
IGN Aquatopia Impressions: It's a Fish Tank

Ryan Clements writes:

"As some of you may know, the PlayStation Eye has been seriously lacking software, although the recent Operation Creature Feature has served as a nice compliment to the more impressive Eye of Judgment. Those who are interested in expanding their PlayStation Eye experience probably noted the presence of Aquatopia, a little title that found itself nestled next to Operation Creature Feature on the PlayStation Store. We wanted to tell you a little bit about the "game," but can't quite offer you a traditional review because Aquatopia, technically, isn't a game at all. It's a screensaver."

denied6030d ago

they EYECAM just came out u MOnkey.1st of all can the Xbox cam do the thing PS3 CAM Can?huh! NO IT CAN'T,there for if u gonna make fun of something look @ ur Face 1st...PS3 THE BEAST IS OUT

Saint Sony6029d ago

No hard thing to guess who this moron with his brand new tag and account is.

denied6030d ago


Prismo_Fillusion6030d ago

Ignored for saying "u" instead of "you", being a fanboy, typing in all caps, and much much more!

Relientk776029d ago

its a beautiful designed fishtank... but idk... I wish it were free :-/

Seraphim6029d ago

free would be nice. although I don't have the eyetoy and probably never will... idk the exact details but they should have a list of fish and make it so that you can customize your tank w/ whatever fish you want. Select fish from a list and plug them into the tank. Get sick of the same old fish then freshen it up w/ some new breeds... maybe even offer multiple backdrops so it's not always the same thing.


Are We Witnessing The Birth Of A New Genre Of Games?

Mike Hartnett on Tawkn.com writes: "Over the past few months, gamers (PS3 owners in particular) have witnessed some of the most spectacular looking downloadable titles available that define a new kind of game, if you can really call it a game. It seems as though a new genre of said "game" is emerging entitled Interactive Digital Art."

Bnet3435589d ago

I'm going to be honest here. I'm not a fan of this genre. I am a competitive gamer by heart. I always love the hardest games out there and I love competition. I can understand how games like these are taken well. It's a form a relaxation and I can dig that, I'm sure some yoga people can hang with games like these. Just not my cup of tea. If I want to relax, I always throw my ass on the couch and watch some TV. :P

NJShadow5589d ago

Well, I know games like Ecco the Dolphin on the Genesis and especially Dreamcast served both purposes, or at least in my opinion they did. It provided some pretty challenging gameplay with some incredibly beautiful visuals. If you haven't played that on either console, I HIGHLY recommend it. =)

Parapraxis5589d ago (Edited 5589d ago )

"Interactive Digital Art", I like it.
It seems PSN is really becoming a great venue for these very creative art/games.
Linger in the Shadows, Flower, Flow even PixelJunk Eden falls into this genre.
I would love to see PlayAuditorium hit PSN

EDIT: had a typo. also glad you like it imdaboss, very interesting game, it gets quite challenging.

Simon_Brezhnev5589d ago (Edited 5589d ago )

hey Parapraxis thanks for the PlayAuditorium link the game real fun and refreshing yeah PSN does need to pick it up

Edit: yeah im already on act 2

NJShadow5589d ago

@ Papraxis

Definitely man! That's a pretty nice find. =)

Simon_Brezhnev5589d ago

well on playauditorium i cant get pass 2.5

FarEastOrient5589d ago

You should try it some time, it doesn't hurt to play with some 'feel good' games from time to time. I'm like you though I do play a great deal of competitive gaming and an even bigger one is RPG both Western and Eastern styles.

Sitdown5589d ago

Bubbles for posting that....awesome.

theKiller5588d ago

thank u so much for the game in ur link, its so artistic game, i like the music in it,

for a return i will give u another link but for something more important than gaming and that is the power that controls gamings and the whole world.


BkaY5588d ago

but i really feel relaxed while going through whole experience.
its just felt like a romantic poem....

SAiOSiN5588d ago

then why are you here? seriously if you're going to put down a game, or the genre in general, then don't post at all. keep it to yourself.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5588d ago
Theoneneo815589d ago

agree there are quite a few games now i would love to see Afrika Come to the states that looks pretty intresting Flower is great by the way

Axe995589d ago

I think these games are great - while they're not for everyone, neither are highly-competitive action games, and it's not as if more Flower means less Killzone, so I think it's a win-win (I'm personally all for both - I'm a gaming floozy, I'll play anything! Well - at least in terms of genres - I'll proudly say I've never played a Matrix game!) Actually really enjoyed Flower (and Flow, and PixelJunk Eden) - and while it's got a bit more challenge (finding the hidden flowers and the like) than Flow, anyone who's been gaming for a little while we find it very easy - but that's not a bad thing if you like to mix it up a bit. Of course, I still love my R2, CoD4 and 5, Wipeout HD and the like.

NJShadow5589d ago

He he, yeah, perhaps these games could be like therapy after the post-traumatic syndrome of Killzone 2. =)

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GDC08: The Top 10 PSN downloads since launch

PS3 Fanboy writes: Ever wanted to know what the best selling PSN games are? Well, here it is. The top 10 PSN purchases since the system's launch.

* flOw
* Mortal Kombat II
* Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
* Warhawk
* High Velocity Bowling
* Super Stardust HD
* Calling All Cars
* Aquatopia
* Everyday Shooter

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tethered5951d ago

I have:
High Velocity Bowling
Calling All Cars

But what about:
High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition

I have that one too.

I have Warhawk but its the Blu-Ray version

pharmd5951d ago

i have all but the bottom four, im surprised tekken dark resurrection is lower than MKII, even tho it was twenty dollars... i find MKII hard to play with the analogue sticks, its just that my old memories of it are with the batman shaped genesis controller i guess.

MikeGdaGod5950d ago

but my favs are: Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection, Warhawk, High Velocity Bowling, and of course Super Stardust HD

masterg5950d ago

I have everything but mortal combat.

tethered5950d ago

Its funny how someone had to disagree with me.

What did I say that someone could disagree with?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5950d ago
JoelR5951d ago

Flow is truly one of the best and most innovative game on the PSN right now. I highly recommend it.

gamesblow5951d ago

I simply don't buy this... MK 2 has never been on the top downloads on the PSN ledger and no one ever plays it online. Warhawk has over 600,000 units sold at retail and some near 500,000 registered users.
High Velocity Bowling is easily the best game on PSN, other than Pixle Junk monsters and everday shooter...

Either, people are really stupid or this list isn't legit...

I'm checking MK 2 right now to see if anyone is online... & no... no they're not.

wAtdaFck5950d ago

I've had flOw since...forever, and I never play it. Except the first few days I got it, then it was back to Warhawk.

GoLeafsGo5951d ago

I have 8 of those =D
..but I didn't purchase Warhawk online.

And gamesblow, MK2 used to have a lot of people online a couple of months back.
Then...the PS3 got some real kickass games =D

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PS3 Fanboy Hands-On: Aquatopia

What is Aquatopia? PS3 Fanboy finally had a chance to play last week's Eye download. Of course, using the word "play" might be a stretch. The interactive screensaver takes advantage of the Eye by allowing you to tap on the top of the water. Some fish will follow the motion the camera detects, which is an interesting novelty ... but that's all it is.

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DJ6033d ago

and it's pretty neat. I would never spend the money to have an actual fishtank, so it's something to turn on while I do some work or read a book.