
Jaffe to Racists "I Don't Want Your Money"

Dualshock Nexus: David Jaffe has just released a video talking about his views on racism and rap music in Twisted Metal.

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MariaHelFutura4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

This has to be top 5 for things a developer have ever said. This guys is great.

Wenis4529d ago

No this guy is a clown who can't keep his opinions to himself. I hate racists just as much, yet for some reason I just don't feel its necessary to start preaching my views on it all over the internet

guitarded774529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

@ Wenis
Yet you just "preached your view" on the internet.

MariaHelFutura4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

Speaking your opinion is preaching....


Everyone shut up!!!!


UnSelf4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )


was what my response was on the hour before i lost my virginity

malol4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

that's a misleading title
he said i don't want your money if you are RACIST

good you fixed it

Wenis4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

Making a 2 second comment in an article on N4G is hardly the same as making a 7 minute video about it on youtube. And keep in mind this certainly isn't the first time hes come out and done stuff like this.

Ah, apparently people still don't know what I meant by preaching.

Preach: "to proclaim or make known by sermon in an obtrusive or tedious way"

So again, a 2 second comment isn't equivalent to a 7 minute video. But more importantly I just don't understand why Jaffe does this so much. I thoroughly enjoy the games he makes, its just a shame I can't say the same about the guy behind them. (not to take away from the other hundreds that make the game as well though).

I mean honestly, what guy who is a essentially a figurehead of hundreds of people gets into little twitter arguments online? I never see Kojima do this, I don't see Miyamoto act like this, or any other big time dev, yet Jaffe always finds himself in the spotlight essentially being loud or obnoxious. He just needs to chill back and focus on his games.

afterMoth4529d ago

Jaffe +1 in respect, Wenis -10 in respect.

Bathyj4529d ago

So Wenis, its the length of your comments and the format you release it in thats important, not the subject?

He has just as much right to express his opinion as you. Maybe more because some people actually care what HE thinks.

Skip_Bayless4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

The problem can be solved by allowing you to put a white avatar instead of a black avatar in the game.

I'm one that stereotypes a lot and generalizes but I never cross the line to be considered a racist.

I think Mr. Grim should be white because it fits the character better. However if people didn't make such a big deal in the first place I probably wouldn't even have noticed he was black in the first place. For example: Kratos is white but I don't really label him as any race because I don't pay attention to things in that detail and take things that seriously.

As far as the rap music, keep your stupid opinions about music to your God damn self. We know everybody has their own taste. You can't please everybody.

Wenis4529d ago

Of course he has the right to sound off on his opinion Bathy. Doesn't mean he should.

And for the final time, simply saying I hate racists isn't preaching. I mean who the hell doesn't hate racists. I just don't feel the need to spout off about why and how much I hate them, via any type of medium for that matter. I just dont understand what is trying to be accomplished by Jaffe here. The only positive ting that could come out of this is if he was able to make racists see the error of their ways... somehow I dont think this video will accomplish that. Instead of comes across as 'look at me, heres David Jaffe with another outspoken opinion piece!'

I guess Im just not a fan of people doing that, whether I agree with them or not. But I guess other folk are.. thats fine too.

Legion4529d ago

The guy rambles about nothing for most of the 7 minutes and then says he hates racists. And yet he falls into the same trappings when he says he won't say Killa because he is white and Jewish... he has to say killer. He talks about how NWA song is a classic and yet the group itself is one of the largest racist groups from it's generation. (yes people of any color can be racist... sorry Sista Souljah you are incorrect, and I guess Jaffe would have to say Sister Soldier because he is white and Jewish???)

Not sure what got into him but he needs to stop drunk video posting.

Grip4529d ago Show
iceman064529d ago

I don't really understand how he fell into any trappings because he didn't use the word Killa instead of Killer. As for N.W.A. being the that is obviously a highly biased opinion. They were a young, black group from the Compton area in an era where young black men (especially) were extremely marginalized. There have been MANY studies on the corrupt L.A. police force that would round up young Black and Latino males and subject them to all sorts of illegal search procedures. So, they rebelled. Did they generalize? Sure! But, they mostly spoke of the white men in power and the corrupt police force. Ice Cube was probably the most rebellious of the group (during his solo, Nation of Islam phase). In the end, however, Dr. Dre brought us one of the greatest rappers of all time (thus far)in Eminem...who just so happens to be white. Ice Cube stars in movie after movie that are produced by a mostly Jewish Hollywood elite. Eazy E helped rip the group off with Jerry Heller...a white guy. N.W.A. was a group of guys that portrayed "hardcore", California gangsters to a world that had no idea that this type of thing was going on. The words were like a play or a movie and the rappers themselves were like actors. Extreme...yes...racist...I don't believe so.

dc14528d ago

Well said and +bub!

4528d ago
Getowned4528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

Twisted Metal for life.Jaffe is the man and I like how he is actually taking the time to fix his game and making it good instead of releaseing a crap game thats full of bugs.I agree with jaffe 100% but I think that rap really shouldn't be in Twisted Metal and I think they should go with some heavy metal like System of a down and some rob zombie;however, It dose not bother me at all that there are rap songs in TM and I will probably use custom soundtrack most of the time any way.


Now time for some SOAD :) this song has been stuck in my head all day.(best played on full blast)

SilentNegotiator4528d ago

I'll take it if Jaffe doesn't want it. lol, I deserve their money more, anyway.

I've heard of dirty money and even blood diamonds....but racist money? That's new.

wsoutlaw874528d ago

@wenis its a video blog, wtf do you expect him to do, give a weather report. why do you care what some guy posts on youtube. Just dont watch it if opinions offend your over opinionated self, calling him a clown and stuff just because he wanted to address something that he (and most people) feels is an issue. Your the one who seems to have the problem keeping opinions to him self.

BigPenguin4528d ago


OMG, because of you I just finally got Soulja boys name. I never realized it was supposed to mean soldier.

I am way to white.

gaffyh4528d ago

@above - LOL

On topic - Great to see that someone in the industry finally said it. HHG gets waaayy too much hate, and most of it is simply because of the colour of his skin, which is unacceptable. If you disagree with his style of journalism, that's a different matter.

AsiaticGodBorn4528d ago

In all honesty, I was more or less indifferent to David Jaffe before seeing this particular video blog. Sure I was a fan of the Twisted Metal series back in the PS2 days but was by no means a loyal follower to the franchise. Since then, I've incidentally watched him a few times over the years in various interviews and panels, but thought of him as no more than a somewhat outspoken foul-mouthed developer who was passionate about his craft but overly-defensive and biased as a consequence of that same passion. With that being said, I applaud Jaffe for making THIS particular stand. Albeit to some his P.O.V. is a given and unremarkable in the least, but considering the medium and context, I find it refreshing and worthy of praise. I say this because in my experience and others, games have become a last bastion or safe haven (depending on how you look at it) of racism, sexism and homophobia. Rare was a time during an online MP session when I did NOT encounter directly or indirectly the aforementioned isms or phobias which ranged from "minor" epithets to outright death threats. The accountability systems in place feel token at best and provide little to no tangible sense of vindication or justice. This was one of the primary factors in abandoning my Xbox360 and moving exclusively to the PS3 which was an oasis by comparison due to the relative silence of online gaming. So for Jaffe, a noted head game designer to come out and say what he said should in my humble opinion be applauded for a seemingly minor yet material gesture in an industry that largely dismisses and ignores this endemic problem; an industry that goes as far as to propagate and reinforce certain racial and gender stereotypes in games; an industry that often caters to the lowest common denominator in the gaming community. Thanks for reading. Diatribe over.

Why o why4528d ago

Diatribe...nah, just well said imo. Looking at wenis comments verses your makes me think your self-effacing sign off was misplaced. He's actually hating on david for speaking up. This isnt some video spammed directly to his email or instant messenger, he's had to click to watch.

Good for you Jaffe

Kishin4528d ago

@Wenis: They would love you in communist China, I highly suggest you move there and never come back here. Just saying....

KwietStorm_BLM4528d ago


Mr.Grimm should be white because it fits the character better? Really? How do you even come to that conclusion that the color of one's skin "fits" a character better? Do you even know this character? Do you know his story? Who he is? Because its clearly not the same Grimm feo past games. Then you go on to say you didn't label Kratos white because you dont pay attention to these things. Cmon man stop.

You stereotype and generalize by your own admission, but you never "cross the line" to be racist. LOL what kind of deluded nonsense is this.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4528d ago
StraightPath4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

david is a really cool guy, also with PS3 fans does that mean PS3 fanboys will finally like Hip Hop Gamer? after all they said against him and got him i think banned from N4G?

Crystallis4529d ago

No wonder I havent seen Hip hop gamer. How did he get banned from N4G?

deadreckoning6664529d ago

@Crystallis- HHG will be doing his latest "Shots Fired" video (video series in which he calls out the inconsistencies, racism, and unfairness in the gaming industry) regarding why he was banned from N4G supposedly right after New Years Day. It'll be on his site.

-Alpha4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

He has a posse that auto-approves his stuff on here, any legit report made for his videos gets overlooked as a result of this. That BS went on too long and he has no right to complain when he got it easier than most others

If any other, no-name site posted misleading, flamebait nonsense like he did, they would have had their submissions rightfully removed. Yet he always got a pass because of his name.

He isn't above the system on N4G, and he should have been gone a long time ago in my opinion. He is as sensationalist as they come

BrutallyBlunt4528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )

There are 3 issues here.

1. Yes David Jaffe likes to talk a lot. Yes he is very opinionated. However you have to respect the guy for at least caring. He is passionate about what he does and often times people use Twitter and other social outlets as a way to speak to their fans. Nothing wrong with that and I like his upfront no ass-kissing approach. Far too often we read interviews from people within the industry who really have nothing to say and don't even express themselves, like they are reading from cue-cards.

2. He talks about Hip-Hop Gamer and in this case I have to disagree with David Jaffe. I think that guy is a waste of time who is more about spreading rumors and getting hits on his site than actual credible news. He's the TMZ of gaming.

3. Racism is still an issue when it shouldn't be. Play on XBox Live or PSN and you will find out quickly enough how rampant it still is. Why is David Jaffe talking about it? Most likely because of comments he's gotten about rap music like he said. So, much like the people who write these idiotic comments, David can and will respond to it.

Give props to the guy for focusing on an issue that should be gone. An issue none of us should have to deal with. David Jaffe is in a better position than many of us here as he can speak out better. He also has fans and hopefully they can learn that racism isn't tolerable. This is why he doesn't want your money, now if only people could get their money back from Microsoft for all the crap they have to put up with on XBOX Live.


Actually bro I've spoke with you and it's clear you are full of agendas you try to push. You act informed and not biased but anyone who proves you wrong and shuts you down pretty much goes on your shit list.

You hate on HHG because he has people agree with him and all you get is to hang with a bunch of HHG haters. I know you run in the circle that got HHG banned...I know all the individuals in your little crew and best believe you will be exposed soon enough for the crap you pulled!



Bro your a sheep! You throw salt at HHG but are so uninformed it's a joke. HHG has broken news on stuff so many times before the big sites...but oh wait he just makes shit up.

Let me see he broke the Sega games coming to PSN/XBL, Kratos in MK, Wii U...oh that's right GI did that...wait no they didn't they just stole it and punk as Geoff K played it off.

The man has broke big news but salty ignorant haters prove they are nothing more than sheep and can't think for themselves so they follow fake cats like Alpha and his merry band of mod haters...yeah I know who you are too!

vickers5004528d ago


Those things you mention are hardly "big news".

HipHopGamer was banned because he was a TERRIBLE journalist. He constantly posted misleading and sensationalized articles and headlines for the mere purpose of attracting attention, and even sometimes just outright lied. He may have broke a few stories, but the number of misleading/sensationalist articles he posted FAR outweighed the 5% of his stories that were actually relevant.

Like I said, he was a terrible journalist, and the day the he got banned from n4g, the site became significantly better. A lot of the stuff that gets approved these days is still pretty crappy, but at least we have one less source of bullsh*t flowing through the site.

KwietStorm_BLM4528d ago

He got banned because he is a sensationalist clown. Got nothing to do with him being black. I would love to have more black people in the industry, but first we have to be taken seriously. HHG, is not.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4528d ago
Simon_Brezhnev4529d ago

We all know its because Mr. Grim is black and because of Rap. Im glad Jaffe is not sugarcoating it.

rezzah4528d ago


Racism has evolved from expression and socially acceptable blatant racism into subtle racism. Where people hide behind "you are too sensitive", it is only a joke, it can happen to anyone, and much more.

Also it is only racism when a person is conscious of their thoughts, and choose to act negatively rather than positively.

This means that it is hard to tell if someone's words or actions represent racism, but it does not mean that the possibility is excluded.

Rather those who are quick to dismiss or exclude any possibility of racism are likely to be racists.

Legion4528d ago

"Also it is only racism when a person is conscious of their thoughts, and choose to act negatively rather than positively." -rezzah

So you are saying that if they are born into racism then they get a free pass? Might want to rethink that theory of yours. The problem is that no one person can set down a true definition of racism that includes or excludes individual racism. But many attempt to. Too many trappings in society which allow for a point of view to be perceived as racist. And the largest of the trappings might be peoples sense of ownership of a cultural trait and the use of it towards others or outside of typical norms. And we all know norms change through the generations.

showtimefolks4528d ago

he is my fav developer since he tells it how it is. very few people say what's actually on their mind because they don't want to loose business

but by now you are either a jaffe fan or not

mafiahajeri4528d ago

Straight out of compton in TM? Badass!! Ezy E FTW!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4528d ago
rabidpancakeburglar4529d ago

Yeah definitely, I mean besides God of War I'm not a big fan of his games but he's pretty awesome. He was a bit incoherent there but still made a good point and I hope that any racists that buy his game do contact him so that he can give that money to charity.

NYC_Gamer4529d ago

i am happy that Jaffe, addressed the idiot.

NYC_Gamer4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

it's sad that some folks are just so ignorant towards other humans

Clipper134529d ago

There isn't much I can click agree for but ^ is truth and whoever disagreed is either trolling or just A genuine pos

DonaldBeck4529d ago

good for jaffe, everybody is a human being with god given rights and its sad people can't see that.

Legion4529d ago

How can a fictional character give me anything?

Seventh_Blood_Reborn4529d ago (Edited 4529d ago )

I agree, after more than 2000 years I want PROOFS.

Sorry regious people, but if you have a little logic you know you have to prove something to claim it' s real.

No proofs, be quiet please.

EDIT: please, before pressing disagree button, show me I am wrong, like ... show me god. If it is so real it should not so hard to prove it. Right?

mttrackmaster384529d ago

Was it really necessary of you to say that?

Seventh_Blood_Reborn4529d ago

@ mttrackmaster38:

Was it really necessary of someone to talk about a fictional character?

kaveti66164529d ago

Maybe he should have said "inalienable," but he got his point across regardless of what terminology he used.

Internet atheists are an angry bunch.

Legion4528d ago

Hmmmm... I didn't sound too angry in my reply. Just asked a question... of how something fictional seems to give me some form of rights in the real world. Or virtual world for that matter. Where is Superman when you need him?

cruncher_204528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )


show me god. If it is so real it should not so hard to prove it. Right? ...

I'm not saying god exist but I definitely don't like when people do intellectual prostitution by using bad logic...

Your "if you cannot prove that God exists that means that God don't exist" is as stupid as "if you cannot prove that God don't exists that means that he exists"

kaveti66164528d ago (Edited 4528d ago )


Sorry, I used the wrong word. I should have said snarky or impolite.

You argue from a definitive standpoint that god is fictional. Are you unaware that many people believe that god is not fictional? Maybe I should rephrase. What was your goal in saying what you said? Because, as far as I see it, your goal was not to change anyone's mind about god, but merely to start an off-topic debate. In which case, marking you down for trolling is appropriate.

Take your views to Reddit or Digg or 4chan or Neogaf (OT Section) or richarddawkins.net or any other forum that accommodates your point of interest. This is strictly a video game website.

Legion4527d ago


And thus your reply has simplified the reason for mine. This is a site about gaming and the answer to a post on Racism needing to be focused on some contested thought that a fictional character gave us some rights is just that... a trolling reply.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4527d ago
Tarantino_Life4529d ago

Okay a topic on racism is now changing to theism vs atheism. LMAO n4g is effing hilarious!

problemchild844528d ago

Personally folks, if your rights came from god, he would've given you the right for some food everyday, and he would've given you the right to a roof over your head.
But let's say it's true. Let's say that god gave us these rights. Why would he give us a certain number of rights? The Bill of Rights of this country (USA) has 10 stipulations. Okay, 10 rights. And apparently god was doing sloppy work that week because we've had to ammend the bill of rights an additional 17 times. So god forgot a couple of things like slavery. Just fuckin' slipped his mind.

But let's say, god gave us the original 10. He gave the British 13. The British bill of rights has 13 stipulations. The Germans have 29, the Belgians have 25, the Swedish have only 6, and some people in the world have NO RIGHTS AT ALL. What type of a fuckin' god damn god given deal is that? NO RIGHTS AT ALL? Why would god give different people in different countries a different number of rights? Boredom? Amusement? Bad arithemetic? Doesn't seem like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning. Sounds more like one group trying to control another group. In other words, business as usual in America.

rezzah4528d ago

Something less perfect can never create an idea or come from something more perfect than it self.

Study Rene Descartes at school and you will learn through human logic how close we can understand the possibility of God.

About your point however, where you, like many others, are wrong is that you think God is the cause of war. You fail you realize that humans are pathetic and are the cause of their own demise. You seek reasons to dethrone that which probably does not exists, so if there is no belief in a God why use God as a reason to explain your worldly ideas?

Why not use humans for your reasoning?

This shows that the idea of God is instilled within you. Understand? It shows that you unconsciously accept the possibility of Good by choosing to deny him/her (w.e you choose).

STOP focusing on blaming it on God if you do not believe in him and start blaming it on HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

problemchild844527d ago

@ rezzah

I didn't blame it on god my friend, if you continue to read until the end of my comment you will see: "Doesn't seem like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning. Sounds more like one group trying to control another group."

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Twisted Metal Retro Review – Nothing Short Of Iconic

Everyone knows Twisted Metal... I mean literally everyone! Whether it is simply a childhood classic for you, or one of the worst, mind-corrupting disgraces to entertainment you can think of, you've at least heard of this iconic title.

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God Of War Creator Thinks That The Character Of Kratos Took A Wrong Turn

Terri writes: "In a recent video released by the creator of the God of War series, David Jaffe, we can see that Jaffe is not fond of the direction PlayStation took regarding the franchise, and in particular, Kratos himself."

SinisterMister148d ago

Well, I personally think that Santa Monica did an absolutely phenomenal job with Kratos, showcasing insane character development in all the right ways.

Jin_Sakai148d ago

I disagree. God of War went from a brutal action game where Kratos was slaying gods to a boring father figure. God of War 3 was my favorite in the series.

Christopher148d ago

I much prefer the focused and purposeful with reason Kratos who still gets into brutal combat and still has to kill gods even though he tries not to. Past Kratos was just anger personified and did nothing but subvert any expectations of him being something else other than just rage.

darthv72148d ago

2 is still my favorite. Everything about that game is top shelf design. the scale and scope of things like fighting the colossus of rhodes to awakening the steeds of time... just epic. 3 was good, but 2 is the high point of the original trilogy (for me).

The direction santa monica took for the reboot was less GoW (god of war) and more GoW (gears of war). The whole 3rd person perspective, having a partner (even if its his son), and lack of verticality with no more jumping and creating crazy areal combos... it was difficult to come to terms with but i managed. the story was good though, but i still give the nod to greek mythology over norse (and likely egyptian if that is where they go next).

frostypants148d ago

I can see it either way. I agree that the series now has nothing in common with the original beyond superficial character appearances and general setting. They sort of used the IP to sell an entirely different style of game. That said the new games are well made in their own right.

VivaLaManual148d ago

Yes. The game grew and stopped being one dimensional. What a shame....

DarXyde148d ago

I don't even think Jaffe really understood Kratos, despite creating him. Or rather, he doesn't seem to understand how he created the fertile ground for this kind of character development arc.

He was always a warrior, but he had a very human element since day one. He had a chance to protect his family again in God of War I and Ares took them away... Again. He knows he can't get them back and moved forward as the new God of War. Fast forward, the Gods betrayed him (though he was still sympathetic to Athena at the time). Eventually, he waged war with Olympus.

He was part of the pantheon and that would've been the entirety of his story arc where he oversaw war for all time.

But the truth this, Kratos has changed, but he largely remained the same. His two constants were always pride in his family and revenge against those who have wronged him. You take those two together (a threat to his family and Gods looking to kill him) and the direction he's taken is pretty congruent with who Kratos always has been. I guess you can say Kratos would just be a merciless monster for the sake of it, but the old games never explore present aspects of the character (e.g., what kind of father Kratos was). We got a look at that, and with a boy, no less.

I find the franchise did well to age with the audience. I was an angry teen when the original came out. Now I'm kinda mellowed out with a family and I just get it.

I think it did an excellent job of connecting with the audience as we grew up. It's a bit like Toy Story in that regard.

Monstieur148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

Agree. I liked GoW 3 the best as well. There weren't enough unique boss fights in the reboot.

Crows90148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

Well he aged considerably. Define boring father figure exactly? Maybe your father was boring but don't put that blame on others.

As far as slaying gods ...you're right ...he went from god slaying to....hmmm god slaying.

The newer Kratos matured with the audience. They could have just kept doing the same game over and over but they saw it getting stale so they had to switch the formula...they did so incredibly well.

SinisterMister147d ago

While God of War 3 is undoubtedly excellent in its own manner, the "boring father figure" part is something I don't agree with. For starters, if the situation calls for it, the old Kratos is back on camera, like when he fights against a particular Aesir god in Ragnarok.

tombfan147d ago

He achieved his goal... he actually got the revenge he was so desperately needing and in the end what? It'd be terrible character development if he would just go to another mythology to kill more gods just for the sake of they being gods. They actually gave them a meaning in life, and even better, they got an amazing idea of how to create a new game with actual bealavility and a plot, not just merciless kill.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
savedsynner148d ago

Agree 100% Kratos had about an inch of depth before the norse version. Now he feels like a real character, a real dad, with real reactions based on his experiences.

gold_drake148d ago

i think they did a fantastic job with Kratos.

Snookies12148d ago

Wasn't Jaffe the one who got stuck on something easy in Metroid Dread and started bashing the game because of it? From what I played of GoW 2018, they actually gave Kratos some much-needed depth. I definitely plan to finally go through the newer entries once my PS5 comes in.

tombfan147d ago

Jaffe got stuck with his young mind thinking and it really showed with his latest attempt in gaming "Drawn to Death" it was like a teenage dream that became true and also, sucked.

Christopher148d ago

This whole video was essentially him finding comments to back up his own opinion. "It looks like a lot of people think..."

Yeah, well what do the review scores, sales, user scores, and completion rates on the last two say? Anything on that?

Reaper22_147d ago

Nothing wrong with his opinion. He created it so he's earned the right to criticize. Review scores and sales have nothing to do with it. It's success was never in question.

Christopher147d ago

You should probably read the first part of my comment. He's cherry picking opinions to support his but ignoring the plethora of other opinions.

Yeah, he's allowed his opinion, but his arguing method is to act like people just agree with him and not the diverse opinions out there on the subject.

-Foxtrot148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

People won’t like it I know but he’s entitled to his opinion being the games creator

I totally disagree but it’s not going to ruin the game for us who do like it

purple101148d ago

Yeh I may or may not disagree but he created the original and without him we would have no god of war, (or maybe one that wasn’t as good). So he can say what he wants in my books

Last I heard of him he made a black ad white game with a weird sketch art style. Similar to Sega Madworld

Haven’t heard from him since

itBourne148d ago

Drawn to Death, yeh, played it at the Playstation experience, it was quite fun, an old school arena shooter. Then it came out, and everyone died quicker, so strafe battles gone. It essentially turned into die, insta spawn, use ult, get a kill, they insta spawn, ult you, you die, and just repeat that loop lmao, its was terrible.

Christopher148d ago

I just have a problem with him saying they shouldn't have called it God of War because his opinion doesn't align with theirs on the future of the IP. That part I felt was pointedly petty.

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Seven Ways To Reboot The Twisted Metal Games

The WellPlayed crew gathers to pitch an appropriately deranged set of options for the future of Twisted Metal.

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crazyCoconuts299d ago

All I ask for is a new Twisted Metal that allows flat screen & PSVR2 cross play that also supports a wheel.
Would be heaven.

Babadook7297d ago

Wow. I like the idea of VR twisted metal with a wheel.

Rebel_Scum297d ago

They need to get the enemy AI balance right. Thats what made 2 the best in the series. Black was abysmal in that dept.

neomahi297d ago

You don't. Do sequels. If you've gotta reboot, might as well do a new IP. God of War is the only game I can say that did a successful reboot

TiredGamer297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Isn’t the new GoW just a sequel technically?

I personally think they can leverage the roots of the series. The original TM in 1995 took place on Christmas Eve 2005, and it was the 10th contest in history. Why not “reboot” the franchise by making a prequel of sorts showing the origin story of the series and maybe linking all the future games in a brilliant way. Seems like such an obvious idea to leverage old with the new (kind of look how Doom 2016 did with its lore).

Knightofelemia297d ago

Just make it a good game Twisted Metal has it's fan base.