
The VGAs, once again, makes me embarrassed to be into video games

You’d think an entity as big and powerful (and as profitable) as the game industry would have enough clout/better things to do than let its image be dictated by some hack, SpikeTV producer. But nope.

N311V4558d ago

What good is the opinion of someone who didn't even watch the show?

dark-hollow4558d ago

I couldnt watch it after 15 minutes.
Its so corny that ive watched each trailer alone later.

Kran4558d ago

Ummm.... wow.

It actually surprises me that people take silly little things which barely even mean anything to heart.

And I thought I over reacted.

wollie4558d ago

The teabagging thing was incredibly stupid. Sometimes i wonder if games will ever take there rightful place as art.

kneon4558d ago

Not as long as most of the industry continues to cater to the stereotypical 14 year old male basement dwelling foul mouthed gamer. I don't know why this persists since every survey I've seen in the past 8-10 years shows that such people are very much the minority.

Gamers have grown up, unfortunately the industry for the most part has not.

Reibooi4558d ago

I suffered through the whole thing mainly to see if anything had gotten better but really it hasn't.

The biggest annoyance is the lack of the focus on the GAMES. Sure they have the premiers of new games and what not and that's fine but why the hell do we only actually see the outcome out like 4 of the 20 or so rewards? We are tuning in to see who won what and what they have to say. Not some stupid hollywood people who think they are gamers when they clearly aren't and music numbers that have nothing to do with gaming. You want to have music? Fine get some of the composers from gaming to come in and do something. We don't need bull crap from some hipster band that is popular right now and will fade away in a few months.

Presenters are also annoying. Why the hell do the need so called stars to do this stuff? Why not get the bigger names from the industry to be part of the show instead of sitting awkwardly in the audience wishing they were not there.

And don't get me started on that Tea Bagging crap. It really doesn't help give gamers or the industry a good image when they did that crap on national TV. I was embarrassed to be a gamer.(WTF was with the host 1 second seemingly endorsing tea bagging and then minutes later talking about how bad people are online? Aren't they kinda one and the same? really people get the message you want out there straight)


The Game Awards Can’t Be Everything to Everyone

Every year, The Game Awards come around, give out awards for achievements in the industry, reveal new games and drop exciting trailers and parade around celebrities. Unfortunately, all of these aspects of The Game Awards are necessary for its survival. They can’t just be any one of those things, but they also can’t be everything to everyone.

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2373d ago

Uncharted 4 Will Be Revealed At The 2013 Spike VGA’s — Just A Hunch

SchollA from Console ControllUs - where the console controls us writes:

As the anticipation and rumblings of the existence and development of Uncharted 4 get bigger and bigger — I myself can’t wait to see how the new Uncharted runs on the PS4 with all that alleged power and more importantly Naughty Dog’s brain behind it I have a hunch on when we’ll actually see this game for the first time.

Although not confirmed these 3 clues might give us some insight.

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ZBlacktt3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Here's your 4th reason. To help speed up the production of UnCharted 4.

10:32 AM - 16 Sep 13


Scholla3913d ago

oooooh nice! That could be another telling reason.

Regis3913d ago

I hope it does exist, i'm pretty sure it does.

0pie3913d ago

hummm why i should take this unknown guy/website seriously?

Scholla3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

@0 You should, you actually should you'll hear of Us soon enough though -- the leader of the new generation of video game websites...wait too late you already have ;)

Why be so negative ;)

0pie3912d ago

because the article is pointless and nothing has been announced officially yet.
Its just a clickbait article

Scholla3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

@Regis yeah it's pretty much inevitable it's only a question of when it will get announced.

Scholla3912d ago

This might be the game to truly set off the next generation,

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Does a sports title ever have a chance to win ‘Game of the Year’?

SchollA from Console ControllUs pronounced control-us writes:
Spike VGA 10 just passed and year after year Us gamers love to see the top games get honored, especially for ‘Game of the Year’. But if you noticed; what’s glaringly missing from this particular category are sports titles which had me thinking…”Does a sport title ever have a chance to win ‘Game of the Year?” Hmmmm….

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Hufandpuf4194d ago

Fight Night Champion was probably the best sports game ever created, but it didn't get a lot of recognition.

DERKADER4194d ago

No with a but.
Yes with an if.

4194d ago
doctorstrange4194d ago

Madden NFL 2004 won the very first VGA GOTY...

guitarded774193d ago

Would a racing game be considered a sports game? I guess not, they have their own genre.

Double_O_Revan4193d ago

And after they announced that 5 mins into the show, I turned it off and never watched another VGA. That was a horrible call.

MaxXAttaxX4193d ago (Edited 4193d ago )

Not if they keep releasing the same thing every year.
Updated rosters and menus aren't GOTY material.

MariaHelFutura4193d ago

That`s crazy, I didn't know that. NFK2K5 should have won some GOTYs.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4193d ago
rbailey4194d ago

I also enjoyed that game alot mainly because they put together an entertaining narrative campaign. I also like the fact that they kept the experience mature rated rather then dull it down to appeal to kids. Indeed one of the finest games in the Fight Night Series imo.

Anon19744194d ago

Fifa 12 was nominated for all kinds of Game of the Year awards last year and managed to be one of the only 11 games that hit a metacritic score of 90 or better in 2012. Aside from Canada's game of the year (being Canadian made), I don't think it won any other GOTY awards though.

CoTton_MoUtH4193d ago

yea right lol!!!! EA SPORTS trashed that game

PurpHerbison4193d ago

When they say, Game of the year... Game of the year to who? How many "real" gamers actually even watch those shows let alone even care about the outcome?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4193d ago
Kur04194d ago

Won't happen unless it's completely revolutionary and life-like. Even then I still don't really see it happening. Fighting games, Racing games, and Sports games are the least likely genres to win.

cogniveritas4193d ago

I think THQ did a pretty good job with UFC Undisputed 3. I'd like to see a company like Crytek try an MMA or Street fighting game but with revoutionary graphics and a completely made up but believable cast of characters. And be sure to included a create a fighter mode.

HammadTheBeast4193d ago

I wouldn't say life-like. If a company could make a game that isn't based on an "Earth" sport we could make something happen. Quidditch type, or some other random sport from another movie, book or just made up.

rbailey4194d ago

Interesting article but I must agree that no sports game will ever be a game of the year contender. Developers can only push sports games so far when they have a general formula to work with. Sure updating player rosters and changing certain gameplay mechanics are great, but in the end that game will still feel like the same game that came out a year ago.

I'll also add that there are far more interesting genres to tackle and thus at the end of the day both consumers and the industry as a whole will always give those awards to the the AAA and/or Indie game developers instead.

GraveLord4194d ago

Yes. Call of Duty has won it a few times.

Zha1tan4194d ago

No, there just is not enough variety within sports games.

charted4194d ago

And there is a lot of variety with the FPS genre? 90% of them are military shooters!!

spicelicka4194d ago

and when was the last time a military FPS won GOTY? maybe once in the last 5 years.

animegamingnerd4193d ago

yes butter is at least variety in the FPS genre with titles like deus ex and borderlands

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