
Breasts: Gaming's Mixed Message (GameXplain.com)

GameXplain.com: "In a recent interview, Irrational Games’ Ken Levine stated he was disappointed with how much attention the main heroine’s breasts have received in the upcoming Bioshock Infinite. Rather than talk about what Elizabeth may be dealing with during the game, gamers are focusing on the shapeliness of her bosom. Levine says that gamers are free to discuss whatever they like about his upcoming game, but he hopes that some will take the time to appreciate the work his team has put into her personality and the expressiveness of her eyes. It’s a great message to gamers who have a tendency to focus on the hotness of female characters above anything else about them. However, I can’t help but feel that Levine’s stance has been undercut by the revelation of Namco Bandai’s print ad of SoulCalibur V, which features a close-up of an unknown woman’s cleavage."

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Jirachi4513d ago

Put a man with nice abs in a game no one cares but put a woman with big breast in a game...

h311rais3r4513d ago

The difference is when breasts are in game developers make them the focus point. I don't care if a character has tig o bitties but when they jiggle on screen constantly and are larger than the characters head then it puts me off the game because it just seems perverted.

Neckbear4513d ago

It's not the developers that make them a focus point- it's your own mind and desires, as well as perversion, that does.

Bimkoblerutso4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

^Yes, the glistening, ridiculously proportioned breasts are clearly not the real focus point of that Soul Calibur ad.

jthamind4512d ago


ever played Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2?


chadachada1234512d ago

I don't know, I'd say a better comparison would be that if you have a fit male character, it's realistic and no one cares, but if you put a completely unrealistic one with biceps the size of a small child (like in Resident Evil 5, Gears, etc), it looks childish, like with women with breasts the size of cars.

Blacksand14512d ago

If you don't like it don't buy the game.

Zezo4512d ago

and everybody will takes an arrow in the knee....

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nolifeking4513d ago (Edited 4513d ago )

Are boobs becoming the newest evil in gaming? Why? They're awesome. Articles like these make me feel like gamers or the "journalist" fear shapely women.

Bimkoblerutso4512d ago

*sigh* That's not it at all.

It's one thing to have a buxom woman here and there in a video game, but when it makes absolutely no sense within the context of the game, it becomes exploitative and insulting. Because there is literally no point to it. Can you think of any reason an ad for a FIGHTING GAME would show a close-up of a woman's sweaty cleavage? No. Because it is only there to (apparently) sucker horny nerds into buying it.

Then think of a game like Catherine. A game that centers around sexuality in the form of succumbing to the temptation of something new and fresh. That is an appropriate use of sexuality in a video game. It wasn't shallowly thrown in. The game was built around it and works in tandem with it. And then advertisements for the game displayed a lot of cleavage and promiscuous posing because IT WAS APPROPRIATE.

I mean Jesus Christ. I love looking at "shapely" women as much as the next guy, but there is a time and a place for everything.

nolifeking4512d ago

*SIGH* I guess. What are you talking about?

SC has always, and I mean always had busty women in it. Even when it was Soul Blade and Soul Edge. Taki didn't show up out of no where, niether did Ivy or Sophitia. Sexuality has always been a part of SC and if YOU can't remember it, tough titty. When has any women, in any fighting game been so ashamed of their body they weren't a bit sexy. The onlyone I can think of is King, and that's only because she posed as a guy to become a bouncer. Miss me with all that horny teen nerd BS. Grown men love boobs just as much, and that means nothing.

LordLaguz4513d ago

So... crushing someones head with your feet/cutting him with a chainsaw is ok, but having breasts not?

I still think too much of anything is bad, breasts or blood, but if you are gonna whine about too much breasts, then please whine about too much blood.

mayberry4513d ago (Edited 4513d ago )

@ neckbear "It's not the developers that make them a focus point- it's your own mind and desires, as well as perversion, that does."

If a developer put a spread vagina in a game, would I be "perverted" for seeing it as a "focal point"?

Point is, when dev's put sexual aspects in a game, male (and female) gamers will focus on it! Unless you are also a praticing physician!

Tuxedo_Mask4513d ago

"I can’t help but feel that Levine’s stance has been undercut by the revelation of Namco Bandai’s print ad of SoulCalibur V, which features a close-up of an unknown woman’s cleavage."

That "unknown woman" is Ivy Valentine, and while her figure may be what gets the most attention from people, her character is much deeper than a lot of people give her credit for. Ivy is no less of a strong, female character than any of her more conservatively dressed counterparts from any other game. Her appearance may be provocative, but that doesn't automatically disqualify her as a legitimate character.

Ken Levine's Elizabeth seems to be almost the polar opposite of Ivy, as she is more like the damsel in distress type from what I've read of the game. She also looks relatively young, so I would consider her more of an innocent character than a fighter like Ivy, and the big eyes seem to emphasize that.

The point I'm trying to make is that the video game world is large enough for both of these characters to exist, and while I'm sure Ivy will continue to garner disgust from some people based solely on her appearance, I think Elizabeth will be seen the way Levine hopes once people have a chance to play the game. Ivy will still draw undeserved scorn for "hurting the image of women in video games", but Elizabeth will probably be used as an example of "how to do it right". The truth is that there isn't anything wrong with either of them.

andresegers4513d ago

There's no doubt that Ivy is a strong character no matter what she wears. But it's like Namco doesn't even care about that history when they don't even show her face in the ad."

Tuxedo_Mask4513d ago

True, I would have liked the ad a lot better if it had showed all of her face too.

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Top 10 Rarest Xbox 360 Games That Are Worth a Fortune

Twinfinite: “War may never change, but the prices of rare games do!”

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Christopher294d ago

"And lastly, famous Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling helped to create the action-RPG’s setting. What’s really fascinating, though, is that the game was partially financed by taxpayers from Rhode Island (which allegedly lost the state millions of dollars). Yikes!"

1. Now infamous Schilling
2. No allegedly, it did. And they couldn't pay it back.
3. What really lost the money wasn't the SP release but the MMO they were working on. This was supposed to be an introduction into the MMO world.

Soy294d ago

I hate counting limited editions for these lists. I mean, they're made to be rare and expensive. It's far more interesting to hear about the NCAAs (even if most people know that one already) and the El Chavos than some massive hit that came with a $200 statue at retail.

gamerz294d ago

Me too. Here's the best I can do:

El Chavo Kart $90.14
NCAA Football 14 $87.72
Spiderman: Edge of Time $75.94
Spiderman Web of Shadows $75.09
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions $67.76

Christopher293d ago

Wow, El Chavo Kart is not at all what I expected by the name. 100% looks like a Sackboy Kart game.

Soy293d ago

It's so odd that so many Spider-Man games are seemingly given lower print runs, even if they're not the best games.

jznrpg294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

Most Xbox games don’t hold as much value compared to other systems. Kameo, Blue Dragon, Last Remnant , and a handful or 2 of other games that I kept.

sadraiden293d ago

Fallout 3 and Bioshock Infinite are the rarest games of all time.


8 Best Games Set In A Multiverse

One of the biggest TV and movie tropes in the last decade has been the multiverse, the idea of exploring multiple dimensions to uncover alternate versions of existing ideas. From both a business and creative perspective, it makes sense why established franchises are shaking things up in this way.

However, there aren't many video games latching on to this trend, as rendering multiple worlds in real-time is a difficult feat and the medium is relatively young in comparison to its contemporaries, making crossover opportunities more difficult. Still, there are a few great titles that manage enough to overcome these challenges, and here are some of the best examples.

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Christopher313d ago

While I love someone mentioning Planescape, not really multiverse. Planes and dimensions, yes. But, they are typically their own locations and are very rarely tied to another 'verse' let alone another plane. The only things that are directly tied are the ethereal and material planes. Otherwise, they are dimensions created of their own design and goals by the creator/owner and not comprised of 'their own version of another dimension'.


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