
Could Half Life 3 be the VGA PS3 exclusive announcement?

8bitfix writes: With all this been said and taking a look back at all the statements made by various Valve heads, could Half Life 3 be the VGA ps3 exclusive announcement?

TheBlackMask4540d ago

I doubt it would be an exclusive if it WAS HL3 since it's obviously going to be on PCs aswell.....Valve just wouldn't do that to there main loyal fanbase.

Now a console exclusive......that could happen

Beatboxtaun4540d ago

That is EXACTLY what I said. They would want it to be on PC, as well, but a CONSOLE exclusive...that's something to consider.

buddymagoo4540d ago

I wouldn't count on it. Even if it was announced console exclusive, MS would offer the big bucks to make sure they had it on their console as well.

Beatboxtaun4540d ago

That is definitely a great point. I guess that's why this is an opinionated piece, so that we can have discussions like these. =)

ProjectVulcan4540d ago (Edited 4540d ago )

There is no way Valve would release a game without it being available on their premier PC gaming platform that they own- Steam. All of Valve's games have been on PC. Not having it on Steam would basically be shafting themselves from their main revenue stream. Forget that.

However it is conceivable indeed to me they could make HL3 PS3 console exclusive. Why not? When they had a good relationship with Microsoft, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 were on 360 and PC.

Is it not believable this might be possible, if it was reversed and this came only to PS3? Even as a timed exclusive it would be a major Sony coup and worthy of such a high profile announcement.

Talk about a swing if it were to be true. Calling PS3 junk at the start of the gen and building 360 exclusives, all the way through to giving PS3 the exclusive of its biggest franchise? Beserk.

lastdual4540d ago

It's not very likely, especially with Portal 2 selling over 1.2 million copies on the 360. I could see some type of Steam bonus for PS3 players, but not HL3 being an exclusive.

Valve also sold a lot of copies of HL2/Orange Box on the 360, and they're not the type of company that just abandons fans. Plus they're too big of an industry player to be easily paid off. Valve will do what Valve wants to do.

papashango4540d ago

This article is really reaching. Hl3 is not going to be limited by console hardware. It may launch with next gen consoles but half life is gen starting not gen ending.

Valve would be shooting themselves in the foot with that

nveenio4540d ago

It's not likely. Timed exclusivity, maybe. But I really doubt it. Half-Life 3 would be the biggest game in a long, long time. I'm not sure Sony OR Microsoft have the kind of money it would take to make that game exclusive.

Especially if it had multi-player.

SilentNegotiator4540d ago

This site just knows that making an insane statement will get them lots of hits.

badz1494540d ago

so yeah...not happening even for console exclusive! 360 is such a huge market for shooters, this doesn't make any sense!

BattleAxe4539d ago

I think that the PC people would agree that if Half-Life 3 were to be a PS3 Console exclusive, then its "Console War Over....Confirmed".

CommonSense4539d ago (Edited 4539d ago )

people still watch the VGAs?

i've never watched something on tv that actually caused physical pain...but the one VGA i watched definitely came close. Mike Tyson on stage with some no-talents from jersey shore. jack black. a BS illegitimate award system.

it's a joke. one giant commercial and awards that carry NO weight.

as far as Half-Life 3 goes...i find it hard to believe that valve would limit Half-Life 3 to the source engine (at least the one we're used to). Half-Life is the franchise Valve uses to showcase new technology, and i doubt that new tech from Valve will run very well on this generation of hardware.

this could be wishful thinking, but i'll be very disappointed if HL3 doesn't give me a very good reason to buy a new video card.

Autodidactdystopia4539d ago

"Could Half Life 3 be the VGA PS3 exclusive announcement?"

Excuse me?... FUCK no.

Gamer19824539d ago

MS dont offer money for games anymore unless its Kinect compatible as thye are really pushing Kinect they dont care about the hardcore market.

frelyler4539d ago

M$ can offer all the money they want, valve does not need it. I think this would be valve's way of enticing m$ to open their platform to steam and not be so restrictive. This might push m$over the edge and its a brilliant move by gabe. Either open up or your competition is going to get what could be the greatest gps ever. The ball is in your court now m$. Im excited to see if this is true and how it all plays out. Regardless I just want hl3.

Getowned4539d ago

"Could Half Life 3 be the VGA PS3 exclusive announcement?" Hahahaha no Half life is too big to be an exclusive to any platform. everyone deserves the best franchise ever created "Half life" no matter what you play on.

Iroquois_Pliskin4539d ago

No way! I admit that im a pro ps3 fanboy, but there's no way HL 3 would be a ps3 exclusive

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4539d ago
Jayjayff4540d ago

when i clicked on the article those were my exact thoughts, then i remember there is such a thing as a console exclusive...

DiRtY4539d ago

Even a console exclusive is not likely.

You basically ignore 2-3 million units sold. That would be about 100 million USD fpr Valve. I doubt it. Especially for VGA.

I was never Half Life fan though. Don't know why. I know there are a lot of HL fans out there, so it is good for them. Have fun with - It is just not my game.

kikizoo4539d ago Show
ATi_Elite4539d ago


I'm sure HL2 ep3 will launch across all platforms but no way in hell will it be a PS3 Exclusive. Not even a PS3 console exclusive cause Microsoft has the cash to buy and the will to buy timed exclusives but Valve wouldn't accept the offer cause HL2 is just too big to be limited to only a few gamers.

Most likely Valve are saving it for next console gen cause Half Life sets the standard for games.

theDECAY4539d ago

I like that this guy said, "Hell to the no." Haha, classic.

4539d ago
theDECAY4539d ago

I meant it's classic because its a funny saying, not because I agree with him. Ah hell to the no, you disagreed with me!

lumley6664539d ago

as funny as it would be to see valve give it to ps3 and not 360 i cant see it happning, even tho they have begun to love ps3 i doubt theywud screw xbox over like that, on another note it wudnt be a ps3 game more like ps4 i think

leathers1234539d ago

Its all mindless speculation for website hits.

lelo2play4539d ago

"Could Half Life 3 be the VGA PS3 exclusive announcement?"

What the hell are these guys smoking ?

geddesmond4539d ago

Lol you gotta love this site. You got 10 disagrees for stating facts. No way in hell would have life 3 be a PS exclusive. If this game was exclusive to anything it would be Steam. Theres no way it would be a consol exclusive either

Ryudo4539d ago

It's not a fact since the game hasn't been released yet it's simply a well founded opinion.

Like thinking it will be a PS3 exclusive is a dumb fuck opinion.

StraightPath4539d ago

wishful thinking for PS3 owners..you can dream but dont be stupid in believing that HL3 will be a console exclusive loool

Hyperbomb694539d ago

Yeah I can believe that Valve would make it a console exclusive, but theres no doubt that HL3 would be on PC.
Kind of how L4D is on Xbox and PC but not PS3. Hopefully Valve comes to their senses about how superior the PS3 is and makes games for PS3/PC. PC/PS3 co-op sounds awesome!

TVippy4539d ago

Just you wish, silly PS3 fanboys. :p

awi59514539d ago

No way thats its a console exclusive. Left4dead series and the orange box sold really well on xbox.

mugoldeneagle034539d ago

Especially when they usually aren't seen as the check signers like Microsoft has been. But it would be really hard for me to see this as anything more than a timed exclusive. Especially when Orange Box released for the 360 as well.

Timed, exclusive "early" DLC and all that if the rumor turns out to be true.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4539d ago
faysal4540d ago

oh wow i thought it as just me but seems like others think the same... well it is possible since vavle said they want to reward ps3 fans since sony been very open with psn and allowing valve to take advantage of it.. since geff said " ps3 exclusive you wont belive" and recent rumour of half life 3 this seems possible. a exclusive from valve ( half life 3) is relly unbelievable. valve gave micro left for dead maybe they iwll give half life to ps3 gamers. idk im soo excited about it that anything seems possible to me :D

CloseSecond4539d ago

If its an exclusive it would be a timed exclusive at best. Half Life is a PC franchise first and foremost and only the PC could do the franchise justice. Sure you can play it on consoles but even HL2 on a decent PC looks better than most console FPS games.

faysal4539d ago

its a guess there is nothing wrong to guess things... i wasnt saying im 100% sure it will happen lol. and about half life 2 looking better then most console fps ARE YOU BLIND? or JUST AN IGNORANT FAN BOY? yes pc games look better then console games but half life 2 dose not look better then most console fps...

Motorola4540d ago

Didn't they already announce the name of the PS3 exclusive?

Spenok4539d ago

The rumor is it will be "The last of Us."

However that was officially announced on December first. I doubt the PS3 exclusive to be announced at the VGS's would be the same game announced only 2 days ago. Now if that was a leak... then sure, i can see that being it, but again, this was an offical announcment.

Pacman3214539d ago

^ It is the PS3 exclusive, confirmed by Geoff from game trailers, however there will be a bigger trailer at vga

boommuffin4539d ago

i find it funny that they think HL3 would be released this console gen when we havent even heard word about HL2:Ep3 XD

hassi944539d ago (Edited 4539d ago )

Are you a moron? It's a hell of a lot more likely that HL3 will be released than HL2:Ep3

Think, if it has been 3 years with little to no solid rumours, the game probably isn't due for at least another year or two - they aren't going to spend 5 years making a 3 hour singleplayer. The uproar that would be caused if after all this time they just released Episode 3 would be enormous.

boommuffin4539d ago

@hassi94 they already said their would be a ep.3 & did you play ep.2? it was no 20 hour campaign but it was a full game in its own right & also a while back the ep.3 alpha footage was leaked.They also have to manage steam,it could have been delayed multiple times for all we know. And do you keep up with the valve community? Ep.3 along with Counter Strike are the most asked for games

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Details of Multiple Cancelled Valve Projects Revealed, Including Half-Life 3

A new Half-Life making-of has revealed details about cancelled Valve projects, including Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, a Dark Souls-inspired RPG, and more.

moongrim1399d ago

wait so I have to pay Steam money for this "Video" and Epic Games are the ones who are greedy? FOH

kitano19471399d ago

its an interactive storybook, written by Geoff Keighley, why should it be free? hes worked on reporting valve games since before half life 1 released.

1399d ago Replies(1)
1399d ago
-Foxtrot1399d ago

Open world L4D game?

I'm curious

I'd love to see Zoe, Francis and Louis come back, or maybe Bill if they pretend the cross over with L4D2 never happened and they went North to Canada.

Knightofelemia1399d ago

Shame about L4D3 I would have bought that day one

FlyingFoxy1398d ago

Same, tho interestingly if you check the steam database page you can see L4D2 is being updated frequently, just not publicly, seems they are up to something.

Also we can look forward to B4B trailers etc soon so we have another game that might be similar.

MadLad1398d ago

Damn I want more Half-Life and L4D..
Half-Life would be less jarring if it didn't end on such a cliff hanger.

Hard to believe that was all the way back in 2007.

Fist4achin1398d ago (Edited 1398d ago )

Wow, great plans all flushed down the toilet. These probably would have all sold well too. A fan in me no more of valve.

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Six Gaming Sequels We Desperately Need

B. Michael Logan writes: "Sometimes pressure from gamers has paid off when it comes to pushing game developers to grace our lives with sequels of games that we desperately need. However, we may never see sequels to game we’ve been demanding for years."

Read Full Story >>
ApocalypseShadow1685d ago

Not desperately. But I'd definitely take another Jet Set Radio.

SlagWolf1685d ago

I’d love a portal 3 but I don’t know where you’d go with it. The second one pretty much wrapped up every thing nicely.

AK911685d ago

Don't bother with Valve IPs anymore they don't make games anymore just focus on Steam.


If Valve won’t make Half-Life 3, maybe one of these studios could

Gabe Newell's omni-studio might not have the appetite for Half-Life 3 anymore - but these developers could do it.

Read Full Story >>
THC CELL1770d ago

Someone should make in dreams on ps4

thatguyhayat1770d ago

Thats most likely to happen since theres a sonic Kirkby game and a playstation all stars battle royal sequel happening on that too

Profchaos1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

It's interesting but after all this time i don't think it's possible to launch a HL3 game without disappointing fans in some way.
Do they keep the old mechanics and risk the game feeling dated?
Do they overhaul the game play systems to be more competitive and risk alienating hardcore fans?
Who writes the story as the writers from the original have long since parted ways with valve?
Is it even worth it? HL2 ep 2 was released in 2007 games have evolved dramatically in the past 12 years and the same techniques and story devices have been surpassed these days and valve hasn't released a fully story driven game since portal 2 in 2011 (even that's a little debatable as to how much story it had IMO it was light on story intentionally but lots of fun).

Most fans have developed their own theories and there are so many possibilities out there with the direction the story could have went maybe Valve don't want a 3 because it will never live up to fans and their own story they create after ep 2.

If we see anything HL related from vavle i would prefer it to be set around an entirely new cast

porkChop1770d ago

Arkane is the only dev on this list that would remotely fit or make sense.

Skuletor1769d ago

They were working on Half-Life 2: Episode 4 before it got cancelled

CBaoth1769d ago

Gearbox did the expansions for Half-Life; Blue Shift & Opposing Force. They also served as a liaison between Sony and Valve during the early years, creating Half-Life Decay for the PS2. Arkane would be a decent second choice if Viktor Antonov is still there

porkChop1769d ago

I know Gearbox has worked on Half Life before, but I didn't think the expansions were any good. I don't think they're a good fit for HL3.

chazjamie1770d ago

How is this a topic worth writing about?

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