
Unstoppable Gorg Review (PC) -- A Messy Disaster | GamerLive.TV

One of the first genre’s I ever got addicted to was tower defense games, but for awhile now tower defense games have long been stale. For a long time now, the genre hasn’t seen any dramatic changes, but still provided quality games for its fans. Recently, the genre has escalated to new heights thanks to advancements in smart phone technology and the integration of app marketplace. Developed by Futuremark Games Studio, Unstoppable Gorg attempts to reinvent the genre, but costly design choices ruin a potential hit.

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Tower Defense Game Unstoppable Gorg Now Available For Free On The App Store

The tower defense game Unstoppable Gorg is now available for free on the App Store.

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DirectX 12 Will Allow Better Collision Detection & Richer Scenes, Xbox One Cloud Is 'Promising'

Futuremark Studios, who benchmarked DirectX 12, shares new details about the upcoming API.

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XiSasukeUchiha3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

DX12- Will be good application for PC, and XB1
PC will use this 100%, and XB1 will use i don't how much, and Cloud just bring it because promises can be broken!

Am-No-Hero3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Do you live here !


about the topic :

it looks promising on " paper " but nothing outside

BTW I'm not a fanboy to any company .. so be cool

Farmassy3610d ago

I think that without a doubt cloud processing will be a huge part of the future... the problem is that our current infrastructure won't allow it to be used to its true potential. When everyone has google fiber and our internet speeds catch up to the technology it will be amazing. Unfortunately it will be years before this happens

People who act like it is a joke are just as stupid as people who act like it is the second coming

r2oB3610d ago

@ Farmassy

If it will take years before cloud processing will yield any substantial results, then why even mention it (not you personal, I'm referring to Microsoft and the people who think "its the second coming".) Its highly likely our infrastructure won't be up to par during the Xbox One's lifespan. If that's the case then all this cloud talk is moot, just straws fanboys grasp on, nothing more than wishful thinking.

Point is... Cloud processing may not be a joke in the way it works, but in regards to the Xbox One (and how it can actually utilize it during its life cycle versus how the fanboys think/wish it will utilize it), it may very well be a joke. So the non-believers seem to be more reasonable than the believers.

corvusmd3610d ago

I get that you're not trying to be a fanboy or anything, but you do realize that this article is about a tech demo right? So it's a bit more than just on paper..

“In their demo, they showed two major improvements over DirectX 11 – a 50% improvement in CPU utilization, and better distribution of work among threads.”

...and it's still more than a year off, so it has the potential to get even better.

UltimateMaster3610d ago

Put 'whatever you want in 'quotation' to make it sound exciting' and end quote.

soandsoz3610d ago

The time will arrive (debatable when that may be) when cloud compute will offer tangible benefits to gaming.

I imagine, many Xbox gamers (Only stating Xbox gamers bc Microsoft is the primary company behind computes 'push') will see the day it's development efforts reach a sound degree of fruition. I'm pretty confident about that.

Online only games (a la Titanfall variety) clearly target multi-player fans. Many MP hardcore gamers are already 'content' to own and endorse MP only games as proven by the sales of Titanfall.

What I'm uncertain about, is what's going to happen when the first wave of games that force Online Single player because they 'Depend on the cloud'.

IF indeed single player games do start requiring an internet connection to play, I'm personally left with a sense Microsoft may compound all the 'damage' they have slowly chipped away at mending. It's going to be really interesting to see what transgresses over the next 5-10 years with this subject

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3610d ago
Volkama3610d ago

Dx 12 for XBox:
-1/3 CPU consumption for rendering submission in one game
-100s of thousands of DrawBundle executions are possible per 60fps frame

That is part of a tech presentation. None of this stuff means anything to me, except that Dx 12 is expected to benefit the One.

Proof will be in the pudding of course.

(source: http://www.slideshare.net/D...

truefan13610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

So a guy with Direct X experience expects positive gains, yet the arm chair developers of n4g think otherwise. I'll take the professionals word over you guys any day of the week.

Lol gotta love ps4 fans, they have nothing to look forward to in 2014 but downplaying XBOX games and features. Every XBOX article you guys are the first and most frequent commenters. If only you gave sony half of the attention you give XBOX, Destiny wouldn't be THE system seller for ps4, a game a can just as easily play on XB1.

Malphite3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Do you even realise that you are constantly doing the same things you are criticising others for? You're just as bad if not worse. You're just playing for the other team.

Edit: "Lol gotta love ps4 fans, they have nothing to look forward to in 2014 but downplaying XBOX games and features."

4 minutes later ...
Truefan in a Driveclub article defending Forza and downplaying Driveclub.

kayoss3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

too bad titanfall wasnt THE system seller for the xbox ONe. So whats your point? Seriously you need to give this a rest. You have not experience anything with direct x12 and cloud personally for the x1 and you sitting behind a computer yapping away. FOrza 5 uses cloud but let me tell you, its not impressive at all. Cloud have potential but at this point with the infrastructure that we have. it will not work. This is common sense. Why cant you accept that? are you that insecured that you feel obligate to defend anything people say about the xbox one?

r2oB3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

@ truefan1

Did you miss the part where they wrote "However, he thinks its too early to deliver a final verdict of its benefits since its still more than a year from launch". Or the part where he said "its too early to know the exact performance gain...". Did you read the part in the article where they referenced the Xbox One in regards to DX12? Oh wait, you couldn't have because they didn't mention it. That's probably because the guy with direct x experience, that you are referring to, is the president of a company that makes benchmark tools for PC and is more than likely referring to DX12 benefits to PC gaming.

liquidhalos3610d ago

Anyone else sick and tired of seeing "gotta love ps4 fans" in every single overly defensive Xbox One post? Seriously, try making a valid point or two instead of turning things into ps4 vs zone argument

tgunzz3610d ago

It is ok to doubt something, but this is happening none the less... Very innovative indeed...

xx4xx3610d ago

As a gaming fan, these possibilities sound really intriguing. As with most things, I'll reserve judgment until I actually see it.

As someone who reads enough on this site, dreading the PS fanboy comments stating that this can't be real.


You're right........they have Driveclub and The Last of Us Remastered for that.

DougLord3610d ago

I'm with you on being positive about the Xbone. The games we have are great (F5, DR3, TF) and we have SO and MCC in 2014 with H5, FH2, CD3, Fable, GOW and more on the way. DX12/ESRAM/Cloud are just a cherry on top.

But why do you have to end with trolling PS4 owners? While there isn't anything I currently want to play don't tell me UC5 or a nextgen God of War doesn't make you think about buying a PS4.

Just because this site is full of a bunch of Sony Ponies that can't help but troll every X box article doesn't mean you should stoop to their level.

wcas3610d ago

truefan1. I will take what the consensus of the vast majority of unbiased professional devs and techs have said so far over a few PR statements by devs influenced by MS. The over whelming unbiased consensus among them is that DX12 wont help X1 very much at all, It may help future consoles but not so much the current ones. A person can find individual articles seeming to support almost anything no matter how inaccurate or misleading. Do the research using unbiased sources on how DX12 and the cloud will specifically effect X1 now and within the next few years and it becomes clear improvements for X1 are minimal. So many times people take what is said of DX12 and cloud in general and what it can do in the future and try to apply it to X1 as if it can be done now or very soon.... or even in the X1's lifecycle. Such conclusions and applications can be misleading and overhyped when pertaining specifically to X1.

3610d ago
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omegaheat3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

@XiSasukeUchiha I was trying to read your comment, but like so many others on this site, your comment looks like broken English. Just take your time making sure the grammar is correct. I like reading comments, just help others to understand them ok.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3610d ago
Lawboy23610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

U know they will have a tech demo tommorrow right that is the purpose of all these articles


@ Rashid and naruto

I copied it for the xbox one reddit...its been up for awhile...there saying most likely a cloud demo....but I think they'll also show dx 12

Here's hoping for the best

gameseveryday3610d ago

Interesting. I never knew that. I have a strong feeling they will talk about DX12 and the new SDK update that was recently released.

XiNarutoUzumaki3610d ago

Oh finally. Looking forward to it

christocolus3610d ago


I saw this on reddit yesterday too. I'm looking forward to it. Hope they reveal some cool stuff and show nice demos.

OT: I hope halo5, scalebound,crackdown,gears of war and upcoming titles use this api in some way or the other.

hello123610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Its bla bla bla, if its Microsoft and anything to do with them, its crap.

directx12 is a new API. Why are Nivida, Amd and intel excited about it? And why don't we see the same response for opengl.

directx12 full features will be coming to xb1. Of course Phil Spencer is lying.

Ice team says a lot, but doesn't do any press conferences, to show were the PS4 will improve.

fox@ Really what you going to say when crackdown comes out and the cloud is doing destruction usually done by the GPU.

Try getting the PS4 to do that? xb1 is the true next gen system and will be fairly evident to everyone eventually.

Foxhound9223610d ago

First of all, they don't have to. They aren't the ones playing catch up and they're not the ones with a hardware deficiency. Secondly, there's been plenty of talk of api improvement for Sony.

sic_chops3610d ago

Right fox... When you are the one with the gimped hardware, you have to try everything and say anything to TRY and catch up.

XiNarutoUzumaki3610d ago

I barely see Team ice talking about PS4 API. I see Microsoft talking about the cloud weekly.

Codey473610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

DirectX 12 should be renamed to DirectX Hope

AMD, Intel and Nvidia are in the graphics market if they don't make any noise they won't sell their brand new iterations of graphics cards/On die gpus.

Valve have been banging on about OpenGL for quite some time saying that it's much quicker.


Everybody seems to have high hopes on PC with DirectX12 When in reality DirectX11's Native full compliance support is somewhat laughable (ie:- not shoehorned in with a patch)

6 games are native DirectX11 on the PC platform as of writing this

Crysis 3
Tropico 5
War Of The Vikings

I think for a 5 year old API to have a catalogue of 6 games that are fully compliant is ridiculous.

There's a reason Crysis 3 looks better than Crysis 2 (post DX11 patch)
Crysis 3 Native DX11
Crysis 2 shoehorned patch DX11

Please don't retort with a DirectX11 list of games from wikipedia. Like I said 99% of those titles of are patched... not built from the ground up with the API in question.

It would also be nice if DX12 were to add new vertex, pixel and shader models.

feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I had this response from a PC elitist the other day.

"The Witcher 2 & Skyrim are both DirectX 9 and we all know how much better they look on PC. Point is PC Gamers could not give a rats ass if a game is using DirectX 9, 10, 11 or 12 or even OpenGL as long it looks amazing and runs at a smooth framerate"

Then why come here and state the pinnacle of graphics
when in reality, due to that logic, you should've kept your DirectX9 or 10 fully compliant card and still have an amazing experience as long as it runs smooth.

As opposed to entering PS4 and Xbox One threads and constantly reiterating the same shit whilst giving you a superiority warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

I'm the last person you need to tell about PC... I used to build Enthusiast Rigs. I were wasting money, developer support was dropping.

Nekroo913610d ago

because it will benefit pc gaming, but the xbox api already does most things, so theres no big improvement.

theres a few articles confirming this but you just read what you want to stay away from reality

guyman3610d ago

"ice team says a lot"

Definitely not as much as Microsoft does about the holy grail that is the cloud and dx12.

I'm not saying it won't have any benefits to x1, it's just that Microsoft are totally over selling it.

Another thing, trolling the ps4 reduces the credibility of your so called argument. Not that it had any credibility to begin with. This article has nothing to do with ice team nor the ps4.

ger23963610d ago

i guess you didn't read the article either. read r2ob's comment above. but i guess you can't help it that you got diarrhea of the mouth.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3610d ago
Belasco3610d ago

Yes, just like yours and most N4G comments on DX12 and cloud.

senior323610d ago

i hope this will mean no more 720p games

Software_Lover3610d ago

Because that makes the game so unplayable and automatically terrible!!!!!! /s

Jury3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Just inferior to the same game on the other, cheaper console

Foxhound9223610d ago

Yeah because if I had the choice, I would always choose the version that looks worse /s

No one said it was automatically terrible, but how can you blame someone for wanting a game with 4x the pixels being rendered?

soandsoz3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

It absolutely does not make any game terrible, being 720p.

But, why would anyone with a 1080p Tele not hope for as high as a resolution as possible. I realize not nearly everyone has a 1080p capable TV, though I hesitate to guess (speculation I realize) well over half of gamers likely do. A great game is a great game any day of the week at any resolution. But, greater native resolution does make any great game an even better game for a lot of people

Software_Lover3610d ago

I'll hold judgement until I see something tangible. I don't currently see a problem with the XBone. It plays games at a lower resolution than the PS4, big deal. If you buy for power, then get the PS4 (I won't even get into the PC aspect). If you want to play Sunset Overdrive or Forza, then get XB1. If you want to play Uncharted, get the PS4. It's as simple as that.

BVFTW3610d ago

It's better to be a gamer than a corporate tool

gamertk4213610d ago

Or better yet, get both. I don't play exclusives, I play games.

zero_gamer3610d ago

Too bad this site is full of "gamers" that care more about graphics and raw hardware than games.

quenomamen3610d ago

So true, you still playing the hell out of that Contra on your NES ?
Since you dont buy in to all this new Gen BS like the rest of us morons.

Imalwaysright3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

N4g in a nutshell. Its disgusting seeing these so called gamers reducing games and all the work that the devs put in their games to just graphics. Graphics this, resolution that is all they talk about instead of asking devs for trully next gen experiences. They're ok with this industry becoming stagnant as long as they can play last gen games with prettier graphics.

zero_gamer3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Contra is probably more fun and more well received for its time than inFamous SS and Watch Dogs, but no I don't play it. I play Mario Kart 8 on Wii U and waiting anxiously for Zelda.

Yes, I bought into the new gen BS and I am a moron for it as well. The new gen so far is nothing but a joke. The majority of games for the Xbox One and PS4 are cross gen and available on PC. Then we have the Definitive Edition games, TLoU in the pipeline, for full 60 bucks no less.

As of now, the only reason these next gen consoles exist is nothing more than graphics. Last I checked the last gen consoles have MORE features than the PS4 and Xbox 360.

soandsoz3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Valid tangent zero-gamer!

But I'll point out, it's also terribly depressing to look to at the music industry (pretty much from front to back) and realize the most successful & famous 'artists' are such because of image above all else.

No different in hollywood either. There is an unfortunate 'harmony' to be found in those parallels.

Much as I wish it wasn't so with graphics and the forementioned

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3610d ago
DougLord3610d ago

What resolutions do Forza, Dead Rising and Titanfall run at on the PS4? I sure Master Chief will run much smoother with the PS4s GDDR5.

Both systems have some interesting exclusives coming. Buy the system that has the most that YOU prefer. If you mainly like multiplats then buy a PS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3610d ago
hello123610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

directx11 is really a high level/medium level API directx12 is really low level,so games are going to look awesome when it comes out for xb1

directx11 only uses 1 core with very little work been done on the other cores evenly. Its the directx11 API causing the issue.

Sony fans claiming directx12, no benefit to xb1. Well clearly you don't know how directx has effected PC gaming and console gaming for years.

fox@ the xb1 is a PC it uses a x86 architecture 8 cores, it uses the same API used for games on the PC. Plus the OS is windows 8 (likely can be upgraded to windows 9, when it arrives) minor improvements, you'll end up being wrong, and you'll see how wrong you are in 2015

Foxhound9223610d ago

Wrong, again. People are saying that it will offer more for PC, which is true. Not that is won't improve the xb1. Xb1 improvements will be minor.

SonofGod3610d ago

You don't know how much DX12 will affect XO as you don't work on the API nor on the team that built the XO architecture.

Maybe it's better to wait and see the differences for yourself?

Elit3Nick3610d ago

can you show me benchmarks showcasing these so called "minor improvements"? Though so...

sinspirit3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

@SonofGod and Elite3Nick

Well, seeing how DX12 is basically trying to adapt the "to the metal" aspect of the XBox One and every other console.. And that X1 is basically using a modified DX11 that is essentially what DX12 is. Consoles have had this low level API since forever ago. They are merely adapting it to PC. Sure, from development they will increase performance, but just like past updates to improve console performance, it is going to be minor. The console hardware can't be improved but the software can, and software only goes so far.

They will probably improve the heavy OS to increase performance as well. Microsoft makes many mistakes with software and expects people to wait for updates.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3610d ago
Seafort3610d ago

Direct X 12 is primarily for the PC to improve performance and code at a lower level nearer to the metal like consoles do now.

Xbone already codes to the metal so you can't get any lower than that.

They might be minor improvements for Xbone but nothing substantial like there will be for the PC.

I'm a PC gamer so you can't label me a PS fanboy.

Direct X 12 does not have the ability to change the Xbone hardware you are stuck with the inferior hardware for the next several years.

tuglu_pati3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

I love how people throw the "code to the metal" thing around without knowing what it means. Code to the metal means that developers can code almost the the capacity of the hardware based on the tools/software they have.

If you have better tools and those tool use better the hardware you will get better performance. People need to stop repeating thing they hear in the internet without knowing what they mean.

I do agree it will be more beneficial to PC though

aerisbueller3610d ago

@tuglu_pati - actually coding to the metal means they have direct access to the gpu and memory bypassing any usual cross-hardware API limitations

Seafort3610d ago

@tuglu_pati It has nothing to do with the capacity of the hardware.

It just means you are able to code straight to the GPU or CPU (the metal) or as close as they can without any software getting in the way. It's just low level programming.

PCs have always had MS bloatware, Windows and Direct X decreasing performance of the hardware and this is what Direct X 12 is trying to rectify.

tuglu_pati3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )


And how do you think they get that direct access to the gpu and memory from? From tools and software. Hardware mean nothing without software

The fact that consoles can be code to the metal doesnt mean newer tools will not have big imapct on them and theres where the problem with this saying lies, people use it as if you are already coding to the metal then you wont see any more improvements and that is not the case. Its been used out of context.

MRMagoo1233610d ago


"people use it as if you are already coding to the metal then you wont see any more improvements and that is not the case. Its been used out of context" No one I repeat NO ONE is saying it wont have improvements, people are saying it wont have much improvements because the xbones api is already performing nearly as well as it can with the hardware it has, PC on the other hand (which is what the companies such as nvidia are actually talking about when they mention big gains) will see a good boost.

jackdaniels3609d ago

@tuglu_pati - completely agree

Just because people hear that the API is already close to the metal, they assume things are as fast as can be....its simply not the case, better software and better use of the hardware (better thread/resource management) can and do improve performance. All we can do now is watch and see how big the performance gain will be.
Regards Jackie D

aerisbueller3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

regardless of whether they've maxed out the console:

"I love how people throw the "code to the metal" thing around without knowing what it means. Code to the metal means that developers can code almost the the capacity of the hardware based on the tools/software they have. "

You are throwing the 'code to the metal' thing around without knowing what means is my point. The whole point of coding to the metal is to say 'thanks for your tools and software, but I know what I'm doing with the low level stuff, and I'll take it from here, thanks'.

Though people using tools created by those close to the metal experts will still benefit if an engine or tool was coded 'to the metal'.

What everyone is saying is that since XBox One is a console, it would already be coded to the metal, so it wouldn't see as much improvement. I haven't read enough about the XBox One SDK, but it's possible they're wrong and the current SDK makes it difficult or impossible to get access to the console's guts - though that'd be unusual for a console. But maybe MS had planned for the DX12 update to be that part of the SDK, in which case it would help.

In any case, DX12 will make a difference, at least to the ease of coding if nothing else, but it's not going to nullify the power difference of the ps4.

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PS4 & Xbox One Won't Be Able To Match The Raw Power of A Decent Gaming PC Anytime Soon: Futuremark

"Futuremark is a company that provides popular PC and mobile benchmarks which includes 3DMark and PCMark. Their tools have also been used in measuring DirectX 12's performance and how the new API will reduce CPU overload by 50%."

Read Full Story >>
mushroomwig3612d ago

Pretty much spot on with that comment, the only people who do seem to care are the fan boys and elitists. We hear the same thing every generation now and it's getting really tiring to be honest.

uth113612d ago

if graphics are the only thing that matter to you, then you get a PC.

If there are other things that matter, like cost and total user experience, then I'm afraid the PC doesn't stack up so well.

I say this as a long-time PC gamer

amiga-man3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Yet for all the PC's so called power, they will never come close to the simplicity and ease of use of consoles, developers can also make far more use of the power they have simply because a consoles specs are known, they are not having to program for different devices and there is no front end like windows hogging resources.

Consoles are simply more convenient.

sorane3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


"I say this as a long-time PC gamer"

I love when you ps4 fanboys say things like this. You do realize people can look at your comment history right? It's ps4 ps4 ps4 ps4 while bashing everything pc and xbox.

"If there are other things that matter, like cost and total user experience, then I'm afraid the PC doesn't stack up so well."

That couldn't be further from the truth and any "long-time PC gamer" would know this.

DoctorJones3612d ago

Article says - PS4 & Xbox One Won't Be Able To Match The Raw Power of A Decent Gaming PC Anytime Soon.

Which = truth

amiga-man says - Yet for all the PC's so called power, they will never come close to the simplicity and ease of use of consoles

Which = nothing to do with the article.

amiga-man3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


"I say this as a long-time PC gamer"

I love when you ps4 fanboys say things like this. You do realize people can look at your comment history right? It's ps4 ps4 ps4 ps4 while bashing everything pc and xbox.

Sorane, I too was a long time PC gamer, I stopped when the PS3 came along because I got tired of the continual maintenance, I enjoyed PC gaming and there are certain games that are more suited to PC's than consoles, but I wouldn't go back.

And if you look at my comment history you will see nothing but PS3 and PS4 comments, do you seriously think that means I never gamed on a PC?

DoctorJones: amiga-man says - Yet for all the PC's so called power, they will never come close to the simplicity and ease of use of consoles

Which = nothing to do with the article.

Of course it does, your just too blind to see it.

UltraNova3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Its obvious that this guy did not see Uncharted 4's E3 trailer.

Now dont get me wrong when it comes to power both next gem consoles were outdated the very day they were designed, however I prefer what my eyes can see rather hanging onto numbers, and i cant see a single game on PC as of now that can hold a candle against UC4.

user56695103612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Here we go PS fanboys disinformation and denial. Seem odd that they Dont care when professionals use common sense, but hang on to every word of PR and devs hyping their game up. Use 1080p on ps4 you'll have an instant hit in a PS fanboys eyes.y'all do realize this is he's profession, so one game using tricks to look good and not rendering as much us not the same as a game rendering way more but looks slightly below the other. They benchmarks stress systems for overall power. Just like how a corridor shooter can look better than a open world game, its where you use that power. But console gamers are new to this they try not to see the whole picture

Long-term PC cheaper. User experience is subjective but I would say the quality put into making a better experience it leagues ahead on PC.I could press two buttons in I have game guides to the game I'm playing. I trade trophy for money. More dedicated servers, mods, stronger game community that support games they love. Not locked down by a single voice chat, custom games mugen and RPG maker, free mp, custom maps on server, etc... I could go on forever. I have even list why steam UI is leagues better than the ones on consoles besides the two button to get strategy guide.

Are you sure your a PC gamer? Are you doing it right? Are you talking about brain dead I don't want to think pick up and play?

TheGreatAndPowerful3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Has he seen Uncharted 4 yet? I have yet to see anything that looks that good on PC hardware.. and I'm not talking about a demo but a real game like UC4.

blackmagic3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

This price/performance myth of consoles is seriously still alive?!

PS4 - $400
1 game/month ($60) for 6 years (console generation length) - $4320
Online fee for 6 years - $300
Total - $5020

PC - $1316
1 game.month ($50) for 6 years - $3600
Online fee for 6 years - $0
Total - $4916

AND look what you get with the PC!
6 times the raw GPU power
3 times the raw CPU power
7 times the memory bandwidth
4 times the storage
3 times the RAM

Seriously, the PS4 measures 1.84 TFLOPS GPU, 176GB/s memory bandwith, 1.6Ghz 8 core mobile processor, 8 GB 256bit GDDR5 RAM, 500GB HD compared to what?

PC measures 10.6 TFLOPS GPU, 657GB/s memory bandwidth, 3.5GHZ 8 core desktop processor, 22GB RAM (6GB 512bit GDDR5, 16GB DDR3), 2TB HD

Sorry, no contest.

mikeslemonade3612d ago

Lol master race show me 5 games that look better than The Order.

starchild3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Look, I have said nothing but good things about The Order 1886 and Uncharted 4 (check my comment history), but some of you are going overboard and need to put things in perspective.

First of all, yes, Uncharted 4 looks astounding and has probably the best character model we have seen in a game up to this point. BUT that doesn't mean that Uncharted 4 as a whole is going to be better than every other game. There will likely be games that release the same year that look better than Uncharted 4 in ways.

The Witcher 3, for example, might not have quite as detailed character models but the overall quality of the visuals is undeniable and the game has massive scale and freedom that most games can't begin to match.

I also thought that Star Wars Battlefront footage we saw had environments that looked as good, probably better, than the environment shown in Uncharted 4. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Question: were the Uncharted games the very best graphics that I experienced last generation? The answer is, no. High end PC games still looked better than the Uncharted games, despite the Uncharted games having great art direction and solid technical attributes.

The same will be true this generation. Uncharted 4 will likely be one of the best looking console games this generation and one of the better looking games across all platforms, but I have no doubt that some PC games will surpass it.

Furthermore, just because a console has one or two graphically exceptional games doesn't negate the fact that the PC still produces the best graphics in the overwhelming majority of games. Multiplatform games comprise the vast majority of games and those will continue to look and play better on the PC.

Pricey3612d ago


You forgot to put poorly optimised games under what you get for PC

Giul_Xainx3612d ago

PC's will continue to cost more to acquire than a console every day.

cemelc3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


So in those 6 years you wont upgrade any part? cos if you buy a 700 series today by the end of 6 years youll be around a 1200-1300 gtx series from nvidia, ram would have changed, the os too.

But nothing of that seems to change your final price it seems.

Pc is not cheap itll will never be, but you get more for the price, so its all good.

And 50$/60$ a game is only for brand new, no one gets all his/her games brand new so thats a terrible math you got there.

blackmagic3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Cyberpunk 2077 blows The Order out of the water.

Edit: sorry, you wanted to see 5 games
The Forest
Star Citizen

You can file that "poorly optimized" myth under the same category as the "price/performance" myth that console gamers garner. Last I checked, console games don't run so great out of the gate either.

First, I chose 'brand new' because that was the least friendly choice for my point. The price of PC games rolls off faster than on console so in this discussion you would suddenly find the playing field tilting even further to the advantage of the PC if old or used games are considered.

Rest assured that 6 years from now the PC build I posted would still run anything that a ps4 can run and significantly better at that. This build was constructed to debunk and it perfectly illustrates the fallacy of the console price/performance myth.

To respond to your comment directly, I would personally build something different for myself and I would keep my present 16 gigs of DDR3 1600 RAM, 750 watt power supply, case, hard drive, optical drive and keep running windows 7. I would sell my motherboard, cpu and video cards and plan another upgrade in about 3 years. Doing this, I would have a lesser PC today (in the neighbourhood of twice the capability of a PS4) but in three years I would have a significantly better pc than the PC build I posted and it would cost even less overall.

Console (fanboy) gamers only understand 'build from scratch' though. When you talk costs you suddenly aren't allowed to carry components from your present PC to your future PC, you aren't allowed to sell your old hardware and you certainly aren't allowed to carry your present operating system into your new build. Nope, you have to throw everything out and start from scratch in order to be "fair".

Why o why3612d ago

Ill play wherever most of the goty's are....... right now and for the whole last console gen timespan they've been on console.

cemelc3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


Your whole point is that pc is cheaper and upgrading your pc for whatever reason is not adding in any way to the original price? yeah right, you just mention it, so your point is counter by itself.

Did i mention building from scratch? nope, just videocard and ram.

Games are as cheap as you want them to be, your logic is asuming that i would pay more just cos is console. Console do have offers just like steam.

And new games in steam like watch dog will be 50$ till more or less 3 month from release, and b4 there will be a deal somewhere for 40 or whatever, does do happen for console too you know...

Is not cheaper, will not be cheaper.

choujij3612d ago


So what you're saying is, PC gamers are actually the "peasants" since (by your own explanation) it's cheaper to game on PC. :)

I don't care either way, I game on all platforms that have exclusives I like, such as PC, PS4, Wii-U, 3DS, etc.

ShinMaster3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

@ blackmagic

Cyberpunk 2077's trailer is completely CGI you dummy.
The Order 1886 actually showed gameplay.
And the Forest or Star Citizen don't look all that impressive, sorry.

Besides, all multiplatform games look the same anyway.

Leave it to the PC fanboys to start shit. No console gamer for the past 3 decades has cared about what your PC can do.

blackmagic3612d ago

Let me try to spell this out for you.

First point: The build I posted is a complete build which, 6 years from now, will still play games at a higher fidelity than the ps4. It obviously won't be able to do the latest greatest graphics but it will still be several times more powerful than the ps4 and since, like this past generation, games will again be held back so they can still run on consoles, it will still run these games and much better than the ps4 for that matter.

Second point (completely seperate point):
My pc will be 3 years old this fall so my upgrade would be
same cpu - $144
same motherboard - $60
Graphics - Dual 270X's - $310
keep my existing 16 GB DDR3 1600 - $0
keep my existing 2TB HD - $0
keep my existing 750W power supply - $0
keep my existing case - $0
keep my existing optical drive - $0
load my copy of Windows 7 - $0
Sell my current AMD 965 processor, Asus motherboard and dual 7850's - $150

Cost of upgrade today: about $350

3 years from now I sell my cpu, motherboard, videocards and ram - $150
Buy new versions - $600
plus a new hard drive - $100
and new O/S - $100
cost of future upgrade - $650

Possible replacement of power supply or optical drive, factor in $100

Total cost:
Upgrade - $350
future upgrade - $650
potential to replace failed component - $100
Total: $1100

End result, a better pc than you can build today for $1300

point 3
ps4 - $60
pc - $43

Assassin's Creed
ps4 - $43
PC - $22

Battlefield 4
ps4 - $43
PC - $20

need for speed
ps4 - $51
pc - $40

lego marvel super heroes
ps4 - $38
pc - $20

ps4 - $40
pc - $30

ps4 - $40
pc - $15

Do I really need to go on?

jetlian3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Black magic theres a few things wrong with your comparison. 1 not all pc games 50 dollars. 2 that 300 dollars you mentioned adds atleast 2 games a month!!

If you have vita/ps3 its 4/6 games per month. Lastly pc specs decrease over time consoles improve.

Edit: as for prices after launch pc does drop faster but thats because it has no resales. Drm is higher on pc too

SilentNegotiator3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

No $400 PC can come close to Ps4 and Xbone, especially when you consider the ~$100 just for Windows.

Hell, the same can probably be said about PS3 and Xb360; good luck building a $150 PC (post-windows cost) that can pull that off.

InactiveUser3612d ago

Same, tired, old, false 'PC games are cheaper' argument I see..

Two words.. resale value.. you have none.

Even factoring in your game prices at $60/console and $50/PC, what happens when you buy a game you don't like? On PC, you eat that full cost. On console, you have the choice to resell the game or trade it in. And if you're talking only a week or two after launch (it wouldn't take anywhere near that long to figure out that you don't like a game), you could easily get $30 back, if not ~$50, depending on the game.

Your online fees also depend on not being a poor consumer and on the games you play. You have $50/yr for PS+, but it was only $30/yr on black friday and it can be found for $40/yr throughout the year (and this price for PS+ also includes a lot of free games that you don't factor in). The online fees could be a lot more than $0 on PC if you're into MMOs or similar games where you pay by the month.

Back to games, a smart console game buyer usually waits until the games are $30, or $20, or less.. and by that time you could beat the game, resell it, and recoup most of your money, since prices fall much slower after the initial drop from Day 1 buys. Obviously console games would choose to keep some of the games, but the resale difference easily makes console games cheaper in the end. To that 'smart buyer' point, obviously smart PC games would wait too, but again, a $20-30 buy for PC is a $20-30 cost.. while a $20-30 buy for console could be only a $5 cost, depending on your turnaround time.

PC gaming is more expensive, period. Yes, a higher end PC has the potential for better graphics and framerates, etc. But the fact remains that the hardware is more expensive, the software is more expensive when resale value is taken into consideration, and you also miss out on a lot of the best games of the year as others have pointed out above, for example Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted, The Last Of Us, you had to wait for the GTAs, etc.

The last big PC 'exclusive' to win a lot of GotY awards was Half-Life 2 in 2004, which was only a timed exclusive that came out on Xbox a year later (2005) and seventh gen consoles soon in 2007. You don't have RDR after over 4 years and you won't have the Uncharteds, etc. until you have a strong enough PC to emulate them (illegal and much more cost).

cemelc3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


Lol i dont know why youre angry about me pointing something out.

Youre spending money for your pc, i didnt talk about performance, nor anything else.

The first time you built your rig it cost you money, after that any change in hardware will cost you money, so whatever the price of that machine was the first day you add the plus from the new parts get it? its easy.

Pc is not a console it doesnt have a fix price, its a rent that is constantly asking you for money if you want to keep up.

I dont undertand your logic about games, should i buy them right now? nope, should i get them when they are reaaally cheap? i could, it is my choice after all.

Im not forced to follow your logic, i could get any of those games a year from now for all i care and then what? your whole argument falls apart.

Pc is more expensive dude just let it go, enjoy what you have, since you can keep up with the expenses that most of us cant.

InactiveUser3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

FYI - PS4 $360, New, free shipping right now

"point 3
ps4 - $60
pc - $43"

PS4 version is $50 and when you realize it's not the greatest thing since sliced bread (81/78/78 meta), you can easily quick-sell it for $35-40

(or upwards of $50, which is what recently sold games are fetching)

So maybe a $10 loss compared to $43 on PC.

Do I really need to go on? Resale value. Few if any of the games you mentioned are masterpieces that people would want to hold onto forever. Many will be traded in/resold, costs will be recouped and your PC game will, in the end, be more expensive.. significantly so if there is a relatively short flip time on the console game.

Why o why3612d ago

Consoles never held back uncharted 2, little big planet, the last of us, forza, gran turismo, infamous mario, metroid etc because they were exclusive and the point I was making is that you cant play them on pc. When was the last time a pc exclusive won goty.............

As a former pc gamer I understood what I would lose by switching to console but that switch was made easier and were outweighed by the benefits of consoles. By all means enjoy your platform but that wall of text and half truths doesn't change the facts which is I cant play the games I've enjoyed the most on pc

Dasteru3611d ago

All the people talking about Uncharted 4. Do you mean the pre-rendered cut scene E3 trailer that doesn't look remotely like it is in-game? Console gamers need to stop blindly accepting every trailer they see as in-game. It is usually fairly easy to tell the difference between in-game and pre-rendered based on the camera angles and general feel of it. The video shown of Uncharted 4 is plain as day pre-rendered.

Crysis 3 still looks better overall anyway.

Sarcasm3611d ago

Yeah all this talk about power and yadda yadda on the PC was pointless seeing as for how many years of me owning a GTX 680 nothing ever looked like Uncharted 4 or the Order.

It's not just the hardware that drives revolutionary graphics, it's the teams behind the software to complement the hardware.

Which will NEVER EVER EVER happen for the PC as long as it's an open platform where people can either have a $100 gpu or a $3000 one.

ProjectVulcan3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

I love PC gaming.

It has lots of great games to play big titles and small and I like the fact multi platforms are usually the best versions and more customisable. I have one PC whose main components of it bar the GPU and SSD are over 5 years old (yes, really) and it still manages to beat out even the new consoles like PS4 on every multiformat game.

There is no point trying to run down PC gaming if you don't know how good it really is. Consoles are pretty good too for their own reasons and exclusives.

I personally find PC gaming to be really cheap as I buy my games in bargain sales and the hardware gets replaced by offsetting the cost of new by selling the old equipment.

Heart my PC.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 3611d ago
3612d ago Replies(3)
OlekKing3612d ago

"if graphics are the only thing that matter to you, then you get a PC."

"I say this as a long-time PC gamer"

And that right there is how you spot a liar.

Baccra173612d ago

Exactly. I don't game on PC. I hate that keyboard crap, controllers are way better. And now that the PS4 controller has that touchpad I don't need a mouse.

tgunzz3612d ago

Useless segment due to the fact that both MS/sony are pc makers. Consoles are category driven, and are tailored to a price sector. The compensation is to give great gaming machines, at affordable prices (which will always be with yester-year tech). Can both companies make a console that truly blur the lines, yes, but it won't be in the 400 to 600 range...

AD7053612d ago

Then use a controller. Why do you guys still ignore that fact?

andibandit3612d ago

RTS plays like crap on consoles

Haki11123611d ago

@andibandit they do! But I did enjoy Halo Wars if anyone wanna play games they was meant to be played hit me up on Steam- Goku Ruk

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3611d ago
AD7053612d ago

But you console guys seem to care when it comes to PS4 VS xbox one. I find it hilarious how when the PC is mentioned console fanboys all of a sudden don't care about graphics and hardware but when it's just consoles that's all they brag about. "my console has better graphics than yours"

MRMagoo1233612d ago

because consoles are consoles perhaps and pcs are pcs perhaps ? Maybe it seems so simple to me because I may be a super genius .........or more likely you arent seeing something so obvious because it doenst help your stupid point?

Angrymorgan3611d ago

Well perhaps thats because console gamers that compare graphics obviously have no interest whatsoever in pc gaming.
its like formula 3 cars comparing their bhp, then a formula 1 car comes along and blows em out of the water.. very similar but a totally different league.

this whole argument is kinda pointless. For me a gaming pc would cost an absolute fortune as I have nothing, id have to start from Scratch. So buying a ps4 made most sense for me. I could spend more for an average pc which would play the same games but a little bit prettier, but then id be missing out on the ps4 exclusives which I want so in my view, im spending less and getting more.

BX813612d ago

Don't tell that to all the sony fans who keep bringng it up. I don't understand why people act like its the strongest thing to game on.

Magicite3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Im mainly a PC gamer, yet I dont give a $h1t about PC superiority over consoles in raw power.
Its all about exclusives, also not to mention poor optimization on PC for many latest games (e.g Watch Dogs, AC4).

Look how underpowered was Wii compared not to only PC but also PS3, yet sales wise it was a winner.

Bladesfist3611d ago

What about the poor optimization on consoles. You act as if we are struggling to beat consoles at Watchdogs. I can play it at 1080 45fps / High.

kewlkat0073612d ago

"amiga-man says - Yet for all the PC's so called power, they will never come close to the simplicity and ease of use of consoles"

lol this site is funny at times...

I swear, you know when fanboys feel small, they resort that type of comments.

starchild3612d ago

Obviously you guys do care because you have flooded into this article, heating it up, all so you can downplay and bash the PC and talk up consoles.

3611d ago
Dynasty20213612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Apart from console gamers, that take every opportunity to show PC gamers how "close" or "better" their versions are.

When they are clearly wrong 100% of the time.

SpinalRemains1383612d ago


That's cool and all, but I'm not into playing History Channel games and lame ass games no one has ever heard of.

tee_bag2423612d ago

That's because you're demonstrating 'sheep' mentality. You'd rather be sales pitched what's good rather than discover it yourself.

frostypants3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

@AD705: Consoles are set platforms. PCs are not. Therefore, having a PC vs console debate is almost impossible because people rarely properly grasp the fact that "PC" doesn't say anything about the hardware specs. It's a moving target and thus open to complete subjectivity. When people say "[Game X] looks better on PC" I immediately write off their opinion and quit listening, because they are grossly oversimplifying reality.

frostypants3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

"Anytime soon"? As if to imply that the One and PS4 will get more powerful in the future? Furthermore, both are as powerful as a "decent" gaming PC today. They will lose ground over time.

FailingBolt strikes again. Easily the most consistently stupid site to show up on N4G. Somewhere, HipHopGamer is wondering how his goofy arse got booted but they didn't.

3611d ago
heisenberguk3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

You're wrong there, the small section of PC owners who actually own a PC more powerful than the next gen consoles care!(and the ones who don't but pretend they do too) They're the most vocal, telling everyone they NEED to play games with ultra graphics settings in order to have any fun!!

Tetsujin3612d ago

I know a PC elitist who swears PC > Console regardless of game, extras, and configuration. He's also a big WoW player and any game who doesn't match what WoW does in $ and player base is automatically second-rate.

What I like best about consoles; buy the system, buy the game, done. No "I gotta spend $ on another graphics card that's outdated in 6 months," or spend countless hours wondering why certain drivers don't work with certain hardware/games. The only thing I give PC credit for is free online, and multiplayer games "can" last as long as the community is able to host servers.

wsoutlaw873612d ago

and the arguement is never really about raw power. of coarse the raw power of most pcs is higher, we can all look at specs. How that translates to games is different. Pcs have 10s times more power than last gen consoles but dont look 10x better. graphics to power isnt linear and optimization makes a huge difference. Plus the reason for choosing consoles isnt that they would be higher speced than every pc.

kingduqc3612d ago

You guys realize if you didn't buy consoles those exclusive would still exist but you wound not be forced to buy 3 different platform to buy em all and you would be on a better platform overall.

D3ATH_DRIV3R_7773612d ago

And i'm one of them that don't care! as long as a game looks good,
that's all it matters. The fanboys (ugh, fanboys), the elitists (ugh, elitists)
are the only ones that cares. I'll grab a 2 large pizzas & boneless bbq
chicken and watch them go at each other about who has best games
and hardware.

avengers19783612d ago

The PC gaming community consist of people that play the sims, Facebook games, WOW, and crap like that, most of them don't care about PC power, and most people don't have high end gaming rigs, they get whatever you buy in the store and are happy with that.

PC will always have a power advantage, but gaming innovation happens because of consoles, when do devs push there games to the next level,when do they make new engines, and try to put more into there games, when new consoles come out that's when

tee_bag2423612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Lol, did you even stop to think what you wrote before you posted. 0 innovation comes from consoles. They are too expensive to develop for Devs to take risks. That's why all we're seeing is the same stale formula's and re-releases. PC with its Indy scene gets the lions share of innovation. There's no two ways about it.

threefootwang3612d ago

I've got a gaming rig and yet when it comes to actual gaming, I almost always prefer console gaming instead. PC is good for certain games but the vast majority are much more enjoyable from the comfort of my couch with just a controller and not a keyboard and mouse.

That being said, does it really matter? Today's consoles are more then sufficient at pumping out some pretty damn good looking games. Play to what you enjoy. I enjoy RTS and MMOs on PC, everything else though on console!

Azzanation3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Yet people care about resolution and frame rate more these days...

If no body cares about Power then we shouldn't be seeing articles everyday about 720p vs 900p vs 1080p vs 4k.

People do care, they just want to believe they have the better graphical version over someone else and the fact most kids cant afford a gaming rig they pretend they don't exist. Its common childish behaviour. Ignore the best only to think your the best.

sardaukarghola663612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


Yeah I have seen your post history you only seem to care when it is PS4 vs. Xbone. All you stupid fanboys need to be sterilized.

2pacalypsenow3610d ago

Yeah console vs console PC doesn't count ,it's in its own world

sardaukarghola663610d ago


The only thing that is in it's own world is you and all the other stupid ass fanboys.

Mithan3611d ago

I agree. Pc are always going to kick ass. So what?

Dspdspes3611d ago

That was my thought, but you were faster. Have a bubble on me!

SharnOfTheDEAD3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

It will also be a while until PC catches up with the quality of console exclusive AAA titles.

SegaSaturn6693611d ago

I don't constantly upgrade my PC anyway. It was a decent gaming pc in 2012 and the PS4 is better than that anyway.

I wonder how many people actually have top of the line pcs to play these games at absolute maximum settings. I'd rather support the indy games on steam these days than spend my money constantly upgrading my GPU.

RAWSTA3611d ago

Just shows your all fanboy! All I hear is PS4 is all about 1080p. Ignorant!

assdan3611d ago

This is just false, I'm sorry. If those are seriously in game graphics in UC4, then they can easily keep up with a DECENT gaming PC. I'd say a PS4 is high mid range, and an xbox one is low midrange.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3610d ago
KarlosTheKid3612d ago

These consoles aren't built to compete with high-end PC's. If you can build a PC for $400 dollars that will run games as well as a PS4 or Xbox One then go do that.

The comparisons between a $400 machine and a $1000 gaming PC need to stop.

snookiegamer3612d ago

Somebody should have told Naughty Dog...

Qrphe3612d ago

Who needs to compete with high-end hardware PC? Most of the video game industry develops for consoles, it's completely unnecessary to compete with the niche high-end PC gaming market.

Azzanation3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Valve/Blizzard and Star Citizen wants a word with you.

Qrphe3611d ago

Valve and Blizzard cater to the low-end gaming rigs all the time. The requirements for Star Citizen aren't high-end either.

xReDeMpTiOnx3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Yes they won't be able to.........

But who needs to match them when you have uncharted 4 when it surpasses all current game graphics even on those 2000$ rigs

HighResHero3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

I can't wait for the butthurt responses to your comment.
I think pre The Order/Uncharted you would get more.
PCs and consoles are both worth having IMO.
oh and....
"PS4 & Xbox One Won't Be Able To Match The Raw Power of A Decent Gaming PC Anytime Soon"
No kidding!?

Rik_Mayall3612d ago

Luckily most PC gamers have either 1 or both consoles...

Like me so it's win, win and win.

I have no need to snipe with slight hints of jealousy.

MelvinTheGreat3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Yes, a trailer surpasses every game out there.
And even when uncharted is released there will most likely be a pc game that looks better, hell a heavily modded watch dogs or gta will most likely look better.

xReDeMpTiOnx3612d ago

Yes a trailer that was all INGAME footage, you need to also remember that this game still won't release to 2015 which gives tons of time for polish so most likley it will look even better come release.

CheexInk3612d ago

An in-engine cutscene is not the same as it looking like that while you're actually playing. They use higher fidelity models and assets specific to cutscenes because they have much more control over what's rendered in a cutscene.

XiSasukeUchiha3612d ago

PC are constantly evolving machines, while consoles are just updated every generation which is 5-7 years and 8 years at max, so this article is irrelevant.

No_Limit3612d ago

"so this article is irrelevant"

So why did you approved it then? Sasuke strikes again. LOL and smh

(13/13) ? Approved <<

XiSasukeUchiha (1) | 46m ago

Belasco3612d ago

PS4 & Xbox One Won't Be Able To Match The Raw Power of A Decent Gaming PC, EVER: Futuremark

Fixed the headline, still don't care and love my consoles.

ltachiUchiha3612d ago

Also what ppl tend to forget is devs are the ones who bring out the beast in these games. PC obviously triumphs consoles in all around performance but the question is will devs ever use all that power? No is the answer. Just because a pc has more overall power, does not mean devs will take full advantage of it. Only one really pushing it is crytek but thats the best your going to get.

starchild3612d ago

The power of PCs IS being used. To run games at much higher resolutions, with better textures, higher quality effects, new effects, high quality anti-aliasing and 60+fps requires a lot of hardware performance.

A lot of multiplats last generation were almost a generation ahead of the console versions. Games like Far Cry 3, The Witcher 2 and Tomb Raider, while they were available on both PC and consoles, looked amazing on PC and can even compete with some of the better looking current gen console games.

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