
'Zelda' goes down a familiar path | StarTribune Review

Whether that's good or bad depends on your views of Nintendo's long-running series, whose latest entry is "Skyward Sword."

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ElementX4567d ago

Can't believe somebody posted a review from the local paper here in Minneapolis

Venoxn4g4567d ago

familiar path isn't bad thing..

God of war, Call of duty, Halo do it every time :)

coolbeans4567d ago

CoD has had some noticeable flucuations to where to doesn't feel like the same thing. I contend that 3's Battlefield-esque approach to MP and 4's Modern Warfare were enough for players to feel like it was a different approach.

CDbiggen4567d ago

Maybe...But that was four years ago. Since then the COD formula has remained largely the same, with pretty much sweet f-all change to anything.

coolbeans4567d ago (Edited 4567d ago )


Fair enough, but Ocarina of Time was around 13 years ago and SS is still that similar structure. I'd argue that the CoD's since Modern Warfare 1 has procured just as much change to their overall formula (counting SP, Co-op, and Competitive MP) as the 3D Legend of Zelda's have to their SP formula.

Plz bear in mind I'm not saying change is necessary. Just showing the other side of coin for games YOU may highly praise don't deliver anything refreshing. I'm personally fine with admitting that for certain games.

CDbiggen4567d ago (Edited 4567d ago )

Why are we even talking about COD in a Zelda article? :/ I enjoy both for different reasons. And although both haven't evolved as much as they could've, why fix what ain't broke. Whilst I will go as far as saying SS was a familiar Zelda experience, I won't go anywhere near as far as saying it didn't "deliver anything refreshing".

coolbeans4567d ago

"Why are we even talking about CoD in a Zelda article?"

I replied to part of Venox's comment, then you replied to mine. Since first post only mentions CoD, that's why we're on the subject.

"I won't go anywhere near as far as saying it 'didn't deliver anything refreshing'."

Since I haven't played SS yet, I'm not going that far either. That wasn't really aimed at Zelda anyway.

Venoxn4g4566d ago (Edited 4566d ago )

actually all those games familiar too same (Halo and COD feels too much of game, I am not talking about multiplayer, because I play only Single player games).. that's not good, because I got bored very quickly and I need more variety, puzzles..

God of war has REALLY interesting big giant boses, great action.. but still all mechanics is too same that was in PS2 games... but it's interesting game, not military, not shooting, but something different..

Zelda maybe is the same because of mechanics (which is varied in it's different games), but every has great puzzles, boses....

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browngamer414567d ago

I do not think that we played the same game..familiar path? I was amazed and surprised at every turn..the story,controls and pacing are much different-what more is there to change?

CDbiggen4567d ago

Couldn't agree more. With Skyward Sword, Zelda changed as much as it could without losing itself in the process. It still felt like a Zelda game but it wasn't anything like the previous adventures.

pcz4566d ago

i don't like how the game makes you revisit old locations to open new areas.


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