
CVG: Medal of Honor 2: What we want to see

With the leaflet included in retail copies of Battlefield 3 essentially confirming Medal of Honor 2 (that's what we'll call it for now, anyway), we think it's safe to assume a release either later this year or next year. That means its speculation and wish list time. Here's what we want to see in the next Medal of Honor:

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Shackdaddy8364482d ago (Edited 4482d ago )

I kinda want them to do the Iraq war rather than the Afghan war (if they have to do a modern shooter). I would much rather fight in the streets of Fallujah than some random torn-up village in the mountains of Afghanistan. Or, just mix it up. Do half the game in Afghanistan then half the game in Iraq. I just think the game gets boring when you're forced to play in the same looking area over and over.

Also, do more solo missions. It's not as realistic, but it's a lot funner and more engaging IMO. That's one reason I loved the old MoHs so much - you didn't have a group of AI doing the work for you.

ATi_Elite4482d ago

Medal of Honor 2:

Should just have a totally kick ass SP campaign and a CO-Op campaign that's hard as hell and 50 hours long all running on the GLORIOUS Frostbite 2.

Make it sorta open world and have some RPG features in it. Just concentrate on the SP and Co-Op.

Don't even waste time with a MP. Just toss some free BF3 map pak download in with the game (like BF2143 expansion map pak).

wAnxTa4482d ago

Better graphics this time around please. Dice saved the mp with frostbite but single player looked horrible. There is no dice this time.. I wonder what they'll give us.

KillNr3load144482d ago

The mp graphics were good but the gameplay was kind of meh.

Dojan1234482d ago

Just picked up MOH friday from steam for $5. Not a bad game. Only playing SP since i heard good this about it.

I assume MOH2 will use Frostbite 2. Should look great on the PC.

Trainz4482d ago (Edited 4482d ago )

Medal of honour is a terrible game.
It's just a generic military shooter that brings nothing new to the table.
I actually felt sick playing it.

strange19864482d ago

Blatant? Huh.

Seriously though, your description is a bit over-dramatic.

Campy da Camper4481d ago (Edited 4481d ago )

I agree. It was horrible. The AI was so flipping retarded it was just ridiculous.

Cosmit4482d ago

Actually, I don't want to see it O_o

STK0264482d ago

How about not making a CoD-clone that happens to copy everything people don't like about CoD but not what people like about CoD? MoH was an okay game, had they not tried to make it a CoD-lite, it could have been much better.

A small tip to EA, if you're going to copy CoD, don't make it worse than CoD.

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Fanboys Who Believe Steve Jobs About Adobe Flash are Blind Idiots

Sean Nagasawa writes: "You would think that writing for a site named Go Fanboy would somehow prepare me for the continual onslaught of "fanboyism" and blind faith that some gamers have in corporations. But the way in which people eat up the BS Steve Jobs spews about Adobe and Flash being sub-par is just amazing.

Jobs has somehow hypnotized the general public into believing that every other company on the planet is a money-grubbing bandit with low-quality goods that don't last. The entire time he sells this concept, he gets consumers to purchase a slightly upgraded version of his product on an annual basis while simultaneously making them believe the apps monopoly is a good thing."

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vgn245114d ago

duh! If flash was allowed on the Apple mobiles, the app store would go out of business. He's not fooling anyone. Maybe not out of business, but it would take a huge hit.

jphelps805114d ago

Leavesteve (blow) jobs alone.

SnuggleBandit5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Html 5 is better than flash...that makes me a fanboy??

Eamon5114d ago

The thing is. Flash is actually buggy.

I cannot help watch flash videos without it periodically freezing for a second.

Hopefully, HTML5 will replace flash and save the internet =3

Abriael5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Well put. But everyone (besides the blind and deaf) already knows that Jobs is one of the worst players in the industry.

Adobe is guilty of a terrible sin in his eyes: Making photoshop just as good on Windows as it is on Mac (and ripping a good slice of the professional design market away from the overpriced macs).

Of course Jobs is very butthurt about that, so now according to him Adobe is the devil.

kookro5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

As someone who is getting his visual communications degree I agree completely, I use all the adobe products from after effects to flash to sound booth on a PC and it's just as good as if it were on a mac. The best part about it is that the idiots who took 3D modeling (using 3Ds max) with me last quarter bought $1200+ mac book "pros" so they could render "super fast"(the basis of that statement was that a clerk at the apple store told one of the mac fans that, so of course it was true)... in the end every mac book "pro" took at least twice as long to render than my laptop which costs (I bought it around the same time as the mac heads)$600 but none of the mac fans would admit it.

Here is my model of laptop if anyone is wondering, It's $800 now but I got mine for sale at best-buy for $600.


Laughably heres what I found for around the same price as a macbook "pro" while looking at the gateway site to find and show you my laptop.


And of course people won't believe me so here's the link to the mac book "pro".


...and no, you're not reading that wrong, the CHEAPEST mac book "pro" is $1200, the only up side to the damn thing is the listed battery life, 10 hours if you don't run anything, 4 hours if you render.(I got the render battery life from one of the students who sat next to me, he had around 70% battery life left with 3h 20m and he told me it usually says 4 hours when rendering, I have to take his word for it(if anyone can render something semi complex in 3d max and confirm it for me I would be thankful).

Sorry if I sounded like a fanboy but I just don't understand why people continue to support such overpriced products, maybe it IS the battery life.

spunnups5114d ago

I don't know whose side to take, but Its a major pain to everyone that owns an Apple product. If you aren't going to support flash, come up with another option instead of just saying FU and leaving all the Mac users scratching their heads.

PotNoodle5114d ago

No. I'm sorry but while some of the statements from Steve were extremely hypocritical about it being propriety 'n all this, many of his points were completely spot on.

It is too resource intensive for what it is, it is buggy and is limiting progression. Having this mindset does not make you a fanboy at all.

BeaRye5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

So he's not worried that flash on iPhone and iPod Touch would take a big chuck out of Apps?
*edit* Not saying you're wrong, but was wondering about the App Store point.

PotNoodle5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

He probably is, and that is more than likely one of the reasons he is pushing so hard to get people away from it. But it doesn't change the fact his other points are accurate too.

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Ingvi's Take, Episode 13: Top 9 Games 2012 Could Do Without

This week, Hooked Gamers' Senior Editor Ingvi Snædal lists the top 9 games 2012 could do without.

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EA’s Next Battle Plan: More Battlefield 3, More Military Shooters, Guns, Guns, Guns

There is plenty of room in our gaming lives for more Battlefield 3, more Bad Company and many more military first-person shooters from EA, the giant game publisher's number two boss told Kotaku this week.

gcolley4462d ago

starting to get sick of america's love obsession with guns

h311rais3r4462d ago

starting to get sick of Japan's love obsession with swords and pink haired men.

See what I did there?

Drano4462d ago

Yeah, you used your only bubble.

LX-General-Kaos4462d ago

EA makes enough different types of games to please everyone. Just off the top of my head they have SWTOR, Mass Effect, Command and conquer, need for speed, battlefield, sports games, dead space, and many others.

Electroshocked4462d ago

What happened to that DLC announcement this week?

bahabeast4462d ago

im already tired of military shooters, i only play shooting games that are different from the rest i mite give the new ghost recon a break and try it out and 2010's medal of honor was pretty good

Hufandpuf4462d ago

That comment made no sense at all

bahabeast4462d ago


Spitfire_Riggz4462d ago (Edited 4462d ago )

I thought that ea was going to reveal the DLC for B3 last week?

artdafoo4461d ago

My only hope is that they optmize Frostbite 2.0 to the fullest by the time MOH and Bad Co 3 drops since its still buggy in its current state. Bad Co 2 is still the better game in terms of overall balanced gameplay compared to BF3 in its current state.