
High Horse: When did $10 become a “cheap” XBLA/PSN download?

Henry Gilbert: When it first launched, I was pretty dubious of the 360’s software line-up. Perfect Dark Zero was a bust, games like Gun and King Kong didn’t look all that improved compared to the Xbox versions, and the less said about Kameo the better. Just as I was deciding dismiss the 360 until the “real games” started coming out, I kept hearing from friends and reading online that easily the must-own launch game was a title called Geometry Wars. The best part? It was only five dollars.

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Yi-Long4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

... too many games are being released at 1200MSP/15 dollars, and few of them are actually worth it.

It automatically means that I usually just skip those games on release and wait for a 50% off deal. 800msp/10 dollars still is an 'impulse-buy' for me, but 1200/15 is a 'purchase', which is competing against great retailgames which are in the bargainbin for that same price (Deus EX 3, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, etc etc).

Obviously there ARE downloadable games that seem worthy of the 1200msp/15$ askingprice, like the upcoming Journey and the new Trials, but I think many developers are overpricing their games and thus shooting themselfs in the foot with that greed.

When I look at a game like Gotham City Imposters being priced at 1200MSP, I see a nice and promising game, but I fear the high price will keep too many people away from it, which is killing for a MP-only game, so that doesn't seem like a smart move at all.

Often, being a little less greedy can actually make you much more money, and also give much more people value for money and a good experience.

BuffMordecai4503d ago

I'm no fan of $15 dollar games, but as long as the standard doesn't become $20, I'm good. I do wonder however if they will try to push $20 for next generation downloadable titles.

jetlian4503d ago

for me it depends on how much time it will take to beat. 15 bucks needs atleast 3 hours worth

from the beach4503d ago

Well, 1200 points is cheap for a game, compared to £40 in a shop. Some people are such misers.


Best Short Games on Xbox Game Pass

These are the best short games on Xbox Game Pass. They offer a variety of different experiences that can be enjoyed without commitment.

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JagX22296d ago

Wouldn't the answer here be ... all of them?

283d ago

Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Broforce Forever, Everspace 2, A Short Hike, and More

Megan Spurr writes: "My favorite announcements are those coming soon, especially when “soon” means “right now” (looking at you Celeste!). We have hikes, we have Bro’s, kingdoms, and space, and more, so let’s get to the games! "

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VenomUK306d ago

It's now time for somebody to go up to Xbox Live Gold whilst it's fast asleep, then hold a pillow tight over its mouth until it stops breathing.

crazyCoconuts306d ago

This is game pass though. Doesn't seem that much better right now.

Profchaos306d ago

Looking at the quality of games mixing the two up in this case it's an easy mistake to make

BrainSyphoned306d ago

I forgot Everspace 2 released so I'm happy with this month.

Profchaos306d ago

Well I guess we know where all that gamepass money is going right into a giant s labelled bucket

ChasterMies306d ago

Microsoft is spending $70B on Activision. That doesn’t leave a lot left over for other AAA games.

monkey602306d ago

I've really wanted to play A Short Hike and Airborne Kingdom for a while now so it's cool they've been added but yeah I don't see this exciting the masses

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