
EA working on Army of Two sequel?

G4MERS: "EA is apparently working on a new Army of Two called Army of Four. The game will feature four-player co-op and is currently being developed on the Frostbite 2 game engine."

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Sidewinder-4559d ago

Army of Two Three

Sounds hideous and the other games looked arse.

Army_of_Darkness4559d ago

I just don't understand why EA is still holding on to this franchise?! Lol! No one really bothers to even look at it unless its in the bargin bin at Walmart

Drekken4559d ago

They messed up the sequel so bad it was worse than the original. They need to let it die.

ironfist924559d ago

Not let it die, but improve it and take it back to how the first one was.

ZippyZapper4559d ago

Stupid games but there is something about the gameplay I like.

FragGen4559d ago (Edited 4559d ago )

The Ao2 games are a blast with a buddy and some beers! Admittedly, I picked both of the first two up after they had been discounted, so I'm not sure if they are full price day one titles, but they're definitely fun titles if you play the co-op mode.


Visceral Montreal: CV Confirms New Army Of Two, Dead Space 3, Mystery Third Project

NowGamer: Rumoured sequels to Army of Two and Dead Space are being developed at EA's Montreal studio - as well as a mystery project - CV confirms.

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fastrez4413d ago

Another Army of Two? Is that really necessary?

SOD_Delta4413d ago

I liked the first Ao2. It was a fun co-op shooter that didn't take itself serious. As for the 40th day I didn't like that one. If the new one is more like the first sign me up!

Army_of_Darkness4413d ago

Dead space 3! :D Can't wait for it! Although, I really should finish the second dead space. Just waiting for the Guts to proceed I guess haha!

DA_SHREDDER4413d ago

This is good news, but I was hoping that they would be next gen launch titles :( I'm seriously done with this gen. Old tech is getting old.

vallencer4413d ago

Really? Because im honestly ok with not having to spend another 500-600 dollars on a system.

neutralgamer194413d ago

Did "Army of Two" even sell well enough for a sequel?

DevilishSix4413d ago

So is it a Visceral Game Studio or is it an EA studio? To me it makes a difference. I believe the first two Dead Space games were made out of the California Visceral studio under the EA umbrella, if it is not the same developers then it has failure written all over it and that would tick me off.

Rubberlegs4413d ago

EA Montreal worked on the Army of Two games. Visceral is still making the Dead Space games. Visceral is an EA studio, it used to be EA Redwood.

Raoh4413d ago

How does army of two which for the most part in the sense of popularity and sales continue to make releases without hate but sony titles get hate before their first games are released?

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How Army of Four Could Work

RA "It seems the deal has been sealed regarding Army of Four being a thing. Heck, if a voice actor tweeting he "signed on" to do Electronic Arts' new "AO4" video game isn't enough of a sign, I don't know what is. While some feel that Army of Two wasn't even deserving enough of a sequel, we are now on the verge of getting a third installment with Army of Four, a game said to have four-player co-op and runs on DICE's Battlefield 3 engine (and now Medal of Honor: Warfighter), Frostbite 2.0.

I am among the few who happened to enjoy Army of Two. As a lover of co-operative shooters, I was able to look past the shortcomings offered up in the original (only played a few hours of the sequel) and by doing so I found an extremely enjoyable game. The story sucked, sure, but as I played with my brother-in-law during an all-night session and we were constantly tricking and pimping out our guns, we didn't need a story. All we needed was an excuse to increase our bank and buy more equipment. Besides, not every shooter, or every game, for that matter, needs an engaging plot."

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slavish4462d ago

Make multiplayer a third person bf3 and i'll be happy :P

Major_Nelson4461d ago

How Army of Four Could Work

With 4 players

yokokoroma4461d ago

This, that was exactly my thoughts. Army of Four, will play just like Army of Two, with the addition of two extra players. Thus making an Army of Four, which will most like be played online, as I don't see EA being bold enough to do a 4 player offline split-screen.

rdgneoz34461d ago

It'll probably play similar to how Extraction Mode was in the 40th day. Also, it might do 2 player split screen on the same system with either AI for the other 2 or let you play online for 2 others.