
Gotham City Impostors Beta Test Preview (RespawnIn5)

Gotham City Impostors is a first person shooter loosely based on a DC story arc wherein citizens of Gotham don wacky costumes and imitate their idols, half of them for the flying, sonar-equipped blind mammal with a bad attitude, the other half the clown with a slight habit of drifting into homicidal tendencies. And it’s an all out war.

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Top 6 Kick-Ass Shooters You Probably Missed

AAA games get all the attention. But some games get lost in the shuffle. Especially shooters! Make time for these five.

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Fist4achin1917d ago

I didnt care for brink. I thought it was going to be like overwatch back in the day.

Skuletor1917d ago (Edited 1917d ago )

7 page article


5 Lesser known games that should to be backwards compatible on Xbox One

The majority of games that will be released for backwards compatibility on the Xbox One will most likely be bigger titles. The likes of Call of Duty Black Ops, Red Dead Redemption and so on, may be coming soon to an Xbox One. But what about the smaller games, the ones that were sort of overlooked or that have since been forgotten? Here are five (5) lesser known games that should be backwards compatibles on the Xbox One.

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KiwiViper852967d ago

Ye AC Rogue is a no brainer. It reviewed better than unity. Only reason I didn't pick it up is 360 is in the cupboard.

Kalebninja2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

I keep getting sent to the homepage and not an article. As for BC games, get me RDR and Lost Odyssey please, never got to finish the latter.

Vokun132967d ago

Gotham City impostors. I would love to see that again, played it way too much!


Top 5 Free to Play Steam Games: Our Recommendations

SteamFirst: Steam is a community which has been welcoming crossover console gamers for some time now. As gamers get tired of console gaming and the shenanigans they may have to deal with, their eyes are drawn to the gaming model offered by Steam. From your die hard Steam enthusiasts to the casual gamers looking to relieve some stress during their lunch break at work, Steam has something… many things for you. Today I am going to be putting my focus on Free to Play titles available on Steam. My top five FTP titles to be more precise.

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minimur123797d ago

I like this, rather than the title proclaiming they know the best games on steam, the author says 'our reccomendations' I don't know why I'm happy about it but I respect it lmao

GundalfDeGrej3796d ago

Tf2 is my favorite game of all time and I highly recommend it to everyone. Planetside 2 is also really awesome if you have a decent pc to play it on. All of these games are better than a lot of 60$ games out there.

caseh3796d ago

Blacklight is surprisingly enjoyable. been spending time with this on PS4.

Although they clearly gear the game towards parting with your monies. Expect to pay up to £5 just to unlock items early, or even just for an extra loadout slot.

Gear bought with Battle Points will only last for a certain number of days which pushes you towards paying real money to permanently unlock.

Its a good time sink but the I can see the overwhelming push towards making you pay killing this game off for many players after a few days.

urwifeminder3796d ago

Tf2 and Starconflict are my faves others seem forgettable for me.

Passenger3796d ago

Good recommendations, but I´d add Path of Exile and Planetside2, these are great games, too =)

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