
Professional gamer explains why League of Legends has nothing to fear from Blizzard DOTA, Dota 2

Can Blizzard and Valve dethrone League of Legends with their upcoming DOTA titles? This pro-gamer doesn't think so.

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dadaownsall4501d ago (Edited 4501d ago )

LoL is a joke. It just a easy2play version of HoN & Dota

Seems every type of genre of games has its "cater to the noobs" feel..

MMOS=World of Warcraft
FPS= Call of duty..
RTS= Starcraft2(Day9 Explains this well http://www.youtube.com/watc... Starcraft1 was awesome but the direction of SC2 is meh.

Not saying any of the games mentioned above are crappy except LoL lol.. just usually people complain that modern day games are to EASY yet its usually because of them its..easy

Flavor4501d ago

Seems every type of genre of games has its really successful franchises...

MMOS=World of Warcraft
FPS= Call of duty..
RTS= Starcraft2
MOBA= League of legends

So you are saying that an automobile that refuses to start, is hard to drive and maintain, and costs the same as a car that runs well, is a good choice for a consumer? Same as 'easy2play'.

dadaownsall4501d ago

Well lets put it like this using your automobile terminology..(p.s I don't agree with hard to drive = hard to maintain.. that would have to do with just bad game mechanics

It feels to me that all the 'successful franchises' are just plain ole Automatic cars who has the hard part done for them.

but the other cars which may not be a good choice for the consumer would be the Manual/Stickshift. Sure it is indeed a little harder but mastering it will give you more control on what you want to do at any given time which opens up alot more possibilities, of course when mastered

Shackdaddy8364501d ago

I can't wait for DotA2. I've been stuck playing LoL because all my friends are obsessed with it. I showed them DotA2 and they said they would give it a shot.

Hopefully they'll like it...

admiralthrawn874501d ago

this guy comes off sounding like a douche. sounds like someone who doesn't want another game to be more popular because he might not be good at it, or might lose popularity.


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