
Sony's Afrika Still Alive, Enlists Composer

We haven't heard much of anything from Sony about their mysterious Afrika game since March. Is it a Pokemon Snap-style photography simulator? Is there actually an adventure game buried in there? Or is it simply Sony's response to the growing popularity of "non-games" in Japan? We, uh, don't really know, but have come across proof the game's definitely still in development; it now has a composer.

By way of the Professional Musicians' Local 47 union newsletter, 1UP can confirm that Wataru Hokoyama -- a Los Angeles-based composer who doesn't appear to have worked in the videogames space before -- has recently hired a 104-piece orchestra to start laying down the symphonies to accompany Afrika, whatever it ends up being.

Sure, that doesn't tell us anything more about the game, but it's somethin'.

Relcom5997d ago (Edited 5997d ago )

Its a RPG where your a camera man taking pics, and upgrading your camera skills. Trying to gain cover to magazines and upgrade your gear and vehicles.

I would probaly buy that game...i think

Edit: This is what i hope this game is. A man can have dreams right?

Shadow Flare5997d ago (Edited 5997d ago )

simply what you see. Its a non-game, a relaxation game, an exploration game. Just explore a whole safari of wild-life, just like you would if you really went to Africa. I love the idea of this. Sometimes i get sick of playing games and i just scope my XMB for 10 minutes so a game like this would be perfect

And i wouldn't be surprised if this incorperated Home into it. How cool would that be, straight from Home to Afrika.

But im not joking, this game for me easily has the best graphics of any console game. Look at the grass, rhinos and cheetahs in the second part of this video....


Jamegohanssj55997d ago

Afrika will definitely get best graphics of the year when it comes out. I can't wait for this game to be honest.

Rice5997d ago

Who ever is gonna buy this game say I..............

EZCheez5997d ago

I buy almost every PS3 game. I even bought Lair.

ry-guy5997d ago (Edited 5997d ago )

No knock on you, this is legitmate curiosity but:

What games do you play the most and how may hours a week do you think you play? Just getting a feel. Looking into the PS3.

EZCheez5997d ago

I get tired of games pretty quickly but only the good ones get my attention for more than a week. I'm just thankful I can actually afford all of these, and that I have an understanding wife who games as well. Anyway, as for what you were asking the wife and I play an average of 4-5 hours a day combined. We play whatever games come out latest, and then move on once the next comes out. Right now we're actually playing High Velocity Bowling. Here's a breakdown of a few we've been playing lately:

Rock Band:AMAZING Blows away GH3 in every way & the wife loves it too
HVB-Lots of fun
COD4-Awesome online and very addictive
R&C-Awesome game but forgot I owned it after COD4
Uncharted-You can't skip this if you get a PS3. It's too good
Pain-Passable, as in wait for a sale on PS Store

I can't think of anything else right now. PM me if you've got any other questions. Trust me, I'll be the last to lie to you if a game sucks.

TheXgamerLive5997d ago

Uhh Yeah.

Oh look there's a porcupine:(

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Which Launch Title Would Make You Buy a PS4?

That illustrious Sony press event on February 20th is just one week away, and with the PS4 reveal entirely possible (in a huge venue nonetheless), we wanted to end our three weeks of PS4 questions on the games. So, the PlayStation LifeStyle staff was asked:

Which Launch Title Would Make You Buy a PS4?

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TrendyGamers4106d ago

Uncharted 4 would definitely make me buy one.

Relientk774105d ago

That's exactly the game I want

blitz06234105d ago

Killzone 4
NEW Naughty Dog IP

RGB4105d ago

Uncharted 4 (Got Vita day 1 because of Golden Abyss)
Gran Turismo 6
Killzone 4

The Getaway... would be epic, think Sony cancelled that because the PS3 couldn't handle a fully mapped City of London with HD visuals.

unchartedxplorer4105d ago

Maybe Gran Turismo 6.. now that'll be awesome

Hanif-8764105d ago

If that's a release title i'd buy two PS4's ;-)

JoGam4105d ago

I'll buy all so far. No game i heard coming out seems wack.

akaakaaka4105d ago

Idk uncharted 4 will be like a bonus..

for me it will be more like the PS4! And the new technology ..
good games will come out eventually ..

But if it launch with
Killzone or a new GG IP, or MS4, TLOU I will make lines a day before!! Or will find a way to get it earlier from the "black market"

Saigon4105d ago

it doesn't matter to me because it is a day one purchase regardless of the games...This is the same with the new Xbox also...

Snookies124105d ago

Are we sure there will be one? I mean, look at the history of Naughty Dog. Crash 1-3(PS1), Jak and Daxter 1-3(PS2), Uncharted 1-3(PS3). Those are main games sure, but they seem as if they like making new trilogies for each generation.

HarryMasonHerpderp4105d ago

The Last Guardian or FF Versus XIII.
(I know they are supposed to be PS3 games)

4105d ago
morkendo234105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )


any game that not a first person shooter,multiplat.


superterabyte4105d ago

Need for speed nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4105d ago
Wedge194106d ago

That picture feels so inappropriate... but it's just a rocket with Kaz's face... right? Is that the first look at a first party launch game?

TrendyGamers4106d ago

Will it be called Rocket Launcher Extreme?

Shadow Flare4105d ago

It should be called Kazooka!

4105d ago
Godmars2904106d ago

Something I'd like to play which is actually playable?

Too general?

Hicken4105d ago

Not really. If I tried to be specific, I'd come up with SO MANY titles.

Legend of Dragoon
Gran Turismo
Valkyria Chronicles

And probably a good thirty I can't think of.

thirtyandnerdy4106d ago

The thing I'm wondering about the next gen consoles is, for example, whether we'll see a second round of titles like Crysis 3 come out for them. You know, it'll initially launch on PS3, 360 and PC ... but then down the road will the new consoles get a version with improved graphics, etc. !!! Ya? Na?

Fyflin4105d ago

I'm expecting this with GTA V, and wouldn't be surprised to see an upgraded version of Bioshock Infinite

ftwrthtx4106d ago

It needs a new IP with a pedigreed developer

doctorstrange4106d ago

Pedigreed? Is that like Activision?

ftwrthtx4106d ago

A developer with a pedigree would be Naughty Dog or David Cage

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The Best Games Never to Get a Worldwide Release

Last week, we brought you the games that time forgot - those games stuck in development limbo that they may never escape. But there's another category of lost games: the ones that never make it out of Japan. Back in the PlayStation 2 era (and the SNES era before that), there were hundreds and hundreds of them every year. Now there are many fewer, but the odd one still slips through the net.

A quick glance through this generation's consoles reveals a range of gems which have sadly never been given the chance to shine on the global stage. While there's always the option to import, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could forget about exchange rates and taxes and pick up these titles a little closer to home?

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Reconsidering PS3′s Afrika

BigShinyRobot: Afrika is Rhino Studio’s first attempt at creating a game on the PS3. Unfortunately, reviews have been mostly unfavorable as it just doesn’t appeal to most audiences. Most people I talk to about it just assume that it’s just insanely boring. Actually, I’d be willing to bet that most gamers today who would even turn it on wouldn’t last 15 minutes before switching it out for Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. The reason, I believe, is that modern gamers need that constant barrage of stimulation to the senses and this game is presented at a much slower pace. However, I have always been a huge supporter of new ideas because the thought of another cookie-cutter FPS makes me gag. I will admit that my first impressions of Afrika were……well, a bit off.

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Ramas4597d ago

i wanted this game a lot, but when i tried it it sucked a lot.
It could have been very good game if:
1. Huge open world
2. Rpg elements, like stats how long you survived in the wild, what you acomplished, many side quests, secrets, seling rare photos and for cash buying all kinds of cool items and so on.

But i repeat first and most important thing should have been huge open world and freedom.

rezzah4597d ago

It's not that the game sucked, you just don't have a passion for animals and a lot of patience.

This game focuses on the habitats of real animals, not pokemon.

it also goes on to show you the lifestyle, in a sense, of a photographer who takes pictures of animals for a living.

The game takes a very realistic point of view, it doesn't do fantasy which is why people like you dislike the game.

Ramas4596d ago

you do not get me, i liked the idea a lot and it could have been very good game. (i like animals)
If it would be posibble to have freedom and huge area to explore not instanced missions it would have been much better game.

rezzah4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

The areas are already huge, the sense of how big they actually are would really sink in if we didn't have the jeep to drive around in.

Also any game would be far more awesome, or at least we may think (sometimes areas are too big for one's liking), with bug areas but it also puts a strain on what is within that environment. Notice that the biggest area had the most open space? That's to reduce lag with so much going on at once in a small area. It is easy to spot a slight lag in animal movements when driving really fast in a tight area.

Edit: What I'm trying to say is enjoy it for what it is, not what you want it to be or could of been.