
This Is Why PC Games Will Always Be Ahead of Consoles

PC Games has a nice article about the ongoing PC vs. Console fights. They tell us why we should get rid of consoles and play on PCs instead. Worth reading.

LightofDarkness4569d ago

How many of those have really shined this year, though? Granted, they've been good, but they haven't been the best. Gears and Uncharted have certainly begun showing their age and weaknesses, amongst others. Many of this years console exclusives have been pretty much superfluous, borderline "missable" titles.

Letros4569d ago

I feel the same way, I get hyped for some console exclusive, fire it up and get bored quickly. I suppose I just have different tastes, this is why I need to have a gaming PC, I love StarCraft 2, DotA 2, and will be picking up SW:TOR when it comes out, toss on all the superior multiplats for 1/2 the price, it's a sweet setup.

T9004569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

Look at it from a individual system point of view not all consoles against a single PC.

This year i would say PC has had more exclusives then Xbox 360 or the Wii, almost having the same amount as the PS3. I would say thats a feat considering PC doesnt have any dedicated giant organization supporting it.

We had exclusives like:

Shogun 2, Red orchestra 2, Witcher 2, Hard reset, Dawn of war 2 retribution. BF3 on PC was like a exclusive since its a different game.

Not that exclusives really matter, sure they may be good to fuel the fanboy wars, most games are multiplat anyways 90% of them atleast. PC is cheaper and superior on those.

Edit: Wii exclusives dont even count since those can be emulated on PC, hence thats one system taken out of context lol.


Dota 2 is going to be amazing cant wait for that one ;-)

jetlian4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

exclusive pc had for me was witcher 2 and thats hitting 360 next year! been delayed a few times was suppose to hit this year.

gears best tps and probably my goty. Less than 2 weeks from raam. Deus ex was very good too.

On topic these games weren't that great looking when they first hit pc tho and pc's cost more too

edit: who has more exclusives? hmmm tough to say when you lump consoles together. Hell plenty of TPGames don't hit pc due to pirating. Yea you have mmo and rts and thats about all. consoles do have a few in those areas

slayorofgods4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

exclusivity has been dying off for some time now. Sony holds a few still, but the trend says it wont last. Insomniac is developing for the 360, the souls games are no longer exclusive, and even Metal Gear is going multi platform. We all no what happened to 360 exclusives.

The best games this generation are multi platform games or eventually went multi platform.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34569d ago

Yup, it definitely depends on taste because I'd take Gears over Starcraft a million times over.

SilentNegotiator4569d ago

Get rid of consoles? Excuse me, but do you realize how many franchises wouldn't exist if not for the corporate backing of the big three? They put billions behind internal and external studios to create dozens of high quality series.

Console gaming has gotten a lot less convenient this gen with passes and installs and DLC-focus, but they're still streamlined, offer pretty much the same experience to every user, and are usually easy to set up. You can scoff at the "weak minded console gamers" and "mainstream crappy systems" until your beret steams, but those advantages and all of the games make for a great experience.

Mods, better graphics (with hardware that is NOT less than $300), open servers, etc....that's all great. But you can't just say "We should nix consoles!"

RedDead4568d ago


All fanboys are insecure. I agree with LOD anyway, only a few console exclusives have been great this year.

WetN00dle694568d ago


Shogun 2, Startcraft 2 and The Witcher 2. Were the best the PC had to offer this year. That about it.

Ducky4568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

^ StarCraft2 was last year I believe.

I'm not sure what the obsession is with 'blockbuster' titles though. A small game like Terraria is more fun than some blockbusters.

... oh, and Minecraft was released this year as well. (And is also a blockbuster) ;)

da_2pacalypse4568d ago

PC will always have stronger potential than consoles... but exclusivity hurts PC since a lot of pirating goes on...

hiredhelp4568d ago

Kinda like the idea of nearly all multiplays hitting PC. But pc do have thete own games many of you never heard of. Lets not forget there developers hitting consoles now that was on pc most recently deep silver,
And ya know whats intresting i hear that Some guy below say that PC GAMERS are insecure lol about what we get vertually everything the 360 has we have our exclusives. And now sony have started to work with PC, The heist. DUST, and more will follow.

hiredhelp4568d ago

Sorry for my poor typing skills was ready for a sleep and typing on ipad.

Trebius4568d ago

Consoles are where the money is....which is why theyll never go anywhere. PC games sure look pretty ... but most of it is garbage.

RankFTW4568d ago

PC is miles ahead in terms of exclusives, here check the Steam store page and see how many games are coming out that aren't coming to consoles.


360ICE4568d ago

You're missing insane amounts of titles unless you have a console on the side, and most PC exclusives are indie games that aren't really demanding much more than a lap top anyway. Also, graphics development is going insanely fast and in the middle of the race to being the prettiest game we forget the more interesting races, like which game has a better story, is more fun or more innovative. Now I will admit I sometimes miss mods on consoles, but also that can make the experience more focused.

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hano4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

It doesn't matter to me. I see more exclusives on PC that I care about than on consoles from small publishers and indies (Magicka anyone!). Plus on terms of blockbusters we have seen Shogun 2, Anno 2017, Civilization 5, Witcher 2 and Trackmania 2 this year. So I still think PC is way ahead in terms of exclusives.
Plus we get the better versions of most multiplatforms. Have you seen the crazy mods that were released on Skyrim in just two weeks? more than 1000 mods it's like playing a different game.

KeiserSosay47884569d ago

By blockbuster, you mean TONS of advertising and hype right? Shogun 2, The Witcher 2, SC2, SW:TOR, RO2, DIABLO:)....and ALL of those games are different from one another, not shooter, shooter, action adventure, shooter, action adventure.

BlackBusterCritic4569d ago

LOL PERSISTANTTHUG. Actually, the PC IS ahead in exclusives, and not just numbers, but actual GREAT exclusive games to play. Just because a game doesn't receive advertising up the ass, and Gamestop isn't heckling you to pre order it, doesn't mean it isn't any good.

kikizoo4568d ago

Sure PC has some great exclusives (and exclusives matters a lot, no matter what xbox fans are saying) but best games each years are most of the time ps3 exclusives or multiplatforms..

"PC will always have stronger potential than consoles.."

stronger potential, when consoles have 3,4 years, and the potential is really usefull only when console are dying...and the new ones coming..

miyamoto4569d ago

Yeah in what terms are PC gaming ahead of anything else, GRAPHICS?

Console games are made with the help of high end PCs but why do they end up successful on consoles?

We all need to look at the over all picture to see what kind of games move the industry forward and keeps it growing and healthy not just on a technical point of view.

There are many points to be taken in consideration not just graphics and mods as this poorly written article points out..

BubloZX4569d ago

O got skyward sword on my PC bro. PC gaming is where its at

ATi_Elite4568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

The PC allows for the best Gaming Experience possible. You can always tailor fit your gaming experience to your needs on the PC.

Someone up above was talking about the PC doesn't have many exclusives.........All i play are PC Exclusives and i buy a lot of games and I never run out of things to play.

My 2012 to buy list:
Tera, Blacklight Retribution, The Secret World, STALKER 2, Hawken, Firefall, Planetside 2, DotA 2, Diablo III, Guild Wars 2, Starcraft Heart of The Swarm, Arma III, World of Darkness, and many more.

that's 13 exclusives right there for 2012 and I'm sure i left out some that I plan on buying.

Rageanitus4568d ago

mmmm the bread and butter of consoles

xbox: Halo; Gears; Forza
ps3: uncharted; GT; god of war; killzone

For PC:
Starcraft; all those MMORPGS and RTS games; witcher etc etc..

There is one gr8 thing about PC gaming and ppl often forget you can play all the OLD games at modified settings

Now if you look at the most popular games... they are MULTIPLATFORM and they are usually found on the PC also.

Hence in conclsion the best combo is a nice PC gaming right coupled with the PS3.

christian hour4568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

At the guy who says pc's cost more, yes they do if you want the latest everything in them, but you can make one that can cater to your specific needs be that video editing, music creation, gaming etc you can make one for less than the price of current consoles. In fact 50 quid will get you a GPU 4 times as powerful as current consoles, and you can get your ram motherboard hard drive and other essentials for about 100 altogether if you shop around. Obviously if you're doing cg work or 3d design and you want it up to scratch you'll want to fork out the 800 quid for a 3 gig ddr5 GPU, but then you'll make that back in no time if you're working profssionally.

Honestly I don't know why I see articles like this popping up so much, in fact they have been very common towards the end of every console cycle I've experienced, of course they're better, why debate that? By the time a console makes it past its first few months its already out of date with current technology been made readily available to PC's.

Imagine this, you have a ps3 and/or 360, you spent 400-600 for it on release (depending on region/currency), and then the ps4/xbox471 comes out and you relaly want them, but they cost like 600 squid, wouldnt it be fantastical if the next console came as a 200 dollar/euro/pound upgrade you just slotted in. Thats what owning a pc is like. YOu just pay small installments eveyr few years (at your choosing) to be miles ahead of consoles graphically and technically.

The pc exclusives we are seeing are not taking advantage of the technology thats actually at hand, becaus they need to support multiple setups, and if its a multiplat they need to design the game so it can be ported to a console and not shit bricks all over the gaff. We've yet to see what the current graphics cards and processors are capable of pulling off, but its goign to be spectacular when we do, and I have a feeling when we do (if we do) it will be a little game called Half Life 3 :)

Sorry for the lack of going over what I wrote and correcting typos and just retarded keyboard hands, I'm irish and it was friday night.

*note* I am a console gamer with ps3/xbox360 and a pc that struggles with google chrome. Someday I hope to join the pc elite but I will of course continue to be a console guy because I am a gamer at my core and I would like to play exclusive games that appeal to me.

aquamala4568d ago

these console exclusives are exclusives because Sony/MS/Nintendo own or paid off the studio's to make exclusives for their platforms. who's going to pay a studio to make an exclusive PC game? it's an open platform.

TheXgamerLive4568d ago

for many reasons, but let's just say this......A good guesstimation is that probably console games sell 40 or 50 to 1, not with the occasional AAA title but on average.
Game stop doesn't even take PC games nor sale them anymore unless you pre order a title only.
Consoles are constatly upgrading titles and looking and playing better and better each year.
Consoles have much much less bugs and virtually zero problems with just pick up and play.
PC gamers are "ALWAYS" having problems being able to just play a game. PC gamers have to put hundreds sometimes thousands into there machine just to play the newest gamnes.
Devoties will say blah blah blah but your lieing, pc gaming is a big headache and that's the truth.
Exclusives, LMAO, many of them are wtf, never heard of them and their's a reason,"They Suck". The occasional good or great title comesto consoles, like the Witcher 2, coming to 360 soon and will be even better than the pc version.
pc gaming today mainly seems to consist of RTS games, that's it's market.
The console market is a billion dollar indistry now, so hahaha yea why don't we all just go to inferior pc gaming machine, .............................. yeaaa let the problems commence. I can't wait, oh "blue screen", damn I guess I'll have to wait. wop wop waaaaaaaaa.

DeadManMcCarthy4568d ago

for marketing not because of choice.

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Saryk4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

When someone says that consoles have more exclusives, I really laugh.

Consoles have how many MMOs or RTS games?

Tonight I will be playing SWTOR, yeah for me!

What about all those freebies?

What about the FPS games that consoles do not have? Stalker and ARMA?

My son is a PS3 gamer and loves Mortal Combat and other fighting games, which the consoles does do better imo. I can play some sports games on my PC and they look great and play great, but consoles still do best on sports. I am using a 360 controller on my pc Racing, draw, in my opinion. And as I have stated repeatedly in the past. To each their own, each system is not better than the other because gaming is a taste and everyone has their own individual taste…………….

edit: Mods are nice though!

T9004569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

I agree.

If you look at it from a broader perspective. PC already covers all the generes console fans like to talk about. However Consoles dont even begin to touch the generes PC can do:

MMO, RTS, Simulators are missing on consoles. Thats 3 whole generes consoles completely ignore.

Once you get used to Mouse/Keyboard even playing FPS on console feels like you are handicapped.

For the Sports games i urge you to check this out lol maybe you will agree after this PC does offer something there too that consoles dont offer, this is Fifa 11 running on 3 screens (eyefinity, Surrround) it shows the entire field when you play:


The above is so awesome when you are playing with a couple of mates.

For the fighting games, PC has such a vast library. It has fighting games from the 90's, add in all the consoles, add in all the arcade games. You can begin to imagine the entire library of games, its insane.

Edit: i was playing Wrestle Mania the arcade game on my PC few days back via Mame it was such a great game back in the day, too bad current consoles dont have such titles or dont have access to those old games.

StayStatic4569d ago

Can't agree more , except you forgot Serious Sam 3 which from what ive played so far is an awesome PC fps.

Hope i feel the same way once ive completed it , needs much more attention than its getting IMO , not been backed up with big marketing campaigns like BF3 i suppose.

Little food for thought for those wondering what the hell i'm going on about:



KeiserSosay47884569d ago

LOL, Serious Sam is sooooooo SERIOUS! My bro and I finished it a few days ago and the last level is INSANE! My keyboard listed 1736 enemies to kill, awesome game.

Letros4569d ago

OMG I didn't think the last level would EVER end, it was crazy, never shot so many rockets in a game before!

Rageanitus4568d ago

agreed... most of the popular games are on the PC and I can easily connect my gaming lappy to my TV with a single HDMI cable and then a controller if you really wanted to.

I have both the ps3 and xbox so I am not biased..... but its funny how console only players fail to acknowledge key advantages the PC has over consoles.

TreMillz4569d ago

Consoles have better games. Thats it. Shinier screens dont justify it. And the guy up there said BF3 was like an exclusive...yea thats why Dice is supporting the PS3 version more huh?.. Mods have been done on PS3. FPS is opinated as BF3 plays smooth on the PS3 at 30 FPS. When PC gets games like MGS4, God of War, Uncharted, LBP, Infamous, Halo, Gears of War, Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, etc then its superior. Claiming all the MMOs which you pay for btw and most turn out to be crap. Witcher 2 aint exclusive, Diablo 3 is just an announcement away, Then you got Starcraft, WoW and Star Wars.

decrypt4569d ago

What i find funny:

MGS 1,2,3- currently can be emulated on PC, Cant be played on most PS3s.

Gow 1,2- need to buy HD remake pack to be able to play on PS3, can be emulated on PC.

Halo- 1,2 on PC.

Gears of war- 1 on PC, PC gamers thought it was garbage, same as halo.

Good job combining all the exclusives of consoles against PC though :)

TreMillz4569d ago

What I find funny is that MGS 1,2,3 can be played on all PS3, Gow 1&2 can be played on PS3 remastered or not. You claim PC gamers think Gears and Halo is garbage yet they went crazy when they didnt announce the sequels for PC. PC may have more overall exclusives but 90% of them suck, are forgotten, or just plain fail.

StayStatic4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

As a side comment , they did release a PC version of metal gear solid, looked great and the control support was fantastic , used a microsoft sidewinder back in day lol :D

Behold Metal gear PC http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Check out the size of the old school boxes lol =D

STONEY44569d ago

I actually played MGS1 originally on PC because I didn't get a PS1 until a bit later. Played some on a friends PS1, liked it, saw the (HUGE) PC box one day at a store, snatched it up. In a short time, I knew I was playing one of the best games ever.

KeiserSosay47884569d ago

umm.....you forgot shooters which still have communities going strong 10 YEARS later ala CS. Name one console game that has a community that long. Oh wait, you guys dump more money on games for less content and a far worse online component. Put that on top of the fact that only a handful of games even stay active for 6 months after release.

Lord_Sloth4568d ago

Yes because we all know this flood of online FPS titles isn't stale at all... >___>

Seriously, PC games are boring as hell and since you have no bubbles, I win. XXXP

helghast1024569d ago

"please look at us, we're still relevant.. promise!"

absameen4569d ago

What I enjoy about consoles is the quick setup, low maintenance and ease of use. I personally am not interested in PC hardware and would view upgrading and tweaking a computer as a chore. But I do understand that a lot of people either enjoy this aspect or feel like it is a worthy sacrifice for perks such as better graphics and a very open platform.

Saryk4569d ago

That used to be true 10 years ago. Windows 7 OS is very user friendly and does not need constant tweeking. Matter of fact, I haven’t had a problem since the release of 7.

frostypants4569d ago

Windows 7 doesn't eliminate the need for constant hardware upgrades.

MarkusMcNugen4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )


What do you mean constant hardware upgrades? I built my computer myself 3 years ago, put maybe an hour or two into overclocking it afterwards and it still runs most new games on max settings.

Now that weve established that, what is wrong with being able to customize and upgrade your computer? You dont think millions of people would buy a new graphics card for their 360 or PS3 if they could?

Shackdaddy8364568d ago

@frosty You really don't need to constantly upgrade your parts. I upgrade maybe every six years and can usually play almost every game I want highest settings until then.

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Metal Gear Solid 5, Nearly After A Decade, Is Still A Timeless Classic

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SimpleSlave1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

No. But MGS5: Ground Zeroes might actually be one of the greatest Game Demo ever, if not the best.

-Foxtrot1h ago(Edited 1h ago)


Great stealth gameplay but the game was just average.

Bland open world that felt lifeless, the story felt shoehorned in, unfinished story etc. The whole thing was just average to me compared to the other main titled games.

I would have rather preferred it if they kept Ground Zeroes for the main game as the opening and the rest of the game turns into a Metal Gear 1 & 2 remake to bring things full circle.

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Like hell it is. That was the first time I became aware of being sold an unfinished game and was blown away about blind fanboys saying it was some perfect game.

Yea, the first few chapters were great until they do that thing halfway and make you replay all the missions again. Then little things like capturing animals but only seeing a JPEG unlike 3 where everything was modeled out. Areas were massive, desolate, and boring to look at.

Game was a massive let down for me and the potential was so high for it. Honestly, this was one of the most disappointing games I ever played. What’s worse is it starts off brilliant. You literally play through until you get to the point where you could tell they just stopped developing and then quickly used glue and construction paper to “finish” it and then sold it. Quite frankly, that’s insulting to consumers and fans.

Inverno28m ago

People have selective memory. This game had huge drama attached to it, what Konami did to Kojima and this game was horrible. Now they praise Konami cause they revived Silent Hill, even though SH looks half arsed too.

CrimsonWing6923m ago

I dunno if they’re getting much praise after the Silent Hill 2 debacle. Makes me scared sh*tless for the MGS 3 Remake…

JEECE1h ago

Yes and no. In many ways in was a great game; there's a very strong argument that it has the best gameplay of any MGS game, and that it is one of the more interesting open world "playgrounds" we have gotten, in terms of how the world operates. But as an MGS narrative, it is pretty far down the list, for many reasons.


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