
Harvest Moon: Land of Beginning, new screenshots

Natsume released new screenshots of Harvest Moon: Land of Beginning.

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Harvest Moon: A New Beginning shipments top 320 000 units in Japan

Today, Marvelous shared some shipment data for Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, the first original entry for the series on Nintendo 3DS. The company revealed that since launch (on February 23rd, 2016), a total of 320 000 have been shipped to retailers in Japan. Unfortunately, we don’t know if that number includes digital sales via the Nintendo eShop (it most likely does).

With over 320 000 units shipped in Japan alone, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is by far one of the best-selling entries in the series. And it’s not over! Today, Nintendo launched the Happy Price Selection range in Japan (the Japanese equivalent of the Nintendo Selects), and Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is one of the 12 titles picked up for this first batch. It’s now available for 2 916 Yen both at retail and on the Nintendo eShop.

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Harvest Moon: Where Did You Go?

Hardcore Gamer: Listen, we love Harvest Moon. Always have, always will. But unfortunately, over the past several years, one of our favorite series has slid into irrelevance. Story of Seasons — the 3DS Harvest Moon game not actually bearing the “Harvest Moon” title — was fantastic, but it’s been too long now since we’ve had an entry in the famed farming simulator franchise that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Back to Nature, It’s a Wonderful Life and Magical Melody. Sure, there have been some gems on portable systems, like Friends of Mineral Town for instance, but the more recent 3DS installments have left a lot to be desired.

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The Highs And Lows Of The Harvest Moon Series

Josh from Controller Crusade writes "Anyone who has followed the Harvest Moon franchise since it burst on the scene in 1997 (1996 in Japan) knows the many ups and downs it has endured. The odd thing about Harvest Moon games is that even when they’re not that great they are still incredibly addicting. Depending on what aspect of the games you like to focus on, you’ll enjoy certain titles more than others. Personally I like to mix it up and do a little bit of everything, not pigeon hole myself into one type of task or chore. Here are my personal highs and lows for the Harvest Moon series."

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