
The Top 10 Xbox Live Indie Games of 2011

There were 728 Xbox Live Indie Games released this year. That’s a hell of a lot of games to sift through, but once in a while you come across something that is not quite like anything else out there. Those unique games are what this list is about. You won’t find any spurious Minecraft rip-offs or something that is impressive merely because it’s like some other game, only not nearly as cool. This list represents everything that is distinctive about Xbox Live Indie games.

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delosisland4528d ago

Such a great list of Indies. Aban Hawkins is my personal favorite, its the dark souls of platformers "_"


The 10 Ways Indie Developers Fail to Market Their Game

"No matter what format, what system or what game you are developing for, there are certain things that can doom your game regardless of how good or bad it is from the start. While this article is written with a focus on XBLIG’s, much of these apply to any indie game developer looking to make a dollar off of their game."


You, Me, & DLC. Part three: Enemy of the People?

Critical Gamer's Luke K writes: If you’ve already read parts one and two – and why on Earth wouldn’t you have? – you’ll know that my comments on DLC so far have been overwhelmingly negative. The digital distribution of games and add-ons can be a force for good, however; demonstrably so. It’s done a lot of good not only for business but for us cash-wielding consumers, too, and it will continue to do so.

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LackTrue4K4415d ago (Edited 4415d ago )

Capcom ruined its own name this gen.....


Elite Systems Submits XBLIG Port of “Manic Miner” For Peer Review

ZX Spectrum classic "Manic Miner" may appear on XBLIG (not XBLA) soon, courtesy of Elite Systems; if it passes the peer review process that is.

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