
PC Gamer - League of Legends’ AI bots multiply, get smarter, and move to Dominion [Hands-on]

PC Gamer - I ran out of my spawn area on League of Legends’ Dominion map and made a move for the nearest capture-point, which an enemy Sona was stealing from us. I was confident I could take the flimsy healer and reclaim our home point, but before I can get in range, a burst of flames erupts around me and burning-man Brand bursts from the bushes. He’s now pacing side-to-side between me and Sona, tossing out flames if I get close, but stubbornly refusing to let me drag him off point, where I could safely kill him.


League of Legends' New Arena Mode Changes Breathe Life Into a Stale Formula

TNS: "A League of Legends game mode, Arena, will return with some major changes that may breathe some life for a stagnant game."

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MSI 2024 Patch Revealed by Lead Gameplay Designer

ESTNN writes: "Hwei, LeBlanc and Ryze stand above the rest as the strongest players in the League of Legends 14.8 mid-lane due to substantial buffs in their scaling, base damage and crowd control (CC) respectively."


League of Legends New Champion Release Dates (2024)

ESTNN write: "Our updated guide on the latest champions coming to Summoner's Rift."