
How to automatically install downloaded games and demos on PS3

GB : It's amazing how many people do not know of this simple thing - how to automatically install games and demos on your PS3. If you want to install a bunch of games together on your PS3, follow this exact procedure below.

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Emilio_Estevez4485d ago (Edited 4485d ago )

I know a guy who didn't know this until a few weeks ago when I showed him. He has had the ps3 for years.

You'd be amazed how many people don't know you can hold the ps button down to turn it off, the controller off, or switch the controller to a different #. Even less people know holding the ps button down for 10secs will turn the controller off without a prompt.

GanjaMan4485d ago

i didnt know you can install games and demoes automatically till reading the article! and nor did i know you can hold ps button for 10 secs to turn the control off till i just read your comment, so sound mate.

GrieverSoul4485d ago

There was an article on N4G a few months ago about a guy ranting that he couldnt get out of the ELITE app on the PS3. Since its not a game, when you tap the PS button, it didnt show the exit game icon. Little did he know that holding down the PS for 5 seconds it diplays said option. I believe ELITE app has been patch for it now but still it shows how far some people go to bash the PS3.

However, I blame SONY for this lack of knowledge from their costumers. Sometime its better to have a simple tutorial video making a brief presentation of the PS3. Something made in flash or something. I have many friends that didnt know they could leave the PS3 to shutdown after downloading and installig the items they purchased online. Not even that the auto off feature could be preset with diferent times.

darthv724485d ago

will yield the correct end result. However, if you are playing a game or doing other things then the result will be a split. It will download but you will have to install the game/demo by clicking on the downloaded file. Then it will process and take a varied amount of time depending on the size of the file.

It has been compared to the 360 in that when you download a game/demo from live, it is fully playable after it completes. That is for every file even if you have queued up several files at once.

PS3 doesnt have to do it the same way as the 360 but i can see how many who are used to how it is done on the 360 and get themselves a ps3 suddenly find the ps3 way slow and cumbersome.

Perception is different depending on which system you use most.

gamingdroid4485d ago (Edited 4485d ago )


I agree.

The concept of patching is essentially non-existent for me on the Xbox 360 as I can download the update while the game is running. It's usually very small and completes quickly and all Xbox Live does is log you out and then log you in and you can play. This usually happens before I even get to the start screen.

No need to "install" patches or reboot the game.

It's pretty much instant access....

MS has done a wonderful job with Xbox Live and to think they almost went with Windows for the original Xbox


KUV19774485d ago

That seems like a convenient way to patch things. The PS3 has a feature for PLUS-members that pretty much improved the whole process of patching. Every day at a set time the PS3 will turn on and check for updates and will then automatically download and install them. Next time I turn on my PS3 I get the info what was downloaded and installed. It also syncs the trophies (which should really work in the background anytime) and backs up selected saves to the cloud.
It is a pretty neat solution. As for the auto-install: it is pretty obvious that it works this way but usually i will want to put items into my download-queue and not want to wait the whole time but do something else instead... You know, like playing a game. I could swear however, that PLUS also finished downloading the queue (still does) and installed the downloads before. For whatever reason it seems to have stopped installing queue-stuff. Maybe FW4.1 fixed that again.

MrBeatdown4485d ago (Edited 4485d ago )

You can just go to the User tab to shut down the system and click the option to continue the download until finished. Anything still downloading will finish up and install before the system shuts off, unless you have it paused.

It's much better than the method in the article. This way, you're PS3 will shut off when it's done, and you can play while stuff downloads, rather than having to leave your PS3 idle through the entire download process.

Or if you have PS+, it will just download and install anything that isn't finished when it's doing it scheduled update.

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Blaine4485d ago


I don't know about you, but I've had the PS3 since launch, and I'd say the only reason I do know about the alternate functions of the PS button, depending on how long you hold it, is because those used to be its only functions! Before there was in-game XMB, that was the only menu you could access in-game.

So if I'd bought a PS3 after the in-game XMB was integrated, then I probably wouldn't have known those things either.

Nodoze4484d ago

In game XMB is a failure. They should only show the options that are accessible.

From an interface standpoint the XMB is showing it's age. It is slow and not very intuitive.

I am glad there are no ads on the interface (outside of the PS store icons), but it is in desperate need of an update.

Blaine4484d ago

I wouldn't call it a failure. Does everything I want it to.

It is slow, yes. And some of the icons aren't really necessary when you're playing a game. But then again, maybe some people do use it to go straight from the game to another function, so who's to say which is right? This is another "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario since, I'm sure, other people would complain if those icons were missing from the in-game XMB.

- Have all the icons: it's slower, people who only want game-centric options complain.

- Have only game-related icons: it's faster, people who want their media icons complain.

People will complain no matter what you do. So all you can do is suck it up, and be glad we have the in-game XMB at all. I know that, myself, I'm MUCH happier having this in-game XMB than none at all, so I don't complain (let alone call it a FAILURE).

GraveLord4485d ago

Really? Didn't know about the 10 second thing.

blumatt4485d ago

I didn't etiher. I can't remember the number of times the TV was off and I tried to guess where I was on the menu to turn the controller off. haha That tip will help me in the future. Thanks Stabwounds.

moparful994485d ago

I know about the 10 second thing but I set the auto controller sleep function that after a pre set amount of time sitting idle the controller will turn off automatically.. The best part is after I did this my DS3 battery life increased by days.. I whent from having to charge my controller every other day to maybe once a week... My only qualm about this is if I get side tracked for a few minutes and go to get back on my controller is off but this is a very minor complaint seeing as the payoff is far greater...

scotchmouth4484d ago

Didn't know about the 10 sec thing either. I like many others did what blumatt did. Makes me LOL

Emilio_Estevez4485d ago (Edited 4485d ago )

The best part about this article is that it's not even what I thought it was. I thought he was gonna say:
From the xbm, while not in a game go all the way to the left and click turn off. It will then prompt to "Turn off system after all downloads completed?" - which dl's and installs them, then turns it off. I usually use this on tuesdays.

SwampCroc4485d ago

You forgot about being able to hit the PS button to turn the system on aswell.

I didn't know about the download thing though.. I usually only get one thing at a time anyway. but it definitely is useful.

krisq4485d ago

Just like not many people knows that you can set it to download, install and to turn itself off after. Great for nightly downloading.

Insomnia_844485d ago

I think this is a better option:

Select Games in the store/download/download in background/Scroll all the way to the left of the XMB/select Turn Off system/check the box for"turn off system after downloads are finifhed.

It will download the games/demos/vids..install them AND turn off the system by itself when it is done. I do this every tuesday, I go to sleep and the next morning everything is ready!! that way you don't have to stop gaming just for the games to be installed automatically.

solidt124484d ago

I didn't know about this and I had my PS3 since day one. Where have I been. I feel like you should not have to go through all that though and they should automatically install anyway.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4484d ago
Dno4485d ago

this is useless. I want it to install while im playing another game like the xbox. people dont no this because its stupid. I do not want to wait there and watch it install people want it to install in the background like the xbox.

Ima huge ps3 supporter just look at my history but i aint a blind fanboy. This does not help people.

GrieverSoul4485d ago

I understand your comment but this has something to due with the security on each platform. The Xbox doenst install the game because its downloaded in way that is ready to be played. Meaning, it doenst install! Its downloaded ready to be played. The PS3 is diferent.
Imagine you donwload a BMP from the internet. When it arrives on your computer you just click on it and its displayed. This is how the X360 files work. On the PS3 case, imagine that BMP file come in a *.EXE format where you have to run it in order for it to extract the BMP file.

Still, its not an excuse by any means. Just diferent aproaches to the same thing.

Dno4485d ago

No i get that it makes sense. i really do im just saying this does not solve the problem. people only complain because we have to install it.

Sony needs to change it to how xbox does it.

darthv724485d ago

that part is what gets me. Xbox is pretty simple in that you can shut the system down and it will uses low power mode to continue to download and then fully shutdown. PS3 remain completely on which isnt very energy efficient.

Then again, they both achieve the same results but are just handled in their own ways. We cant expect them to be the same. That is what makes each one unique. If people are wanting the ps3 to do things like the 360 then go get a 360 and vice versa.

moparful994485d ago

Sony has a different way of going about doing things I get that. Why you have to download and then install all in separate steps is beyond me and it used to bother me but the dl and install times have sped up significantly since the begining of this generation that it honestly is an afterthought to me anymore.. Also I'm a plus subscriber so my ps3 automatically turns on, dl's updates, patches, firmware etc and then turns off when i'm asleep.. It works so well that I can't remember the last time I had to sit there and wait for my ps3 to update a game or whatever... For psn being free it is a very very high quality service..

darthv724485d ago

Your last part is a bit interesting. You are a "plus" member and say that "psn being free it is a very very high quality service".

the interesting part is you really can't count yourself as a free PSN user. Granted that PLUS is optional but the point you made about how it does all these things when you sleep isnt available to the free PSN users.

If it was then i would agree with you but seeing as you need to pay to get that perk sort of takes the wind out of that sail.

KUV19774485d ago

I think he means that the free part is pretty great already and the PLUS-part just makes it that much better.
I totally agree with that statement, but there is a time when you have to wait for an update and that is when you play a game for the first time and there are updates available. Obviously PLUS had no chance to download them already. I recently had that with Resistance 3. I played it months after it came out and had to wait through 4 updates. However, that is very rare since i have PLUS.

moparful994485d ago

@darth Sorry guess I could have worded it better.. Just like KUV said the basic psn in and of itself is a really high quality service especially since its a free service, however subscribing to ps+ makes it that much better.. The features and content that it adds to psn makes it outstanding..

I honestly think that if Microsoft adopted a similiar model, like say they have gold be free where you can play online and do the basic online functions. But if you're a paid platinum subscriber you get access to exclusive demos and content, you get access to all of that other fluff that they have on top of live, and you have a similar auto update feature that it would be tremendously successful..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4485d ago
LOGICWINS4485d ago

"I want it to install while im playing another game like the xbox."

I'd LOVE to do that too. I also want to be able to be on Netflix while downloading stuff. Doubt it will ever happen though due to PS3s limited RAM.

PirateThom4485d ago

That's not a RAM issue, that's a bandwidth issue for the internet. I'm pretty sure the 360 interupts downloading as well when software accesses online features, including Netflix. I may be wrong and they may have changed that though.

Half-Mafia4485d ago

Thats not a limit of RAM, more your broadband speed. Downloading a games while trying to stream video would just cause your video to keep buffering.

baodeus4485d ago

i think it is the Bandwith, not the RAM. However, i have tested out before and it seems the ps3 is slower. I did this by running both x360 and ps3 simultaneously (both hook up to the same router). When more things are going, both slow down quite significantly, but x360 still seem to load a tad faster.

teedogg804485d ago

I have to agree with you on that. I also own both systems and downloading demos and games on the 360 is a whole lot better.

Why o why4485d ago

Agreed. Ive always liked that about the 360

CynicalVision4485d ago

It's great when you're downloading full games but it's only really handy if you're leaving the PS3 on overnight. Sadly it isn't like the 360 where it'll install in the background.

GribbleGrunger4485d ago

agreed. that's one feature the PS3 could do with

Fylus4485d ago

The 360 doesn't install in the background. It doesn't install at all. It's just ready to play after the download. It's like how Battlefield 3 is a mandatory install on the PS3 before you can play, and the 360 version is playable right from insertion of the disk.

darthv724485d ago

it is still installing the game as its downloading. If you do a comparison of a game on the psn and live and they are the same size. The 360 one downloads and is installing at the same time. PS3 downloads then installs when its finished.

both do the same thing but just do it differently. Both start with the compressed file for transport but by the time it gets to your system it is ready for use because it has been uncompressed and installed.

Ps3 just takes an extra step where the 360 is doing that extra step as its downloading.

Fylus4484d ago

Oh, my bad. Either way, thanks for the info! And I apologize for the late response, my internet was turned off yesterday and I just got it back.

Half-Mafia4485d ago

Im pretty sure if you go to Users, Turn off system. Then there is a option to turn off the PS3 after downloads are complete, it will then install the games for you, then turn off.

Or you can get PS+ and have you PS3 turn on in the early hours of the morning and check for game updates and games to install.

PirateThom4485d ago

Yep, if you have a huge download queue and use the "off button", it will ask if you want to download and then do it automatically.

Why o why4485d ago

I use that feature all the time, just makes sense. I was glad when they added that

ConstipatedGorilla4485d ago

PS Plus is so worth the money. The amount of free and discounted content you get alone is worth it, but when you factor in cloud saves and features like you just mentioned, it becomes even more valuable. I woke up this morning and didn't even need to download the firmware update!

moparful994485d ago (Edited 4485d ago )

I whole heartedly agree.. I have hundreds of dollars worth of free content on my hard drive because I've been a plus sub. since the very begining.. I was soo timid about subscribing but the bonus 3 month deal lured me in and because of the psn outtage and subsequent fallout I paid $40 for 18 months of ps+.. From the free simpsons arcade, all back to the future episodes, tomb raider underworld, free minis, uncharted 3 beta, starhawk beta, dc universe beta, numerous exclusive demo's, avatars, premium and dynamic theme's, free dlc etc etc etc... I love ps+ and when my current sub runs out I will renew immediately...

Oh yea forgot to mention the auto updates, cloud saving, and automatic trophy syncing :)

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2650d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905095d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5095d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5095d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5095d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5095d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5095d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495095d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5095d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5095d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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2686d ago
Bismarn2685d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One