
An Interview with RobotLovesKitty - Pixels or Death

Pixels or Death interviews Calvin Goble of RobotLovesKitty to talk about the upcoming Tiny Plumbers - a fantastic little platformer more than a little reminiscent of another beloved mustachioed plumber.

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Indie Gala Mobile 2 Goes Live with a Handful of Android Titles

Mazen Abdallah:

"With the Steam Sale raging on and our wallets taking a beating, PC gamers must be neglecting the games on their trusty Android devices quite a bit. It breaks my heart to think of those scrappy little devices being used for nothing but texting and browsing (i.e. phone stuff). Luckily the good folks over at Indie Gala have arrived with a pay-what-you-want bundle of Android games."


Tiny Plumbers Offer to Solve All Your Problems

These Tiny Plumber guys might have "plumbers" in their work title, but they do so much more then simply fix some pipes. They also will fix those pesky monster problems, help with those killer spike blocks falling on your head, and also get those annoying princesses. All they ask from you is, if you act now, a $5 deposit, be allowed to have any coins they find while doing their job, and also any food they come across.

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Retro Homage to Mario Bros., Tiny Plumbers, Goes Alpha

Tiny Plumbers is a newly announced game by Robot Loves Kitty that pays homage to the classic Mario Bros. games while at the same time freshening up the series with procedurally generated levels.

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