
Tactics, Teamwork and Tough Choices in Rainbow 6: Patriots

How far would you go to save a life? To save lives? Would you sacrifice an innocent civilian to save a hundred more? Ubisoft's recently unveiled tactical shooter Rainbow 6: Patriots aims to tackle those tough (or at least, dramatic) questions. Last week, I headed down to Ubisoft's headquarters in San Francisco to get an early look at the game. While it's not yet in full production—it's slated for release in 2013—what I saw looked like a strong iteration on Rainbow Six: Vegas's tactical gameplay wrapped in a single-player campaign that just may present a new perpective on video game terrorism.

gypsygib4574d ago

Looks like Action-FPS games SP is FINALLY evolving.

If they added choice ala Heavy Rain it would be incredible.


The Analog Circle Podcast: Q&A Discussion With Developer Richard Rouse.

In this Q&A round table discussion I had the pleasure to speak with veteran developer Mr Richard Rouse not only about his upcoming project entitled The Church In The Darkness but also some previous projects that he worked on that include Rainbow 6 Patriots,Quantum Break,This is Vegas just to name a few. Remember if you want to leave feedback feel free to do so by calling the hotline at 443-216-9934,or email the show at [email protected] om

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iamnsuperman3650d ago

It looks pretty good. Shame they had to pad out the trailer with the ridiculous team chat. Should have just showed it for what it was because it would have carried some weight without it

Transporter473650d ago

I think it looks cool. If you ever played a game called "SWAT" its the same exact thing, I am not sure if Ubisoft copied the formula and pasted it for this Raibow Six game and they killed Rainbow Six Patriots...

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3649d ago

Ubisoft with another great E3...

Shape up looks really dope prolly the Only game that would make me want a X1 for .... deadass... Microsoft games just dont appeal to me idk y even though Phantom Dust did.. other then that nothing

Rainbow Six is awesome been waiting for this dam game to get re-announced...


Actually, the original Rainbow Six were not that different from this rescue mission either.

But to actually give the classic tactical shooters feel this will need some major bullet mechanics work and damage buff. Those bullet sponge moments were awful as well as how bad the hit detection seens to be... I know it's just pre-alpha, may very well had been rigged like that just for the E3 demo, but still this is primary concern for any tactical shooter so I hope they have that worked on.

gamertk4213649d ago

^^^this, but no worries, it is pre-alpha.

Peppino73649d ago

SO far this was my wow for the day! I loved the teamwork with the countdown timer. My new very anticipated game! I know its pre alpha but I really hope the graphics get a lot better because it didn't seem like it was in a wide area that graphics should suffer.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3649d ago
Kyosuke_Sanada3649d ago

I agree the stock voices were cringe-worthy at best. Let the game play do the talking......

Pandemic3650d ago

The destruction is just.. Awesome.


Yep, i noticed how awesome it is!

fenome3650d ago

Looks good, I like the concept and the destruction looks on point. Can't wait to see more on this one

Double_O_Revan3649d ago

That house was completely destroyed. Amazing

KTF263649d ago

it's pre-alpha footage
so don't expect it before 2016

Themba763650d ago

looks like i might have to give up battlefield and come back to rainbow six

Majin-vegeta3650d ago

Love me some G36C gameplay :3

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Optimism needed for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6: Patriots

Adnan Riaz discusses the Rainbow Six: Vegas series and how an optimistic outlook is needed for the next instalment in the Tom Clancy franchise

Rob Hornecker3709d ago

Please bring us the next rainbow 6 for the xb1 and ps4! I miss those countless hours that i have spent playing rsv 1 and 2.

supercpu3709d ago

i agree please bring to next gen . enjoyed rsv sooo much .

ScareFactor3709d ago

We need something from Ubisoft before i am optimistic about the game again. Rainbow six vegas was one if my favorite games last gen and it saddens me what has happened to the game