
IGN: Five Developers Microsoft Should Buy

It's always a big deal when a major videogames publisher cherry-picks another independent studio from the wild, and Microsoft is known for some of the biggest and most controversial purchases in the industry. It swiped Halo from under Apple's nose to make it a timed exclusive for its debut Xbox console, it bought Nintendo's golden boy Rareware, and it dished out megabucks for Lionhead, employing renowned designer Peter Molyneux as creative director of Microsoft Game Studios.

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Pikajew4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

IGN just got a whole lot more stupid
The only devs the MS should buy are the ones that make games for them mostly.

Grasshopper Manufacture makes multiplatform games mostly and they made more games on Sony and Nintendo systems than MS systems. So they will never go to MS

Insomniac Games only made Sony exclusives and is making their first multiplatform game they will never go to MS.

And if anyone gets Turtle Rock Studios it should be Valve

Whats next, IGN? Nintendo buys Epic and Sony buys Mojang?

Pacman3214557d ago

That would be epic if Nintendo buys Epic.

buddymagoo4557d ago

Knowing Microsofts past history with buying studios, I would hope they don't buy any.

ApplEaglElephant4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

If MS buys them, they will make exclusives for MS. cause ya know... MS will own them.

But we all know MS wont buy any hardcore studios. All the did was opposite. They gutted down studios. Canceled contracts. Bought Kinect studios. Converted studios to make kinect games.


SilentNegotiator4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )


"Double Fine Productions"
*Vomits in mouth*
They already took RARE and shoveled Xbox Live/online gameplay and Kinect down their throats...it would be horrifying if they did that again with DF.

"Insomniac Games"
.....right, because they're obviously dying to be tied down and completely done with independence after releasing all 0 games with EA so far. /s

"Turtle Rock Studios
Games: Counter-Strike Source, Left 4 Dead"
So, the guys who ported counter-strike to xbox1 and co-created L4D? That's not really much of a rap sheet to go out and buy them.

nveenio4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Microsoft can keep their grubby little paws off the devs as far as I'm concerned. They should stick to hardware and keeping Live in its prime. Good third-party developers will come naturally.

caseh4556d ago


That would be a horrible move if Nintendo owned Epic, not knocking Nintendo but their hardware hardly pushes the boundaries of technical superiority. Can you imagine what Gears would have looked like on the Wii, urgh!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
saladthieves4557d ago

Before shopping for any studios, they should put some of their studios to good use...I'm looking at you Rare.

coolbeans4557d ago

You should define the term "good use". When looking at sales figures, the Kinect Sports series has probably been Rare's most lucrative franchise since the N64 days. In terms of "hardcore aim" (if that makes any sense), I'd certainly like to see Banjo-Threeie :D.

BlmThug4557d ago

I would love another banjo game

princejb1344556d ago

i don't think well see another banjo game for a while, with the disappointing sales of the last one
if rare does make it they should go back to the roots, no need for a car

Rifkens4557d ago ShowReplies(2)
hqgamez4557d ago

If Nintendo got Epic. I would flip.
Reggie must of had a gun towards Epic's President.

Sony buying Mojang. I could see that, but doubt it.
If IGN was to post Sony buying Team Meat.
Then I would call IGN 100% PURE IGNorant! I'm currently at 90%

Pikajew4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

I lost the my little respect for them with this article.

enfestid4557d ago

Valve already bought Turtle Rock Studios. Didn't work out too well. They renamed them "Valve South" before closing them down and asking everyone to relocate to Seattle. Michael Booth then restarted Turtle Rock Studios back in California with some of the original staff (some moved to Seattle to continue working for Valve).

showtimefolks4557d ago

not gonna happen i have said the same thing many times but not these studios just some smaller studios and let them work on something for a few years, but each time i was told by xbox community which i am part of that MS is more than a game company they rather lock down dlc deals for millions than actually spend that money for their future consoles.

what MS has done with xbox360 is pure genius and success but i am not sure if next time around the fate wouldn't be a bit different. Early on MS's message was we are hardcore we know gaming and gamers but than MS became that we want to be in your living room while giving you halo,gears,forza etc every 2 years or so. Gears franchise if there are future games will be on all 3 HD consoles and maybe even VITA.

but what the heck do i know i am just a gamer

sony will buy QD next after their next game which won't be heavy rain 2

sony is letting a new studio work on SLY 4 so taht's now a 2nd party studio

and IGN thing is if insomniac fails with EA they would much rather go to sony than to MS

also ready at dawn studio should get to do a new IP for ps3 they have the talent

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
NYC_Gamer4557d ago

i'd rather them build up some new studios

Tanir4557d ago

yeah, MS has no games and the reason why is because they dont have any studios, they r retarded

Noticeably_FAT4557d ago

Microsoft has never had a ton of first party exclusives, but they have scaled back more this past year because I feel like they are all looking and developing for the next Xbox already.

Game13a13y4557d ago


Disccordia4556d ago

MS started about 5 new studios a while back. Probably won't see any output until next gen though

360ICE4557d ago

Amen, Lionhead is their super studio!? Trying to go up against Nintendo EAD and Naughty Dog with eccentric Peter Molyneux is like going up against James Cameron with Tim Burton.

thehitman4557d ago

Yea exactly MS needs their own team(s) developing 3-4 games at a time dedicated to Xbox if they want to have a fighting chance next-gen. Even though they gave Sony a run for their money this gen Sony didnt stray from their gameplan they released lots of new AAA titles and acquired new studios at the same time increasing their porfolio. Now that Nintendo even looks like they want a piece of the 3rd party Pie MS are going to have an even harder time justifying their console purchase. XBL I think wont cut it anymore because I know Sony will bring their A game when it comes to online for the next playstation.

saladthieves4557d ago

They already have started to bring their A game, with especially the PS Vita.

I've been a PS+ user since it came out, and I can honestly say that it is pretty awesome. I've had to download lots of stuff at amazing discounts, and so much more, for free. I get so much bang for my buck, sometimes I feel that they are just throwing away stuff for free.

On the other hand Xbox Live compared to PS+ feels like it is not worth the price. It costs more but offers me far less. I've never had a free game, or content on Xbox Live, let alone EVERY MONTH. Microsoft would never make it happen, yet my PS3 is just piling up with them.

The only reason I pay for Xbox Live is to play online. Make playing online free and I'll cancel my gold subscription in a heartbeat, and I'm sure millions others would instantly.

So in terms of Sony being ready for next gen online, I say they've started already, especially if you look at the connectivity prowess included in the PS Vita.

moparful994556d ago

People try to play it off like xbox live is miles ahead of psn in terms of features, usability, and connectivity and honestly besides a few networking features and cosmetic differences xbox live and psn are dead even where it matters and thats playing games.. xbox live has x-game chat psn is free.. They are dead even.. Given the fact that the ps3's AAA exclusive portfolio is outpacing microsoft's by a large margin the only thing driving people to the 360 is the networking effect.. "My friends all play on the 360 so I want one"

beastgamer4557d ago

M$ been doing it wrong.
They invest in 3rd Party spending $$$ all day long. Who knows how much they pay Activison for 30 days dlc and each ad has their logo. If they paid Rockstar 50 million, who knows. For a greed copy and paste game that break records each year, Bobby must want some $$$ meaning 9digits figures.

I know MS had Bungie which are great developers, but Bungie left MS in 07, I guess they weren't having all the Hoopla.
I kind of feel Sorry for Turn 10 its like MS doesn't care about them, they just want them to beat Gran Turismo

saladthieves4557d ago

The problem with Microsoft is that they are relying on techniques, though proven to work, just happen to be short term solutions.

They are paying DLC exclusivity for 30 days, just so that their base can be the first to get it. This exclusivity isn't even for like a year, just 30 days! Their heavy reliance on mullti-plats is a problem they need to solve.

They could for example launch next gen and find that they have a very little list of exclusive games to go along with the platform. If they think that people will flock to their next Xbox because of their brand name instead of exclusive games then they could be very mistaken. Sony tried the same this gen and we all know how that turned out.

What they should be doing is building up a solid portfolio of exclusive list of games ready to launch for next gen. Kinect is all good and nice, but it shouldn't be their focus. Nintendo already proved that you can only ride the casual market for so long, until they get bored and move to something else (iPads, iPhones etc).

Sony learned from their mistake, and look at how many studios they now own, or the ones producing exclusive content solely for them. It's clear to them that they know a platform is as good as dead if it doesn't have games to play it on. They know what matters to gamers, the games.

DiRtY4557d ago

They opened three studios 6 months ago.

MS Soho
MS Vancouver
MS Family

gg no re.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
theunleashed644557d ago

insomniac like their independence if they didn't want to be acquired by sony they certainly won't likely want to be bought up by microsoft.

The Meerkat4557d ago

They should have gone for Bioware.

Swiggins4557d ago

Probably would've been a better choice than Insomniac.

Ulf4557d ago

EA owns Bioware, and MS wouldn't be able to buy EA without a major stock revolt.

John Kratos4557d ago

@Ulf He meant when Microsoft was publishing Bioware's games.

Alos884557d ago

A big no to the first three, I don't care about the others.

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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk771d 2h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE23h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware73023h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor20h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos20h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor19h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos19h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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More Job Losses At Xbox, “There’s More To Come”: Paul Thurrott

Paul Thurrott in a recent episode commented on the on-going Microsoft fiasco hinting at more job losses and that "there's more to come".

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Sonic18813d ago (Edited 3d ago )

There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future . Xbox has to pay Microsoft back. It might take two decades to do that.

sagapo3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I don’t understand what you’re saying. Xbox IS microsoft so there’s no “paying back “.
And MS gross profit in 2023 was over 140 billion dollars so forget your 2 decades.

Unless you mean the money MS invested in Xbox (acquisitions included) and the time it will take for xbox as a brand to gain that money back on it’s own, then yeah, that could take a while.

romulus232d ago

The better term to use might be return on investment, xbox is simply a division of Microsoft one that MS can easily do away with if profit margins are not met. So in that regard he's right, if xbox isn't showing the expected return on investment the higher ups are expecting than it's unlikely Microsoft will acquire any other studios any time soon, especially if they are spending billions buying developers just to shut them down in the end.

MrBaskerville2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Xbox is a division that they discussed shutting down but doubled down on after Gamepass was pitched.

It needs to make money at some point. Big money.

rokos2d ago

According to Statista the net income of Microsoft is about $72.4 billion dollars which is a bit lower than last year profit. That is almost as much as Activision's acquisition but I assume that would be a one off since it costs so much plus I see how their focus has been shifted to AI, thus any major future investments will probably be in that area.

Markusb332d ago

i think you are really missing the point

VariantAEC1d 21h ago

That is not why MS buys studios. They might continue to buy because it's about taking that sweet sweet IP out of the corporate husks of their acquisitions.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 21h ago
SonyStyled2d ago

“There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future”

No bro, there do be is for Microsoft not acquiring for what is now if not what it be is 😂

2d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies2d ago

Xbox isn’t a separate company from Microsoft. It’s all Microsoft.

Abear212d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Let’s be real, this is the media spinning all the acquisitions and liquidations of said developers and spinning it to make M$ the villain.

This was bound to happen, a bigger slice of pie and cut costs, when the games come they stand to make more and that’s their agenda—it was the writing on the wall when the sales went through and legally all those who approved the sale and mergers knew this would happen.

Snowflakes need to realize business is ugly and you can cry all you want but this is how capitalism works. And it works.

That said, M$ needs to steer the narrative and grab hold of all this, make their plans known, hype the hell out of all those dead IP’s they plan to revive, and be honest about the timeline. This is likely to involve mobile and IP on other consoles, and most people realize that.

The problem is this company is incapable of being transparent and seems to often want to dissuade and confuse is customer base. The lack of E3 has hurt Microsoft and I don’t think they know how to properly or effectively market their brand anymore.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 21h ago
jwillj2k43d ago

There really needs to be a class action lawsuit here. You buy these companies just to put people out of jobs. And it’s not like something happened to derail their plans this WAS the plan. Microsoft has no business in this space at all.

franwex3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Microsoft has been doing this for years. They simply want the IPs. Look at Nokia. Look at Skype. This time it simply expanded to games. Gaming is not as important to Microsoft’s executives as it was to the founders too. Bill Gates was willing to sell the og Xbox at a loss. Steve Balmer approved the red ring of death fiasco. This CEO isn’t really a gamer.

-Foxtrot3d ago

Maybe it's time though to put a stop to it and use a big giant like Microsoft as a huge example to the rest of these big companies.

There has to be a line drawn somewhere.

People like the FTC and the like went against Microsoft yet their Actvision deal was still allowed to go through yet look what's happened...it's not even Acitivisions studios aswell, it's Bethesdas.

VariantAEC1d 21h ago


Try several decades, and in the gaming space 2.3 decades.

Jon615862d ago

You do realize this happens in ALL industries? Or are you just saying this because it is Microsoft? In any case I feel for those that are being let go but the trch industry is suffering right now.

jwillj2k42d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This absolutely does NOT happen all the time. Let me know the last time 1 company with a terrible product track record spent 100 billion onto acquire MULTIPLE successful companies in under a year only to shut them down and stop making their products regardless of how successful they were. Not merge them, completely shut them down.

And you can’t use Microsoft in your example.

Notellin2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Class action lawsuit? The law is on their side and protects them at all costs. There are no rules to protect the people at the bottom.

jwillj2k42d ago

Not true when it comes to mass layoff do your research.

RNTody3d ago

Ninja Theory, Perfect Dark, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Wolfenstein 3, Dishonored, Prey, Doom, Quake... something tells me that bad things are going to happen to these entities under Microsoft.

MrDead2d ago

ID software, the makers of Doom and Wolfenstein that have been with us since 1991 could be gone and MS will keep the IPs.

I hope some of these studios can buy their freedom from MS otherwise this is going to be even more devastating for the industry and gamers.

Yui_Suzumiya2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

That's exactly what I'm worried about. I've been a fan of id since Wolfenstein 3D and I'm honestly afraid.

lodossrage2d ago

Toys for Bob saw the writing on the wall and bought themselves out.

Wouldn't be the first time a company did that under MS either. Bungie and Twisted Pixel did the same. Considering what just happened, I can see some other devs trying to buy themselves out too.

anast3d ago

Good thing the bosses of all those small studios made their money.

glenn19793d ago

they cant do it right now they will get burned

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Phil and his team need to be gone

lodossrage2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Won't make a difference.

The whole structure needs to be overhauled. Anyone that replaces Phil will be no different than him, Mattrick, or anyone else.

Until the company changes how they go about business, nothing will change

glenn19792d ago

I just don't have any idea what they would do , they have done sooo much damage on their xbox brand, they have a show at July or June I think, but will it even matter even they show amazing games, idkn

lodossrage2d ago


But they may as well get it over with. Whether it happens now or later, the burning is going to hit the same.

Reality is the ONE move that can alleviate a lot of this is the one move they can't make. Remove day 1 from gamepass.

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Microsoft Opening Xbox Mobile Game Store in July

The Xbox brand is expanding, as an Xbox mobile game store is opening this coming July where Microsoft will brings its "first-party portfolio."

Jin_Sakai4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

“Bond adds that they will start on the web”

This will go nowhere.

Nice knowing you Xbox. This is what happens when the house never gets cleaned.

MrDead4d ago

The only this MS is expanding is the amount of feculence it sprays on everyone who just want to enjoy gaming and make games.

The best thing MS can do for the gaming industry is leave and never return.

XiNatsuDragnel4d ago

Good luck with this even it might not succeed.

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