
Choplifter HD Review - JTM Games

"It’s a well-done mishmash of old-school and modern game design that rewards players who take the time to understand the complexities of the game. It can be hair-pulling difficult (requiring multiple retries) yet it’s fun and addictive nature had me playing for hours on end, trying to unlock everything in the game as well as perfect my run-through of each level."

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Review- Choplifter HD on Android (also Available on Steam) - Gravis Ludus

Carl Williams writes, "Classic titles are classics for a reason.  They are usually not convoluted like current titles are.  Controls are simpler, the game in general is often more direct and they are easily picked up and played.  Choplifter is one such classic that was released at the right time in gaming.  The idea is pretty simple, and …"

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Android Saturday Sale for November 30th, 2013

Triverse writes, "Since Google has yet to implement an option for publishers to offer their apps and games for free on a limited time basis. This is possibly going to change since they are allowing magazine publishers to do just that. Though it is not in place for anything outside of their “newstand” we feel it is warranted to start a sales post each week for games on Google Play that you can grab. These are limited time sales and we do not know how long the sale will last so grab them while you can."

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inXile Celebrating its 10th Year in Business with a Digital Garage Sale

Games are discounted for one week on iTunes, Steam, Mac App Store, Android digital stores and more starting October 15th

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