
Skyrim, or How Not to Make a PC Game

Gamasutra: After spending a couple of hours with the game, there's no other way for me to say it: Skyrim is one of the worst PC ports I have ever had the displeasure of playing. Though many issues will likely be fixed and improved as time goes on, and undoubtedly mods by more enterprising gamers will help additional problems, the release state of Skyrim is, frankly, inexcusable. "Appalling" is not a word I use too lightly to describe a game, but it's the only one that fits here.

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MAJ0R4573d ago

yes it is, luckily Bethesda's games on PC aren't made by them but rather the community

Winter47th4573d ago

You shoulda got it for the consoles. On the PC you'll have to wait for a year at least until there's a decent mod among the plathora of nude & hintai mods that are infesting the community, as usual.

FEARprototype4573d ago

its hentai by the way, just saying^^

decrypt4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )


Dont know what you are on about, the PC version is clearly superior to the console counterparts and can even be had cheaper.

Benchmarks prove you dont need a high end rig to play the game just like any other console port.


Most mid range hardware is running the game at 1080p 60fps.

Quote from tomshardware.com:

"The good news is that you don’t need an uber-rig to enjoy the game. A 2.5+ GHz Phenom II matched up to a Radeon HD 5770 or GeForce GTX 550 Ti is enough to enjoy at least 40 FPS using high-quality details at 1080p, even with FXAA enabled to help smooth out the bothersome aliasing artifacts. "

Funny people seem to disagree with links from a reputable site like tomshardware.com

T9004573d ago

About 250,000 concurrent users are online on Steam playing Skyrim, which means the game has probably sold very well on the PC.

If there were issues with the game the forums would have been full of complaints, I dont see that happening.

Imo PC is the definetive version for the game, specially with the truckloads of mods coming up.

bozebo4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

"the forums would have been full of complaints"

er... the steam forums are full of complaints.

Personally, I only see a few console-port flaws:
- Mouse accelleration is forced on and has to be turned off in the ini
- vsync is forced on and has to be turned off in the ini
- vertical mouse sensitivity seems to be decided by the frame rate :S (what the hell kind of programming!?)
- menu is clearly designed for controllers

So... all input method issues (vsync causing severe input lag for some people - there should ALWAYS be an option to disable it in the game menus).

All in all, I would say its actually a very good port. Even BF3 has some "console port" flaws, such as the inability to properly customise mouse sensitivities for vehicles and the bipod forcing use of the same button as ADS when I have 108 keys and 7 mouse buttons to make use of... for PC being the "lead" platform according to DICE for BF3, Bethesda have done well.

Oh also, the graphics on the PC version can instantly be improved in the ini in ways that aren't in the menu. (self shadowing on trees, rocks projecting shadows, richer water reflections, greater LoD). That should probably be in the menu, or maybe they didn't test those effects on enough setups to trust noobs with enabling them and complaining that there are artifacts or something.

Anyway... a few little tweaks to Skyrim and it's golden for 200+ hours :D

Performance wise, it seems to be a bit up and down but from what I hear it's like that on consoles too so it's not a "port" problem.

Abriael4573d ago

While on console you won't get that decent mod at all. Yeah, good idea. LOL.

TheGameFoxJTV4573d ago

I only had ne problem with Skyrim on PC, it was the UI, but I fixed that by plugging in my PS3 controller, and bam. UI navigatable.

aquamala4573d ago

Why would anyone with a gaming pc get this on a console and play in 720p lol

sphinct4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

"Whiny bitch" isn't a word I use too lightly to describe a game article, but it's the only one that fits here.

Really though, having spent more than ten hours on both thec@ console and PC versions, the level of glitches and bugs has been basically identical. (Me on PC, my brother on console.)

I'm calling hit whore article. No,really though.

zero_gamer4573d ago

"On the PC you'll have to wait for a year at least until there's a decent mod among the plathora of nude & hintai mods that are infesting the community, as usual"

And on consoles you have to wait for, well, the day you'll finally realize you cannot get any community-built mods on a console at all, as usual.

mynameisEvil4573d ago

It'll take a few DAYS to get a decent mod, mein freund.

And, knowing DARN, that UI will be a bit better reeaaall soon.

GrumpyVeteran4573d ago

yeah FEARprototype, you'd definitely be the one to know how to spell hentai roflmfao crazy tenctacle loving octupus crazy person

pain777pas4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

I beg to differ. I was just unimpressed with the visuals in the game especially after UC3 and the like. The game on PC should have been pushed to the max. However, the game itself is amazing. I started playing on PC 11am this morning and just stopped to eat a half hour ago. Really immersive and better than Oblivion in every way in my honest opinion. From crafting, spells and leveling everything is at your finger tips and the map is humongous. I am in awe at the team at Bethesda on that front. This is a game worth the price of admission. I just plugged in a wire 360 controller toggled sensitivity and I have had almost no issues with the game at all. I am surprised I have the game running at 1080 with four samples AA everything on high and ultra and I am still not blown away visually BUT the game is awesome and is a must for any RPG fan. Here is the MAJOR problem I have though with this game. YOU CANNOT PLAY WITHOUT AN INTERNET CONNECTION. Seriously Bethesda? I do not understand why they are connected with steam for achievements and stuff the disc is for naught and if you don't have a connection to the internet for any reason you cant play the game. I tried offline Steam mode and no you cannot play the game. This forces you to get the console version in a sense which I will just for comparison sake. Probably game of the year edition for the consoles at some point. My goodness that is the biggest problem with the game to me right now. I just do not understand.

ThanatosDMC4573d ago

I'm playing on the PC and I don't see any problems. Just choose the default settings which was high but if you tweak anymore of the distance fading of objects or actors, stuff start disappearing from the game like textures, magic, webs, etc.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4573d ago
kaveti66164573d ago

That's one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

Bethesda makes the modding tools. They made the engine, they made the game, they designed the missions.

The modders, while I appreciate them, do not make the games. They just refine them.

And secondly, Skyrim is NOT a PC game.

Yes, Bethesda followed the money. They took the lazy way out. Nobody appreciates them for that. But the fact is that Skyrim is not a PC game. It's a console game first and a PC port second.

Most people are not happy about this, but this is a business. If Microsoft offered Bethesda a ton of cash upfront to do this, then what could possibly persuade a business to refuse?

Imalwaysright4573d ago

"followed the money" Can you blame them? This is a business. Its not their fault that "budget" gamers buy MORE games than PC gamers!

kaveti66164572d ago

I wasn't blaming them. I was somewhat defending them, actually.

Although they did follow the money, they didn't betray PC gamers outright. They're still taking the time to develop the modding tools for the PC community to spend the next few years making Skyrim better than it is now.

Gamer19824573d ago

The problem with the game is I have to play on low settings and the game looks TERRIBLE. I can play crysis 2 on medium settings which looks great even on medium. I have a powerful PC I can play Crysis 2 with some stuff one high aswell so why can't I play this on the same kind of settings? PC developing is getting lazier by the year the proof is in the pudding.

Console games look better than launch sure but the leaps not AMAZING since launch of 360 and PS3 yet I still need to constantly upgrade my PC to keep up with the games my now 5 year old console can play and make look that damn good? Consoles shouldnt be able to match PCs anymore yet they can because of bad developing.

Ravenor4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

From your comment below:
"I play on 8800GT 3.6ghz dual core cpu and 8gb RAM"

The 8800GT is your problem, do you really expect a Low-mid end card to run games maxed out still? On top of it's original designation as a low-mid end part it's 4 years old.

Your comparison between Skyrim and Crysis 2 is also far more broken then any Bethesda game. They are two games doing VERY different things, like one being open world and the other being a linear shooter.

MarkusMcNugen4573d ago

Yeah, the 8800GT is definitely your problem. I have a 4870 overclocked on a Core 2 Duo overclocked to 4.5GHz and 4 GB of 1333 DDR3 and I can play the game above high settings and get a consistent 40-60 FPS. Hell, its even playable with 8x FXAA on, just have to watch out for the running water...

All it takes is a half-way decent video card and you can play this game on high settings easy. Looks a hell of a lot better than my bros 360 version too.

tee_bag2424573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

Shame for the dude who wrote the post.
Iv been playing the PC version with a 360 pad for about 20 hours already! I'v found it about demanding as Crysis 2. No complaints here - Its absolutely gorgeous and I have not seen one bug yet! Im getting 62 fps peaks 40 fps drops on Ultra settings 720p AAx2 - Big deal!

Small complaint the hotkeys are disruptive, I wish it was more like oblivion.

The visuals are so polished, they are breathtaking and on a such a awe inspiring scale I'm convinced making such a game surely doubles as art.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4572d ago
xztence4573d ago

this article makes valid points.
honestly it's bethesda... what did you expect?

MarkusMcNugen4573d ago

Im quite happy with the game honestly. The hotkeys/mouse support is kind of annoying. Having to use the keyboard to select menu options gets tedious, and I did run into a game stopping bug... but I found the workaround for it.

Other than that the game runs great and hasnt given me any hickups. Although I do wish it would show me my level progression when I kill something or complete a quest...

tee_bag2424573d ago

If your trying to imply Bethesda always disappoint, I'd be really interested to know which developers you consider to be delivering to your satisfaction.

aPerson4573d ago

Glad to know it's not my PC causing the game to run at 20 FPS. For shame, Bethesda.

Abriael4573d ago

looks like it is, since mine runs easily between 45 and 60, and it isn't even top of the line. Time to upgrade.

aPerson4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

I knew some asshat would write that. Well done.

My computer is brand spankin' new and plays Crysis 2 on max settings. Y'know, that's kinda why I purchased Skyrim for PC in the first place?

dougr4573d ago

i5 2500k
GTX 570
16 GB Ram

I play this game on ultra at 1080p at a consistent 60 FPS due to vertical sync. So either something is wrong with your computer or something is screwy if you bought AMD parts, because I have a decent mid to high range system and it runs the game flawlessly.

Gamer19824573d ago

I play on 8800GT 3.6ghz dual core cpu and 8gb RAM and it will only run good on low settings. Crysis 2 runs lovely on it. How can one look so great and one look bad using the same power available? Easy.. Bad developing.

MRMagoo1234573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

Im not sure how good my pc i bought some bits and put it together its got (reading from my Dxdiag thingy)

.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560

.AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor, MMX, 3DNow (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

. DDR3 4gb RAM

With this setup the game runs on ultra settings and i have yet to get any slow down at all so i suspect its the pc you have and not the game.

MarkusMcNugen4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

Core 2 Duo [email protected]
4GB DDR3-1333
4870 OC

Runs as smooth as butter. Slightly above high settings with 8x FXAA and higher than average draw distances for the high setting. 40-60 FPS average.

Gamer1982, your just running the game with a low end graphics card. My 4870 has been running games nearly maxed for about 4 years now. They arent even expensive anymore. Go get one, or a better card and see if you still complain that its the developers...

RedDragan4573d ago

Your brand spanking new PC sucks then, aPerson. You wasted your money, I think you have been cheated.

My PC rarely drops down below below 90fps with all the .INI file improvements bolted on.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4573d ago
TheGameFoxJTV4573d ago

Same, I have a 260GTX, and it runs without a stutter for me. So many whiny bitches now days. This isn't even on of those game you can complain about, sure, it may be a console port, but it will be SO MUCH MORE than that soon. Even if it is a console port, the game as it is is amazing.

zero_gamer4573d ago

Quite frankly I think some console ports look and play better than some of the PC-lead titles out there, and even better than the lead console versions. Console port =/= bad game. Yes it is understandable "console port" has been given a bad reputation because they can be a hit or miss nature but with Bethesda they're not bad.

On PC Gamer and forums worldwide you see many comments crying over the fact it is a console port. I am getting sick of the complaining myself, considering Bethesda has done console development since Oblivion and Fallout 3. Both games play better on PC.

Jormungandr4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

my computer is 4 years old, has a core 2 duo (1.8ghz) and ddr2 ram... the only thing upgraded about it is that its got a Radeon HD 5850 video card

And i am running the game on max settings, 1080p, self shadows for rocks and trees turned on. Just did the siege of whiterun... not a single visible hickup.

If you cant run this game without problems then your computer is ether ancient or there is something wrong with it. Or your trying to play a game on an integrated graphics chip... but I'm trying to give you more credit than that.

Angels37854573d ago

I can guarantee from personal experience that it is not his PC. The game seems to not like newer hardware for some reason. For example I have an AMD 1090T, HD 6970 2GB, 8GB RAM. and I'm getting 20-30 fps (even dipping into the TEENS sometimes). EVery other game I have works I and do EVERYTHING necessary to maintain my PC (I'm not a noob at this stuff). Don't go saying that other people are lying just because you personally aren't having an issues. Yes Skyrim is great from the few playable hours I have had with it, but some users are experiencing legitimate issues that SERIOUSLY need to be addressed............SOON.

TheGameFoxJTV4573d ago

Always go Nvidia, less problems with drivers. It seems every other game has a problem with AYI's terrible drivers.

limewax4573d ago

Yeah thats actually AMD to blame, My GTX 580 is not struggling at all and they are fairly recent cards

Angels37854573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

Heres the thing though I have a friend who is getting similar performance to me and he has an GTX560ti with an i7 processor, 4GB ram. I dont think drivers are the issue especially since my friend who has an HD 6870 is getting near perfect performance with the same drivers as me. I think it may be a DUAL GPU thing that is causing the problem as HD5970 users are experiencing similar issues. SERIOUSLY KEEP THE BRAND FANBOYISM AWAY. Yes ATI has bad drivers SOMETIMES, but not anytime recently. Plus this is not exclusively an ATI issue.

limewax4573d ago

Not brand Fanboyism here, To actually specify the issue directly, Nvidia released drivers the day before Skyrim launched, SLI profiling was included. Currently there is no driver for AMD supporting crossfire. So yes your mostly correct about it being a dual GPU issue. However I noticed that when testing an area where I get 30FPS for no explainable reason, My single GPU was only getting 50% usage. So there are two issues playing at hand. One for lack of crossfire support. One bug of the games fault

dougr4573d ago

I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy what-so-ever, I just go with what works best and my Intel/Nvidia system is light years more reliable than my AMD/ATI system was, so going the budget direction is no longer a concern for me, because I want rock solid performance which is what Intel/Nvidia seems to provide.

bozebo4573d ago

I have a 280GTX in my system and it can run the game fine most of the time. But there were a few points where the fps dropped to 20-30 for no reason at all (nothing graphically intensive going on) but after pausing and unpausing the frame rate instantly goes back to normal (80-90).

Though to be honest, I have seen far more inconsistent frame rates in plenty of other games.

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dougr4573d ago (Edited 4573d ago )

wrong spot

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icecoldfire4573d ago

i have already the patches and mods 2 fix the problems so its not an issue for me

pr0digyZA4573d ago

Wow I havn't experienced issues like this guy has, I don't even use the favourites menu I just assign equipment to my numbers on keyboard (like a shooter). I have had no framerate drops even with 1x 560ti on ultra. Also buying selling has never been an issue. The only thing I can think of is that the patch improved all of that.

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I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

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anast46d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22946d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko46d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way


The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave46d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan46d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.
