last few Orbs in my dreams for months to come. If you need any indication of Crackdown's brilliance, that's surely it, right? If you seek its monument, look around you. "

its all in the language they use. you can tell they are biased towards xbox 360

ronin4life4472d ago

Because those places use the method that a 1 to 10 scale is numerically meant to be used wrong.
5 is in the middle, meaning average. Everything above that is progressively better, or above average, and everything below is worse, or below average. This is how scales are supposed to work, but very few places actually follow this basic math principle.

Fez4472d ago

Exactly, we've been conditioned to see a 7 as a bad score when actually it should be regarded as good.

0 - Unplayable
1 - Terrible
2 - Very Bad
3 - Bad
4 - Below Average
5 - Average
6 - Above average
7 - Good
8 - Very Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding/game of the generation

Average review scores
IGN - 6.9
Gamespot - 6.7
Planet Xbox 360 - 7.7
EDGE - 6.3

Noone uses the full 10 points anymore.

kaveti66164472d ago

But that's just like, your opinion, man.

Who conditioned you to think that a game that scores 5/10 is worth playing?

Fez4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

lol, we have tho. Read the reviews of most 7 out of 10 games and they are mostly negative. Scores rarely match the writers opinion which is what I mean by being conditioned into thinking scores like 6 or even 5 are bad.

Why is the lowest average for game reviewers on metacritic 5.7 with the overall average being 7.4?

coolbeans4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

"Who conditioned you to think that a game that scores 5/10 is worth playing?"

That's the entire point, no one's forcing a definition of a 5/10 on YOU. That's solely up to somone's discretion to determined what a numerical value means.


Edge, like any other site, is allowed to state THEIR personal 'review manifesto' (there's a better word for it) to explain the site's personal view on what a 5/10 game is IN THEIR OPINION. Why these simple statements seem to never get through a gaggle of n4g posters on here is astounding.

MaxXAttaxX4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

It's in their writing. Most reviews 7 or below are full of negativity.

rob60214471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )


Every site is allowed to state their own personal view just as much as any poster has the right to question it. People get attached to game scores because we all know they have a lot of pull inducing success/failure of videogames. These reviews hold a lot of power and when someone holds power, they should hold responsibility too. At face value these are supposed to be objective honest reviews.

Ult iMate4471d ago

>>"Average review scores"
Now try to figure out average review scores of those sites for PS3, Xbox360 and multiplatform games then compare them with metacritics score and you will see Edge's bias.

coolbeans4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )


Nothing you stated is actually an argument against my point. What is the point of weighing their responsibility if we're only to look at their review scores, look at metacritic average, then deem if they're biased or not?

This is the same message I've been delivering since I've been on here. You only have a right to call fault against a reviewer if it's in the CONTEXT OF THE REVIEW (ex. IGN's Dead Space 2 review was riddled with grammacal errors and a disregard to dive into many details).

"At face value these are supposed to be objective honest reviews."

You should bother reading any review since they're all subjective to some degree.

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specialguest4472d ago (Edited 4472d ago )

They score games 2 points lower by default than the average score to manipulate you into thinking their scores carry more weight. Apparently, their strategy works, because they seem to attract lots of curiosity even from Edge haters.

francknara64472d ago

No. Edge uses the good scale, but uses it bad.

Gamekult.com uses the same scale but is way more just.

trouble_bubble4471d ago

Gamekult? LMAO!

They practically live on 7/10 or lower for Playstation. Doesn't matter the game.

inFamous 2...7/10
Resistance FOM...7/10
Resistance 2...7/10
Resistance 3...7/10
Killzone 3...7/10
Gran Turismo 5...7/10
Motorstorm Pacific Rift...7/10
Motorstorm Arctic Edge...7/10
Motorstorm Apocalypse...7/10
Yakuza 4...7/10
Uncharted Drake's Fortune...7/10
GOW: Ghost of Sparta...7/10
GOW: Chains of Olympus...7/10

Sometimes they'll feel frisky and give one 6/10 like the GOW Origins Collection, lower than the games scored individually btw. Or the very rare 8 for Golden Abyss. 3 point scale, lol!

xPhearR3dx4471d ago


Ummm dude, Edge gave LBP a 10/10 and LBP2 a 9/10. A quick search on Metacritic can give you that information. Your little Edge is against PlayStation theory is pure fanboy talk.

P_Bomb4471d ago


His post was talking about *Gamekult* scores, not Edge scores. And he's right. Gamekult did in fact give both LBPs 7/10

Might wanna edit your post. ;)

francknara64470d ago

Uncharted Golden Abyss: 8/10
Uncharted 2: 9/10
Uncharted 3: 8/10
Wipeout Pulse: 8/10
Wipeout HD: 8/10
Wiepout 2048: 8/10
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction: 8/10
Demon's Souls: 8/10
ICO: 9/10
Shadow of the Colossus: 8/10
Jak & Daxter: 9/10
Killzone 2: 8/10
God of War: 8/10
God of War 2: 8/10
God of War 3: 9/10
(no 360 exclusive got 9/10)

Yes, LBP, LBP2 and Heavy Rain are underrated, but Gamekult is not Sony-hater :)

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Gamer19824471d ago

EDGE are very biased towards nintendo games and have been for many years. As for 360 and PS3 games depending on reviewer the scores are all over the place ff13 9/10 yet the far superior ff13-2 5/10.. Stupid scores.

erasure2424471d ago Show
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