
The Top 10 Turn-Based Strategy Games for iPhone

If you are a strategy fan, then you will be surprised to know that there some great turn based strategy games released for the iPhone. These games are as impressive as Civilization, and as addictive as Advance Wars. Some have a unique pirate theme, while others stick to traditional turn-based tactics. Here’s a rundown of some of the best TBS games for the iOS platform.

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Mecho Wars Review | Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid:

"Mecho Wars is a turn-based strategy game with great potential. There’s good diversity in the types of mechs you control and enemies you face. The colors are vibrant and there’s a lot of attention to detail in the graphics, especially for the in-battle sequences. There’s even an evil henchman in a ridiculous top hat! Unfortunately, the game is buggy to the point where playing it is far more frustrating than fun. This game crashes like it’s getting paid for it. And the paycheck’s coming out of your pocket."

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nunley333919d ago

I have the playstation minis version and was surprised how long i played it. As a fan of Advance Wars i liked this as i could see a resemblance.


Best Turn Based Strategy Games For iOS And Android

John Bedford (Modojo): With the release of Ace Patrol last week, we've found ourselves dipping back into our collection of mobile turn-based strategy games. We might still be waiting for a full Civilization experience on our touchscreens, but there are still plenty of top-notch games to get stuck into in the meantime. Here's our pick of the bunch.


Mobile Monday – 02/04/2012 (GodisaGeek)

GodisaGeek: "I honestly can’t believe how quickly this year is going, it’s another Monday already! It’ll soon be Christmas all over again. Shocking! Well, this week we’ve got four more games for your gaming pleasure. The first is Diggin’ Dogs, a strange little game the gives the player the task of digging through the earth to get some golden boots for the three dogs. Yeah, odd.

Secondly there’s Time of Heroes, an RTS game with RPG elements from the guys at Smuttlewerk Interactive. Certainly something to check out if you’re a fan of the genres. Next up is Mad Coaster, one of those crazy, addictive “run-left-to-right” games that will keep you up at night. Last up is Don’t Run With A Plasma Sword, which is another “run-left-to-right” game that…”borrows” from a lot of familiar concepts. Play it, you’ll see what I mean."

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