
Spike VGA’s 2011: Red Dead Redemption got the crown — what's the next game bound?

SchollA from Console ControllUs writes:
So it’s December which means the VGA’s are upon us once again, every major title has been released and the nominees are in. Red Dead Redemption is the champion and current crown holder at the moment.

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blaaah4565d ago

Skyrim or Batman Arkham City... the other's don't stand a chance at that stupid glamor-fest!

StraightPath4565d ago

Skyrim Batman AC Portal 2 Zelda Skyward Sword = Highest Rated Game This Year

these are the chosen few others dont differentiate that much to be amongst these games.

kevnb4565d ago

ratings dont matter, theyll just pick something based on what they think is the best choice. The highest rated movies or albums dont usually get the nod either.

MsclMexican4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

Uncharted 3 or Batman....

If skyrim wins... after this.... I will never bloody forgive em

"Charlie Cutter"

Yeah but if Skyrim does win I will be very upset as it shows how the industry is praising a game that was supposed to be great, but is bloody broken


I have been watching the VGA behind the scenes and it seems that GOTY is really between Uncharted and Skyrim.

The critics felt Portal 2 was just a game you could play only once. Zelda although a legendary franchise, is a game that did not appeal to many of them. Batman will probably walk away with most of the awards, ex: Best Licensing, Best 360, Best Studio, Best Score... etc(Hopefully best male lead... Mark Hammil FTW) but at the rate the discussion is going it looks like it is between Uncharted and Skyrim

Also Skyrim is a great game, but Bethesda ruined it with poor choices in the development for PS3 which ruined the game for me.

So Uncharted gets my vote. I wish luck to all the games nominated and the studios responsible. You made it a great year for gaming... but a crappy year for my wallet ):

4565d ago
Thatguy-3104565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

Most Uncharted 3 fans hate Batman AC just because they know the great chances it has on winning the crown. My vote went for Batman just for the fact that it exceeded expectations and basically improved on its predecessor. It's uncharted 2 all over again !!!! Don't they have the same meta score too? Drake deception while being a good game it lacks the enjoyment Among Thieves had IMO.

rezzah4565d ago

Most do not, it is just the few loud voices you perceive to be the majority of 13 million (yesterday's article).

Basically it all comes down to opinion, even "experts" have opinions based on analytic views.

My vote goes to UC3, which is better than UC2 IMO.

Thatguy-3104565d ago

It's funny how every comment that doesn't have Uncharted 3 as a possible winner has a lot of disagrees lol

Laxman4565d ago

Haha, yeah I noticed that. I think Skyrim will take home the crown though.

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versusALL4565d ago

They should make an official gaming award ceremony like the academy awards.

Laxman4565d ago

There is nothing "official" about the Oscars though.

Plus, the closest thing to that kind of ceremony is the BAFTA's, which do a whole video game section which is pretty cool.

brew4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

How it is decided ?

Votes from their panel of critics , or fan voting ?

MsclMexican4565d ago

All awards except for most anticipated game are selected by a panel of critics. That one award is fan determined....

Seriously if it was fan voting Skyrim would win every category.... lucky Xbox owners and Pc owners with their working copies of the game

DonaldBeck4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

uncharted 3 skyrim or portal 2
below portal 2 was amazing

Agheil4565d ago

OR batman arkam city, not portal 2.

blumatt4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

What?! Portal 2 was an awesome game. It actually required some intelligence to play too. You had to really think to beat those puzzles.

I say that either Skyrim, Portal 2 or Uncharted 3 should get it.

Agheil4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

never said portal 2 was a bad game in anyway BUT in that list, in MY OPINION i think it should be U3 or Batman

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