
PCN Reviews Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War

PS3center.net reviews Koei's Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War on the Playstation 3.

"I commend Koei for trying to give this genre a shot in the arm. Unfortunately there was not enough done in other key aspects of the game to say this game is a success."

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Maddens Raiders6021d ago (Edited 6021d ago )

It wasn't mindblowing, but well done and suprisingly long. I hate to hear that Koei didn't tweak the voice acting that much (It really is HORRIBLE), but I think more could've been done on the environments, but let's remember that in these types of games, Koei cares about group battle and tactics not lush environments and draw distances. Not that I'm giving them a pass -- it's just could've been done better. I'm not going to break down the door and go buy it right now, but I will give this one at least a rental. It's not that bad and the music really is good. Reminds me a little of Risk.


Review: Bladestorm: The Hundred Year's War | Digitally Downloaded

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Just recently Bladestorm, a Koei game from back in 2007, was released for download on the PlayStation Network."

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Flexible history

AWESOMEoutof10's Fraser Brown proposes that anachronisms in video games can be a good thing. From the anything in history goes attitude of the Civilization series, to the use of swords in modern settings. It's all part of games offering players freedom and the keys to the toy box.

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Looking back: Bladestorm: Tecmo Koei's most under appreciated game? | Otaku Gaming

But at the end of the day, the game simply wasn't received well enough for Tecmo Koei to feel the need for a sequel. It's a pity, because this kind of game is a niche that isn't really being filled right now.

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Dark_Overlord4696d ago

I loved this game, but I only play it every so often, the combat can get rather boring very fast.

maniacmayhem4696d ago

this game was good but i think Deception deserves the most underrated game.

jc485734696d ago

good, but not great. And by great, I don't meant to say that this was so under appreciated that it was great (only some deserve it).

oceancrown4696d ago

an amazing game, just wish i had completed it, got to last battle and it broke. typical

Ares844696d ago

Ohh man, I totally forgot about this game. I need to get it.

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