
Six Projects Valve Could Undertake to Avoid Making Half Life 3

Six 'great' projects to undertake to never bother with Half Life 3.

jony_dols4540d ago

Valve's procrastinating is starting to piss me off.

I'm a fan of the Left 4 Dead's & Portal 2,
but I would have preferred if they had diverted all their resources into creating Half Life 3.

One of the greatest series of all time needs as much time & love as possible.

Theo11304540d ago

Why is everyone so keen on annualization Half-life, part of what is great about Valve and what they do is that they take the time to deliver a great experience, it seems most people want the annualization of Half-life, that and all they want valve to do is make more half-life, which would lead to burnout for the developers.

da_2pacalypse4540d ago

annual? dude it's been 6 years since the last episode was released lol

NCAzrael4540d ago

I don't think it has anything to do with wanting them to do Half-Life annually. It's more like we're all left hanging with the end of Episode 2 and we want to know what happens next. The whole reason Valve did episodic content was so they could do quicker releases. Obviously that didn't work out, so instead of getting the three episodes that Valve set out to do, we got two and an incomplete story.

You act as if all they've done recently is Half-Life and that they should focus on something else, while the truth is they've done a follow-up to Team Fortress Classic, introduced two new franchises AND released sequels to both, they've almost completed a sequel to a game they didn't create, and are beta testing the latest version of Counter-Strike. There is hardly an over-abundance of Half-Life going on in Valve's office at the moment.

It's been over 4 years since Episode 2 was released. What do you feel is an acceptable time between games?

Theo11304540d ago (Edited 4540d ago )


When ever the developer is ready, they are privately owned. Many devs don't get that kind of leeway craft the game they want now a days, so we should celebrate that at least Valve have the ability to craft the game they want, how ever long it takes.

NCAzrael4539d ago


And I'm not denying that fact. I appreciate the fact that Valve has remained an independent developer and are able to produce awesome games on their schedule. But I still stand by my opinion that we should have had something by now. You talk about annualization, meaning a game a year, which I think is fair to say nobody is demanding.

Half-Life 2 was released in '04. It was a full length game with an ending that felt like an ending. Episode One was released in '06, followed by Episode Two the next year. Episode Two ended with a cliffhanger, setting expectation for Episode Three. I'm sure you already know all of this, which means you also know that we never received Episode Three, even though Valve had announced that their plan was for a three episode story arc.

People are anxious for a new Half-Life because we're still eager to finish what should have been Half-Life 3. I hate to pull the consumer card, but as a person who has purchased every Valve PC release, I kind of expected a finished product, which I never got. I loved Left 4 Dead and the sequel, and the Portal games easily fall within my top 5 favorite game franchises, but I still want a wrap up to the game I started playing back in '06.

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jdktech20104540d ago

They're not procrastinating...they're just on valve time which ironically is almost as slow as Blizzard time.....

da_2pacalypse4540d ago

to be honest, maybe it's a good thing that they're waiting... I mean, they want to make a new engine probably... and think about all the FPS fatigue in the industry.... Just look at how serious sam and Duke did this year... Valve needs to be careful!

Pikajew4540d ago (Edited 4540d ago )

I would add Meet the Pyro video.

Valve loves to make people wait

blackhammer4540d ago

The greater the distance between the previous Half-Life game and the next Half-Life game, the worse the worry gets. Will the new one even live up to our expectations?

Until there is news, I try my best not to give a fuck, but it's hard, because there are quite a few fucks to give.

Maybe they are taking the series into a whole new direction. What if it changed the gameplay into something like STALKER or Bioshock? I mean, it would be slightly less linear. I actually wouldn't mind them doing that. As long as Gordon kept his mouth shut and the story is still awesome.

Dammit, Valve.

mep694540d ago

Well imo i still think (even though they denied it) they are working on a new game engine (Source 2.0) and they are dedicating Half-life 3 to it.

But hay, we'll see what happens.


Details of Multiple Cancelled Valve Projects Revealed, Including Half-Life 3

A new Half-Life making-of has revealed details about cancelled Valve projects, including Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, a Dark Souls-inspired RPG, and more.

moongrim1406d ago

wait so I have to pay Steam money for this "Video" and Epic Games are the ones who are greedy? FOH

kitano19471406d ago

its an interactive storybook, written by Geoff Keighley, why should it be free? hes worked on reporting valve games since before half life 1 released.

1406d ago Replies(1)
1406d ago
-Foxtrot1406d ago

Open world L4D game?

I'm curious

I'd love to see Zoe, Francis and Louis come back, or maybe Bill if they pretend the cross over with L4D2 never happened and they went North to Canada.

Knightofelemia1406d ago

Shame about L4D3 I would have bought that day one

FlyingFoxy1406d ago

Same, tho interestingly if you check the steam database page you can see L4D2 is being updated frequently, just not publicly, seems they are up to something.

Also we can look forward to B4B trailers etc soon so we have another game that might be similar.

MadLad1406d ago

Damn I want more Half-Life and L4D..
Half-Life would be less jarring if it didn't end on such a cliff hanger.

Hard to believe that was all the way back in 2007.

Fist4achin1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

Wow, great plans all flushed down the toilet. These probably would have all sold well too. A fan in me no more of valve.

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Six Gaming Sequels We Desperately Need

B. Michael Logan writes: "Sometimes pressure from gamers has paid off when it comes to pushing game developers to grace our lives with sequels of games that we desperately need. However, we may never see sequels to game we’ve been demanding for years."

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ApocalypseShadow1693d ago

Not desperately. But I'd definitely take another Jet Set Radio.

SlagWolf1692d ago

I’d love a portal 3 but I don’t know where you’d go with it. The second one pretty much wrapped up every thing nicely.

AK911692d ago

Don't bother with Valve IPs anymore they don't make games anymore just focus on Steam.


If Valve won’t make Half-Life 3, maybe one of these studios could

Gabe Newell's omni-studio might not have the appetite for Half-Life 3 anymore - but these developers could do it.

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THC CELL1777d ago

Someone should make in dreams on ps4

thatguyhayat1777d ago

Thats most likely to happen since theres a sonic Kirkby game and a playstation all stars battle royal sequel happening on that too

Profchaos1777d ago (Edited 1777d ago )

It's interesting but after all this time i don't think it's possible to launch a HL3 game without disappointing fans in some way.
Do they keep the old mechanics and risk the game feeling dated?
Do they overhaul the game play systems to be more competitive and risk alienating hardcore fans?
Who writes the story as the writers from the original have long since parted ways with valve?
Is it even worth it? HL2 ep 2 was released in 2007 games have evolved dramatically in the past 12 years and the same techniques and story devices have been surpassed these days and valve hasn't released a fully story driven game since portal 2 in 2011 (even that's a little debatable as to how much story it had IMO it was light on story intentionally but lots of fun).

Most fans have developed their own theories and there are so many possibilities out there with the direction the story could have went maybe Valve don't want a 3 because it will never live up to fans and their own story they create after ep 2.

If we see anything HL related from vavle i would prefer it to be set around an entirely new cast

porkChop1777d ago

Arkane is the only dev on this list that would remotely fit or make sense.

Skuletor1777d ago

They were working on Half-Life 2: Episode 4 before it got cancelled

CBaoth1776d ago

Gearbox did the expansions for Half-Life; Blue Shift & Opposing Force. They also served as a liaison between Sony and Valve during the early years, creating Half-Life Decay for the PS2. Arkane would be a decent second choice if Viktor Antonov is still there

porkChop1776d ago

I know Gearbox has worked on Half Life before, but I didn't think the expansions were any good. I don't think they're a good fit for HL3.

chazjamie1777d ago

How is this a topic worth writing about?

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