
An Open Letter To Kazuo Hirai

A letter posted by TheRealSOCOM.com staff requesting Kazuo Hirai to remember the older generations of gamers.

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WarMachine_v14471d ago

Nice, well written. Lets hope Kaz can bring back some franchises that really flourished on the PS2. SOCOM, Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper were his big ticket franchises. SOCOM needs to return to its roots though for sure. Where can I send Kaz some mail myself?

Ares84HU4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

There are three R&C games on the PS3 and they are all excellent. A new Sly Cooper is about to release and we already got two SOCOM games on PS3.

Just because SOCOM isn't as good as it used to be....this letter isn't warranted.

Oh and let me also ad that Sony gave us a lot of hardcore games this gen including new IP's such as Uncharted trilogy, MotorStorm trilogy, LBP 1 and 2, Heavy Rain, Heavenly Sword, Demon's Souls, Resistance trilogy, inFamous 1 and 2, Killzone 2 & 3 and I could go on....but I hope you get my point.

EDIT: Love the disagrees yet no explanation why.

Commodore4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

You want a response...alright. "And. HERE. WE. GO."

The SOCOM series was the first online console shooter in the history of gaming. SOCOM 1 and SOCOM 2 put the PS2 on the map as an online console and was in its day the "Duty" of today. Everyone played these games: Wu Tang Clan, Tiger Woods, Kevin Garnett, Mark Zuckerberg (not really a celeb but still), Barry Bonds, the list goes on.

No game today has the sense of community that SOCOM had, strangers became friends in real life thanks to that game. That game had the simplest of gameplay that made it amazing. There were no dumbass kill streaks or shit that made the game unbalanced. It was just you and your gun and if you sucked and didn't work together, you got your ass kicked....HARD. It's the only game where if you didn't have a mic, you got your ass kicked. It's the game where if you shot your teammate, you actually killed him.

No game today has the sense of teamwork that SOCOM had. We've watched our franchise be treated like garbage by SONY for the past 6 years. I've never seen a company try to accidentally kill off a franchise like this. SONY would be smart to listen to the community. Many of the SOCOM fans have moved to the 360 because they gave up on SONY and SOCOM. If they make a SOCOM HD or return to a SOCOM 2 blue print, it would sell games, headsets, and consoles for SONY.

*You prob wonder why I always cap SOCOM, it's because I respect the hell out of it to put it like Socom"*

BattleAxe4471d ago (Edited 4470d ago )

@ Ares84hu

"Just because SOCOM isn't as good as it used to be....this letter isn't warranted."

This is a clear sign that you are a serious noob. There's the explanation that you've been waiting for.....nuff said. Socom might not have meant that much to you, but it was the reason I decided to buy a PS3 in the first place, expecting that they would carry on with the series in a positive way.

Instead all we got was a Socom game that kind of resembled the old Socom games, and another one that resembled Call of Duty in 3rd person view with a character that looked like Nathan Drake, which had none of the game modes that made the game great in the past.

Having said that, I'm glad I bought my PS3 three months after launch, and I'm lucky that I got to play a ton of great games. Make no mistake about it though, Socom is what made the PS2 great, because it added the online component that the PS2 needed. With the exception of a few real gems like Red Faction, Resident Evil and BLACK, Socom, MGS 2 & 3, SoTC, GoW, Tony Hawk, Tiger Woods, GTA and Gran Turismo were the other series that drove the PS2, everything else was filler.

Ares84HU4471d ago

This letter is just.....well no words really.

Just a SOCOM fan crying over SOCOM not being as good as he want's it to be and trying to cover this up by saying that Sony should focus on it's hardcore fanbase who are "lifelong supporters". Yet only talks about SOCOM nothing else.

He also asks Sony to create new IP's and makes it sound like Sony doesn't do that nor does Sony create memorable titles ever since SOCOM.

This guy is a joke.

dark-hollow4471d ago

Yeah! How dare a fan send a nice letter that he wishes for his favorite brand to improve!!!

God I swear he's more Sony fan than you are.

Ares84HU4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

#1 You don't know anything about me.

#2 I don't have a problem with anyone who want's their beloved franchise to make a return at all.
What I have a problem with is the way he made it sound like. Like SOCOM was the only title on PS2 that's worth mentioning and SOCOM carried the PS2 and made it to be what it was. Also that all hardcore fans are SOCOm players. That's just total BS.

He also went on saying that Sony should create new IP's....like they don't do that. I don't disagree that they should but to make it sound like they didn't is a bit outrageous to me. Also, Kaz Hirai is now Sony CEO and has other things to do than Playstation. His letter should have been directed to Zipper Interactive.

@McNoob. Yes it is justified to talk about how SOCOM became much less than what it was but this letter makes it sound like SOCOM is the only game that matter and read what I wrote above too. I explained it already.

dark-hollow4471d ago

He didn't say the didn't made new ips specifically!

"But why does Sony need a business model that REPLACES their lifelong consumer base? Why can’t Sony & PlayStation create NEW games that achieve this?"

He means instead of altering old franchises to appeal to the mainstream masses (cod fans) why they don't create new ips that specifically aimed at them.

And that's bloody true with a lot of major gaming developers.

Ares84HU4471d ago


You can't just pick and choose from the letter. It has to be read in it's whole entirety.

Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about:

".....SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs. This used to be Sony’s flagship exclusive...."

Really?? When was that?

"....I challenge Sony to be the company it’s lifelong consumers grew to love....."

They are....aren't they???

"..... I challenge Sony to cater to both groups with all new IPs,...."

They don't???? I was under the impression that they do a hell of a good job giving us hardcore players lot's of exclusives and giving casuals lot of games as well at the same time.

"......I challenge Sony to take the first step towards pleasing their longtime fanbase by bringing the original formula of the first two SOCOMs back from the dead. ...."

But they do try to please everyone. Look at the list of games they brought back like R&C, God of War, Killzone, Sly Cooper, Yakuza, Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo, MGS....and old favorites that went multiplat are still on the PS like Tekken, Final Fantasy, DMC.

I mean, really???? What else do you want??

McNoob4471d ago

I don't see it as crying. He's wholly justified in mentioning how the SOCOM series has drastically deviated since the original installments. Not only that, but the community has been slapped in the face in terms of feedback and involvement, as evidenced by SOCOM 4.

I can't think of another fanbase that has been disregarded as much as SOCOM's.

LUKENBACHER4471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

Thanks for the feedback. I talked about a lot more than just SOCOM if you go back and re-read the article. SOCOM represents those gaming franchises that have survived more than one generation of gaming. Some are currently locked in a tug-of-war between original formulas vs a new generation of gamers with different tastes. Franchises do evolve as technology progresses and will change to a certain extent, but at what costs? How many shooters out there have really added/removed game features just because COD is breaking records in sales? How many action/adventure titles have added more cinematics and cut scenes because Uncharted/Heavy Rain is so popular? The list goes on and on. It's seems as though a lot of companies out there are copying other successful titles at the expense of its own gameplay. Games are becoming watered down and/or similar to other titles simply because the focus is too profit driven. Very few are comfortable providing a niche/average product focused on a very specific experience. Some of the games you listed in other posts have had some of the same problems that the SOCOM franchise has had.
I'm aware that Sony releases "new IPs" all the time. My point with that part of the letter was to say that new IPs are a good place to experiment with new trends. Also, not all genres need to all have a similar set of features. In my opinion it would be better to create a new IP that tries a bunch of new features, rather than take a longstanding franchise and strip it of its staples in order to transform itself into something current.
It's no surprise to me that remakes, collections, trilogies, and ports are gaining a lot of popularity. Who can resist good 'ol gameplay? I'm not a change hater, I just think if it ain't broke, then don't "fix" it to try to juice some extra bucks out of it. SOCOM is a great example, but it is far from being alone when it comes to this topic.

And just an FYI, in 2002 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs was the first PLayStation game ever to use the network adapter. SOCOM introduced the internet to PlayStation gamers. Google it.

Ares84HU4471d ago

You see, this what you said right here makes more sense and shows how true of a gamer you are than your "open letter".

Unfortunately in your letter all you talk about really is SOCOM. If you show me where you are talking about or mentioning any other game than I take back what I said.

You see, I feel the same way about Tomb Raider. It was a great franchise on PS1 than on PS2 it started going down the drain and it still is (we will see if the new one revives it) and it turned into the wrong direction from what it was. But one thing we all have to understand. Games/franchises need to evolve and try to cater to more and more people because a video game developer studio is a business and they are here to make money and as much of it as possible. If there is a new invention that brakes the bank than other obviously will try to imitate that. Look back at the PS1 era...how many Crash Bandicoot copycats were there? Tons. Look at how many COD rippoff are there now...too much to mention. But that's just because people want to make money and sadly not everyone can be original so they have to ride on others success.

Having said that I think still Sony does the best job out of all the gaming companies. Nintendo just keeps on remaking the same old games a million times and MS has very, very few games for hardcore players and now their main focus is Kinect which we all know isn't for us real gamers.

So I understand that you are upset about SOCOM, but that's all what it is I find in your letter. As I said, it would be better directed at Zipper than to Sony.


"The frustrations that the SOCOM Community feels is the epitome of a much larger issue in the gaming industry that more than just this fanbase is facing. We are seeing all types of franchises (Tomb Raider) throughout the industry morph into mainstream products developed to cast a much wider net regarding their consumers."

And Sony acquired Zipper Interactive in 2006. They own all the rights to the SOCOM franchise and make the decision on any future installments. Trust me, our fanbase has been very vocal with Zipper for years. That approach has already been attempted.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4471d ago
meatnormous4471d ago

I was a huge socom fan in the day and was really excited when it hit the ps3. I bought confrontation day 1, and I quickly seen that something was terribly wrong. All socom fans want is the tried and true socom formula with next gen graphics, not a Call of Duty ripoff. The game is greatly missed.

kingGILLEY4471d ago

I have not found a game on the PS3 that comes close to giving me the amazing gameplay of the PS2 SOCOMS. Please bring the classic style socom back with all its options and in all its glory.

SnyperMonkey4470d ago

100% agree with this. Here's my submission: http://www.youtube.com/watc...


- Leeoc91


Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers10d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken9d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g10d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing10d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H910d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola10d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66910d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle10d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg11d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos11d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola10d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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New SOCOM Game Possibly Leaked by Actor

Over on actoraccess.com, acting talent David Veach lists on his resume motion capture work for "SOCOM 111" by Sony. According to the resume, he is the co-star of the game.

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_SilverHawk_28d ago

Hopefully true with a single player campaign and robust online multiplayer

InUrFoxHole28d ago

I remember at the time socom 3 had the best audio ever!

Cacabunga28d ago

I want to giggle, but i keep seeing those gaas ghosts those days😣


I remember liking SOCOM 4 a lot for its single player... Its MP got delt a devastating blow right after it released so I think my memories of it were of the betas...

Anyhow, it released the week of the PSN hack that left the network being down for a week or two... I enjoyed the SP in that time but all of my group that was looking forward to it just went back to the previous MP games we had been playing (mostly Uncharted 2) because after that break everything felt fresh and new again.

purple10128d ago

O jeezuz, praise the lord

They have seen the light

purple10128d ago

More info: developed by Geruilla games, (so no kill zone anytime soon).

The studio hired ex- rainbow 6 siege developers in 2019, also hired Chris Lee as principal game designer, guess where he used to work, “Slant Six’, ive just been informed thats the PSP version of SOCOM: US Navy seals developer!!

2+2 equals four in this case lads! It’s gotto be’

Omegasyde28d ago

Great If True. I gave money to the H Hour kickstarter and it was sad how that turned out.

Shiro17328d ago

I'm still waiting for my ps4 copy 😭 lmao

Johnh522328d ago (Edited 28d ago )

If this is true graphics should be amazing using decima engine.

Amplitude27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

The only source I can find with the info you just said is one random Reddit comment from two years ago and a very fake looking box art of "Socom Resurgence" with Guerrilla's logo on it. Not saying it's not true but definitely take it with a grain of salt lol

It does seem likely that a new Socom game in 2024 would follow the same path as R6 Seige' Free to Play model though, unfortunately. I highly doubt we'll get a new Socom game that plays like Socom 2 and doesn't gouge you for microtransactions. It's too niche and too slow to hold the attention of the TikTok YouTube Shorts generation enough to be profitable. I'm equally as cynical about this as I was when waiting for Last of Us 2's multiplayer lol I dont trust this new "Games As A Service UwU" Sony very much. Helldivers 2 proved me wrong though so we'll see

Inverno28d ago

Don't let it be GaAS for the love of all that is gaming goodness. I only played the PSP games but I enjoyed them very much. If it does have multiplayer then I hope it's quality, FACTIONS needs a good replacement after it was cancelled.

Rynxie28d ago

Socom and MAG can only survive being a gaas game. I also don't mind it. I would gladly support a kz, resistance, mag or socom gaas game if it means longevity with updates.

Inverno28d ago

Longevity with updates can be achieved without it being GaAS, as evident by all the games supported long term before this service trend.

NotoriousWhiz28d ago

Games don't need to be supported long term to be successful. Just make a good game. Socom never had any updates because it was fantastic straight from the disc.

Rynxie27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Socom would die again, if it's not a gaas game. Cod releases every year, in order to compete with cod and stay relevant in the market, socom would have to release yearly (resulting in rushed or poor quality releases). If not, every two to three years and that would mean it would never grow to the level of cod, because it would become irrelevant. Being a gaas game, socom could be updated regularly with content and remain relevant in the market.

NotoriousWhiz27d ago

Socom's community lasted for years without any updates. If they make a solid game, it can do the same.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 27d ago
Johnh522328d ago

Multiplayer can really work as a gaas. But need a single player mode too.

outsider162427d ago

They Have to have a good single player campaign to atleast sell the game to players who love single player games. For online it's ok they can gaas it. I hardly buy them anyway unless its worth it and i support it.

ocelot0728d ago

Fingers crossed it's true. Socom confrontation was great imo.

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